Cats Can Make Over 100 Different Sounds: While dogs can only make about 10, cats are incredibly vocal, able to produce over 100 different sounds, from meows to purrs to chirps.
Cats Have Whiskers on Their Legs: Cats use their whiskers not only on their faces but also on their legs and paws to help them navigate spaces, especially in the dark.
They Can "Chatter" at Birds: Cats sometimes make a strange "chattering" or "chirping" noise when they see birds. This is believed to be a mix of excitement and frustration.
A Cat's Nose is Unique: Much like human fingerprints, no two cat noses are alike. Each cat has a unique noseprint.
They Can Rotate Their Ears 180 Degrees: A cat's ears can turn completely backward, allowing them to detect sounds from every direction, which is why they’re such great hunters.
Cats Sleep for 70% of Their Lives: Cats spend a huge portion of their lives asleep, often snoozing anywhere between 12-16 hours per day.
They Can Jump Up to 6 Times Their Body Length: Cats are natural jumpers, able to leap as high as six times their body length in a single bound.
The "Kneading" Behavior: Cats often knead with their paws on soft surfaces like blankets or your lap. This is a leftover behavior from kittenhood, where they kneaded their mother’s belly to stimulate milk flow.
Cats Have Three Eyelids: In addition to the upper and lower eyelids, cats have a third eyelid, called the “haw,” which helps protect their eyes.
Cats Don’t Like Water, but They Can Swim: While most cats hate being in water, they have the ability to swim if necessary. Their fur acts like insulation to keep them warm while in water.