Hi Scott. JM Talboo here. Can I still get that 9/11 dust back, sir? Or did you test it or sniff it or something? :-P The WTC Dust Saga of Deceit and Betrayal, Which Proves 9/11 Truthers Aren't Just Chasing Our Tails... Now Let's Tell Some Jokes Because at Least There is Still Laughter in Hell! "Quick" Recap: Scotty boy was certain the nanothermite proponents were covering up the use of conventional explosives being used on 9/11. He said he only needed just a wee tiny bit of dust to conduct such tests, like literally just a few grains he said would do, if memory serves. So, at my request Chemical Engineer Mark Basile provided a handful of full vials/test tubes of WTC dust. More than enough in any case, even if my memory has been deflated. The amount of dust provided was more than demanded so snidely by Cretin. Scott then moved the goalposts and said he couldn't verify the dust was legit, even though WTC dust is very unique with a distinct chemistry fingerprint. Mark and his equally highly credentialed peers were certain this dust was more legit than MC Hammer. If I'm lying throw me in the slammer! If corny is a crime I'm the spotlight hogging ham, sir!
Holy shit. Been a decade or so since I heard from you.
First, as I told you way back when, cant do tests on samples unless you can provide certified chain of custody documents on the samples. They are useless without them. Which you never provided.
Second... Like I said before, a decade ago, you want them, I will return them to you, unopened, exactly as you sent them to me. Still have them. Send me your email via link below and I will do that this week.
third... for the record... Mr. Talboo here ran a website dedicated to attacking my work back in the day. Its still up now. Mine got shut down by WordPress. Draw your own conclusions. Still have those 'samples' you sent me. Want them back? Send me address.
You're a funny guy. Still making your accusations about me just as you did from day one. My site was dedicated to you!?!? HA! Two posts out of nearly 5,000. That's some crazy dedication right there. I've been censored more than my fair share there guy. At least 7 YT channels taken down. SpookyWeather blog that I contribute to removed. Blog posts taken down on the 9/11 site more and more often as of late. Letters from lawyers forcing me to remove Sandy Hook material. Countless Tik Tok channels and videos removed. Booted from Twitter. Shadow banned and prevented from sharing a handful of my sites on Facebook, including my podcast, even in private messages. Perhaps my legal and medical disclaimers help? Perhaps you were garnering more negative attention, as your site was vastly more popular than any of mine I'm fairly certain. I never wrote for Infowars like you, only one post republished by them and now memory holed. Blogger has faired a bit better in general than Wordpress from what I understand. I could go on, but there's no point. Here's where you can send the samples back to: JM Talboo 51 Romain Rd, Pulaski, PA 16143 Thanks! PS I suppose your email was broke the numerous times I already made this request of you. Left a handful of public comments on your WP site as well. In any event, you have the address. Upon receiving them I will make it publicly known that you finally kept your word. My email is the same just in case: jmtalboo@gmail.com PSS I did provide documentation to you and the main source has never been in question to anybody I know but you. NM the unique chemical signature of WTC dust. Take care. Peace! ... As you my dear readers can plainly see, I'm not hiding in the shadows or being unfair with Scott. I'm just fed up with broken promises and am finally dishing out the same treatment he has always given me and a great many other truth advocates, including many at ae911truth.org and the Journal of 9/11 Studies. I was fair in my initial criticisms of him, especially given his extremely cantankerous nature. I then very nicely allowed him to retort and was a good sport about it, making updates to my posts to reflect his replies and even my warming up to his position. Most importantly, I listened to him while Gregg Roberts and Jim Hoffman of 911research.wtc7.net warned me that he was almost certainly a paid disinfo agent provocateur. Despite this, I gave him the benefit of the doubt and in a huge show of faith and unearned resect procured him the evidence he purportedly was so desperate for. My reward was again being called a disinformation artist via a phone conversation, at which point I performed some not so loving and peaceful acapella hip hop for him as any good shill is known to do. Most government ops master the art of passionate rapping skills as the ultimate ruse, so I've heard. lol The final kick in the nuts of a reward from him was suddenly ghosting me the moment I requested the material results of my good graces be returned to me. And now here we are. The main difference between us, is that I'm being straight up with you all and him, while he is at the very least, being a diluted, narcissistic, paranoid, absent minded fool. OR perhaps he's a lying, backstabbing, divisive, incendiary, government made finely molded tool. Sharp as a marble with the tricks he tries to pull. But that determination I'll leave entirely up to you, real truthers, who are no fools! JM Talboo - Activist, Researcher, Blogger, Paranormal Investigator, Podcaster, Documentary Film Maker, Musician, More... https://mindtreasury.blogspot.com/2019/10/jm-talboo-activist-blogger-paranormal.html
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