Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Roku Censored for No Good Reason, but the Fight for Free Speech Continues!


Free Speech Northwest

What is Free Speech Northwest? We will say whatever we want whenever we want and no one will stop us! We will advocate for the Constitution, rights, freedom, liberty, and morality.

There is also the News & FREE SPEECH channel option...


Our country is in a steep decline because the watchdogs in the Media have chosen sides. News is suppose to be impartial, no bias. But that is far from the Truth Today. We The People can turn this around, by using mediums like Roku and other streaming sources. Youtube/Google and Microsoft have started to sensor and are destroying Free Speech. Free Speech is essential to our Republic and it was meant to offend. The Constitution does not protect your Feelings. If we continue down this politically correct road our Nation will disintegrate into the Dustbin of History

The way we understand events in the world and in our lives is often through story-telling. Another way to refer to story-telling is to call it narrative. Notice that we refer to news items as news stories. Most news is presented in words, photos and videos as stories or narratives because that’s one of the best ways news people such as reporters and gatekeepers know how to explain what’s happening around us, and it’s also one of the best ways we as a culture can understand the things happening around us. It’s not always an accurate way to understand, but it’s very effective.  

By sweeping big issues under the rug and being incapable of listening to another persons point of view, is Called Intolerant. Pretending that we are diverse, yet you can't think differently from the other side politically, Who's the Fascists?

Roku Quickly Bows to Censorship Loving Outrage Mobs Re: Infowars - ALEX JONES Deplatformed from ROKU

Infowars can still be found on the Roku channel dedicated to free speech called Grokall...

Free Speech TV, however, ironically comes from the now nearly universally politically hyper-partisan left side of the aisle doing all the censorship!

Similarly, the Trump News network channel is anti-Trump and the Conspiracy Theories channel (currently dysfunctional) features content warning against the dangers of conspiracy theories. Bait and switch BS essentially. 

In any event, it's nice to see that the attempts of the authoritarians to silence opposition they cannot refute are to no avail. The "cut out the tongue and the debate is done" strategy is now and will continue to exponentially backfire on these liars. The adage that you can kill a man, but ideas are bulletproof is proving true to the certain dismay of the Orwellian dystopia loving leftists.


Alex Jones in the News Again for Sandy Hook Lawsuits - What Exactly Did He Say FOR REAL NO SPIN and Why is Free Speech Never Brought Up? - Jones Has Been Targeted for What He Gets Right Not Something He May Have Got Wrong

Analyzing the official story of an historical event and considering the political impact of it, even if that means offending people involved, is not a crime. It's exercising free speech and just plain smart if one knows their history concerning government corruption and proven conspiracies.

These 33 conspiracy theories turned out to be true and here are 42 admitted false flag attacks. Source:

Sorry, I always question whether people's indignation is healthy when others question if people actually died in an event. Seeing as how our government actually put these phrases in a document...

"Casualty lists in US newspapers would cause a helpful wave of national indignation."
"Conduct funerals for mock-victims"