Sunday, August 25, 2019

Magic path current challenge: The world from a different angle

We are used to see the world from our height, where everything in the human world is trying to trap your eye. During the day don't look right in front of you, look up or down. Probably, you will just see the sky or grass, that's not bad. But you can also see something more extraordinary. Another series was distance and cloud gazing. In both, the effort of gazers was to let their second attention go to the place they were gazing at. Thus, they covered great distances or rode on clouds. In the case of cloud gazing, the Nagual never permitted them to gaze at thunderheads. He told them that they had to be formless before they could attempt that feat, and that they could not only ride on a thunderhead but on a thunderbolt itself. C.Castaneda "The Second Ring of Power" Type: stopping the internal dialogue, not doing Difficulty: low