Friday, August 10, 2018

Thoughts on Dinesh D'Souza's Film Death of a Nation...

So, the film does make a compelling case that Hitler was a leftist socialist and that fascists in general are leftists and socialists. The argument is made that Hitler was against the communists, but only as a power play and because they were internationalists and not nationalists. Furthermore, it shows how being a nationalist isn't necessarily a bad trait.  The film very aptly demonstrates that ANTIFA are much like Benito Mussolini's black shirts. Mussolini, as the film notes, regarded FDR as a fellow fascist after reading his writings, the Nazis were big fans too...

The Truth about Franklin D. Roosevelt:

Now, the below clip is but a small section of the portion featuring Richard Spencer, there in plenty of defense of Spencer in the comments, some of it valid, but here is what those commenters might not know because they didn't watch the film, I certainly learned a few things I didn't know...

Spencer is AOK with socialism. Spencer supports state control of health care. Spencer thinks there are things we owe the state as citizens. Very leftist/Nazi-like things! Imagine my shock! Spencer thinking our rights come from the state and not god wasn't surprising to me (as I know he's an atheist), and here's my thing with that, the founders had it right no matter what the truth is, because god is harder to argue against than the state and thus secures those rights more firmly.

So, what to make of the fact that D'Souza argues that Spencer is a leftist fascist and that ANTIFA are leftist fascists, but yet he shows Spencer getting hit in the head by ANTIFA? He doesn't say this, but one way to look at it is that Spencer is a national socialist and that ANTIFA are globalist socialists. The other difference between them, is that ANTIFA is for a multicultural society and Spencer is not. Spencer takes this too far with ethno-nationalism, but multiculturalism is not good either. Multiethnic is fine. Multicultural is a recipe for disaster...

Multiethnic Societies Can Flourish, but Multicultural Societies Will Collapse:

When pressed by a YouTuber called Vee on whether Spencer was upset on whether ANTIFA's use of violence against him was a bad thing, Spencer said that he'd do the same thing if he had the power to. This means he'd use or support violence to achieve his ethno-state. This is unacceptable...

'Vee' Exposes How Alt-Right's Richard Spencer Would Engage in Violence Like ANTIFA If He Could: 

Not everyone who supports ethno-nationalism supports this and this is big distinction, as is these individuals making it clear that they simply would like to see whites remain a majority in the US. As I've stated of Faith Goldy...

Secondly, I don't support ethno-nationalism, but I understand the anti-white racism that spurs it. But Faith Goldy holding it as an ideal, if not promoting violence (which she isn't), does not make her a white supremacist anymore than thinking Japanese wanting to have a majority in Japan makes them racists, or China wanting to consist of mainly Chinese, or Africa being majority African. This is utterly ridiculous nonsense and a double standard. I've seen a lot of Goldy and I've never heard her say a racist word whatsoever. The claim that Red Ice is anti-Semitic because they dare levy criticism at Jewish individuals sure doesn't hold up for her former Jewish owned employer known as Rebel Media, who I have never heard her speak ill of in racial terms either. I suggest readers here listen to her and judge for yourself...

Spencer has obviously shed a lot of light upon anti-white racism, other that that, he seems like a bad leader to me, but I don't think it's fair for D'Souza to label him a white supremacist and it wasn't clear to me if  D'Souza realized that ANTIFA and so-called reverse racism was largely responsible for Charlottesville and the rise of the alt-right...

How To Stop the Alt-Right

It is also fair criticism to say that D'Souza chops up his interview with Spenser quite a bit. One thing in this regard that stood out to me, is the part where Spencer is asked about people giving him a Nazi (Roman?) salute at a speech he gave. I've seen Spencer explain that this was a result of these people trying to be edgy and essentially playing the part that has been unfairly assigned to them. As the rapper Eminem would have put it, "I am whatever you say I am." Accept this answer or not, I don't think we got to see Spencer's whole answer on this or other things asked of him. D'Souza notes that Malcolm X is similar to Spencer in his views and Spencer agreed with this and said he thought they could have a good conversation if he were across the table from him. Let that sink in.

The film also completely absolves Jewish individuals of having any role to play in the turmoil around the time of the second world war. I recommend this interview with an individual of Jewish decent with an alt-right radio host. From what I remember, he states that there are things which are overblown as it pertains to the Jewish role in what happened in Germany (and other countries which Jews have been expelled from) and that other points are legit. That sounds like truth to me, because as you may have heard, the truth lies somewhere in between.

The film also adheres strictly to the official account of Hitler's death, which I think is questionable and I certainly question why we can't question the Holocaust official story at all.

Also see...

The Reasons Historians Call WWII A 'Jewish Creation'

Hidden History Of How World War II Came To Be

I highly recommend the book The Synchronicity Key: The Hidden Intelligence Guiding the Universe and Youwhich makes the case that time is cyclical and literally repeats itself, affording us the chance to correct former mistakes. Keep that in mind with all of this! It may be further evidence that we are living in a simulation, but that hardy matters to the experience we are having.

Bosniak Goyim
How is he a white supremacist. He’s admitted multiple times that North Asians have many superiorities compared to whites. And white supremacist wants a race war. Richard just wants the white race to have a home. But I forgot only jews are allowed to do that with god as their real estate agent

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Brandon Tatum: Death Of A Nation Is The Greatest Movie I've Ever Seen! - LEVIN: interview with Dinesh D'Souza about his new documentary "Death of a Nation" - RUSH interviews Dinesh D'Souza about his new documentary ''Death of a Nation'':