Friday, December 2, 2022

Kanye Takes The Sting Out Antisemitic Memes? Maybe... I Dunno. Enjoy The Show!... Sticks And Stones... May Break My Bones, But Words Will ALWAYS BE LITERAL VIOLENCE! 😂

Kanye Takes The Sting Out Antisemitic Memes? Maybe... I Dunno. Enjoy The Show!... Sticks And Stones... May Break My Bones, But Words Will ALWAYS BE LITERAL VIOLENCE! 😂

This first image below is my disclaimer. Now, on with the show. What follows are called memes. They are just dark, gallows humor, clown world celebratory, jokes.  

Wait, oh, what's that scratch you feel in your throat??? A sign! That... if you can take a dick... you can take a joke. 😁

Debunking the Debunkers: TIMCAST IRL - YE, FUENTES, MILO JOIN TO DISCUSS TRUMP DINNER AND YE24---Nearly everyone I see is wrong on the issues raised here to some degree.