Saturday, November 27, 2021


acc abb
Whether or not priest see them as extraterrestrial or not doesn't answer the question of WHY they are responding to the name of Jesus. It can't just be waved away as if there is no correlation. Theologically speaking, there are multiple heavens. They are layers starting from the atmosphere, to the night sky, to an unseen layer beyond space.

Bug acc abb 
they’re mistaken. They think it’s had an effect. But it hasn’t. They’re just led to believe it has.

acc abb  they aren’t demons. Jesus Christ is just the name of a person. Not something mythical powerful being. Why would it effect anyone. Lol

acc abb
@Bug  They declare that it does have an effect, that they witness occurring. What leads you to believe that they are not in fact witnessing that occur?

Jim Lovejoy
 @Bug  obviously if that is your understanding then your conclusion cannot be based on observation because it conflicts with your worldview.  However Bug, millions that have a biblical view or at the very least believe in God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit see a very rational connection between historical events of demon behavior and alien abductions thus their (aliens) negative reaction or fleeing away to leave abductee’s alone by calling on the name on Jesus is completely consistent with what both scripture and religious historical documents explain.  Just is very intellectually inconsistent to accept something along the lines of this subject matter like alien abduction and yet completely throw out billions of people who believe in Jesus.  I would just conclude in saying that Jesus although was a real person historically and other historical people and documents record this fact.  The difference Bug, is the Bible reveals he is also the creator and has authority and power over all which is why we can deduct if these aliens are up to know good corrupting his creation, they are doing exactly as what the Fallen Angels in Genesis Chapt. 6 we’re doing and we know how God handled that.