Sunday, April 11, 2021

Oxford Academic Gets It Right On Alien Abduction But Wrong On Climate Change

Oxford Academic Gets It Right On Alien Abduction But Wrong On Climate Change

Here's Why...

Debunking Potholer54 and Global Warming/Climate Change Propaganda:

Debunking Joe Rogan on Alien Abduction

"Single Seven Needs Tomatoes

One of the most memorable episodes of Coast to Coast AM involved Art Bell interviewing a man identified only as Single Seven. He was a time traveler from the year 2063, a “paleo ag tech,” as he called himself. “In the future,” he said, “they’re trying to change the weather.”

His mission, however, involved traveling to the past to retrieve samples of crops that could be grown in his time.

“I was sent back to find the earlier cousins of corn, wheat, tomatoes, things that can survive in a hotter temperature so that we can have them…we’ll use them to splice and make hybrids into the future…because we need to raise the temperature of the earth in the future to keep the MIM away…”

The MIM, as Single Seven explained, were beings not unlike what we’d call the grey aliens. These extraterrestrials — or, perhaps, beings from another dimension — could also travel through time, though not in a way we’d easily comprehend. Single Seven claimed they hunted him during his missions through time.

They also couldn’t deal with heat very well, which is why the humans of the future were trying to raise the planet’s temperature."

It is stated by Single Seven that the beings were called NIM because that is the first sound that they made when discovered officially. This is interesting beacuse it sounds similar to a largely unknown part of the Betty and Barney Hill abduction...

"Communication: When communicating among themselves, the beings made a mumbling or humming sound. Only the leader and the examiner communicated with them. Betty (apparently via telepathy) was told that she should not be afraid; they only wanted to conduct some tests and would return them to the car."