Since I have been dealing with a collapsed disc in my back I have been trying to incorporate more of my yoga stretches to alleviate the pain and have been stretching almost daily. Tai Chi is a low impact aerobic activity that is designed to enhance both physical and emotion well-being. It consists of breathing exercises and a series of postures that flow into one another. These slow graceful body movements are said to improve body awareness and enhance strength and flexibility while helping a person to achieve inner peace.
Before engaging in Tai Chi you are supposed to warm up your muscles by stretching so this is where my yoga stretching will come into play. I will do about 10 to 15 minutes of yoga before started my Tai Chi routine.
Since I am not in touch with nor can I afford a Tai Chi master to instruct me I will be teaching myself with a DVD and various books and internet information.
Here is a good instruction lesson on YouTube that you might try too.