The last dish is washed and in the drainer to dry. The Christmas tablecloth and decorations from the kitchen and dining room have been stacked into a pile and are ready to be placed in a plastic bin and put away for yet another holiday season.
How many women have made the comment today "If I never see another dirty dish in my life it would be too soon?"
The last holiday meal has been cooked, eaten and the leftovers are in the fridge and I had the thought that I wouldn't have to cook another huge meal again until Easter.
However, I also had to think on the positive side and remind myself that at least we had food to eat this holiday season. We've had a tough year and I couldn't afford all the little extras I've had in years gone by such as all the snacky little concoctions. We even had lasagna for Christmas because I couldn't afford a turkey and today on New Years day I had a turkey that was purchased on sale after Christmas instead of the traditional corn beef and cabbage because it was more frugal than buying what was expected. But we had food and didn't go hungry and that's a blessing and something I recognize and am thankful for.
Has anybody else had to change their lifestyle as much as I have this year? I hear little snippets from friends about how they have cut down their gift giving, have had to cut back on certain things but it seems as though people just aren't talking about how much they've had to curb or my situation is drastically different because their sacrafices haven't seemed as bad as mine.
Let's talk. Tell me how your family has had to cut back and what you have done to maintain the semblance of normalcy in your life. Has it really affected the true meaning of the season? Have you found some new freedom in not being able to do the expected or having the excuse not to do has much? Have you been able to look on these lifestyle changes as a blessing and not a curse and looked at the positive side?