I love(d)milk. A big tall ice cold glass of milk is the one thing that really quenches my thirst when I'm hot and sweaty. I would always have a big glass of milk if my stomach was upset and usually would start my day with a cup of milk along with my toast.
However, the other day my son casually made a remark that he would rather I started to purchase soy milk for him because milk has mucous in it. Just the remark gagged me but then I started reading up on the subject and the gallon and a half of milk that is now in my fridge is going to be given to the neighbors who have 5 children! I will tell them about the mucous another day.
The supposedly hip milk mustache is actually a creamy layer of mucus, live bacteria, and pus.
I actually have tried both chocolate and vanilla soy milk and like the flavor but it is a little more expensive so I've stuck with regular milk but after reading up on the subject I'm willing to pay the extra money. Regular milk would just go bad now as I can't get it past my nose. I'll cut back on something else that isn't as good for me in order to afford the soy milk. I'm hoping more people will make this decision too and the local soy growers will benefit by the change too.