Sunday, January 15, 2023

The Moon Is A Plasma?!?!

In the past, I posted about how I was seriously considering the artificially constructed moon theories based on not just evidence, but a gut feeling. One problem is disinformation and bunkum and trying to navigate it with an open mind. The other issue is, a feeling or "psychic impression" that "something feels off about the moon" might have more than one explanation. I'm sharing the former and now this latter "crazy" idea so other truth seekers can come to their own conclusions. Not seriously entertaining an idea before poking fun at it like a conceded jackass is the real intellectual crime.

1965 scientist claims the Moon is Plasma!

Moon is Plasma & Earth's Selfie; Earth is Flat & Larger, Has More Continents & Macro-Climate Change 

Plasma Moon Shows Reflection of Plane Earth (& Extra Lands) Compilation by Vibes of Cosmos