Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Let's Talk About Rapper Tom MacDonald's Baphomet Shirt

Tom makes some good music and more and more it seems to be courting Christians for an audience, as his music like with his Song "In God We Trust." So what does he say about him wearing a shirt heavily associated with Satanism? 

Does he make an argument that the symbol is misunderstood or some other deep theological argument envoking the ersoteric and occult and imparting his knowledge? Nope. 

It's just fashion, quit being silly. Don't his Christian fans deserve more? If I were to meet Tom and was wearing a shirt that said "I fucked Tom MacDonald's slut girlfriend in her ass," would his logic suddenly break down? Would he take offense to my fashion statement? I think so.

His girlfriend, rapper Nova Rockefeller, is equally dismissive of people asking about her upside down cross tattoos (which he also has among his burning church tattoo) and counters by asking her own question of why she used to drink Whiskey for breakfast. She could instead say, I was young and dumb, but have come to Christ, but she doesn't say that. Like Tom, she deflects. Might mean nothing or it might mean something, but it's a bad look and strategy on how to deal with such questions by Christian fans. 

More on the Baphomet and other spiritual issues from a non-Dogmatic approach at: