Friday, March 15, 2019

Rush Limbaugh Raises Prospect That New Zealand Massacre Was False Flag Attack - REPORTS OF 2ND CHRISTCHURCH SHOOTING SUSPECT TAKEN DOWN...DOUBLE FALSE FLAG OP? - Flashback Friday - Ep19 - The Christchurch Shooter

NZ Shooter Is A Leftist Communist Sympathizer - Candace Owens and PewDiePie Not To Blame For New Zealand Shooting!

Terrorist who attacked New Zealand mosque said China is closest to his political and social values:


Stop Blaming Trump For The New Zealand Massacre - MUST-LISTEN ---> Interview with 'Top Newsman in New Zealand' Who Breaks Down All the Suspicious Things about the Mosque Killings Including Shooter Drill Taking Place the Same Day - Did Gladio do New Zealand as a false flag to demonize Trump and shut down the Right? - MK-Ultra Mind Controlled Perp?:

NZ Shooter Is A Leftist Communist Sympathizer - Candace Owens and PewDiePie Not To Blame For New Zealand Shooting! - Terrorist who attacked New Zealand mosque said China is closest to his political and social values:

Debunking the Debunkers: THE REICHSTAG FIRE WAS NOT A 'FALSE FLAG!' - DEEPTRUTH 2018 “False Flags” PART 1 & 2:

Rush Limbaugh Raises Prospect That New Zealand Massacre Was False Flag Attack - REPORTS OF 2ND CHRISTCHURCH SHOOTING SUSPECT TAKEN DOWN...DOUBLE FALSE FLAG OP? - Flashback Friday - Ep19 - The Christchurch Shooter: