In Jungian terms, Lucifer is the "Prodigal Son".
Although this part of us can do very serious damage to others, it still must ultimately return home.
Once it returns, it will find it was always loved -- despite its destructive tantrums.

Along the way, the Prodigal Son has been hammered so heavily by "bad karma" that every single negative thing he has done to others has been paid back -- in his own experience.
Every single thing the negative does to others is fully and completely paid back.
Reincarnation is often required to "spread out the lessons" across multiple lifetimes -- until we are strong enough to meet the experiences we created without being further damaged by them.
Karma -- the universal law of cause and effect -- is the "rules" that the "parents" have placed upon the child -- which have made the child so angry.
This wounded, furious, lonely and tortured child says "F- you, Mommy and Daddy! You can't tell me what to do!"