Thursday, July 11, 2024

Star Wars Jokes ✨🪖😜

Why did Anakin Skywalker cross the road?
   - To get to the Dark Side.

What do you call Chewbacca when he works with clay?
   - A hairy potter.

Why did Yoda bring a ladder to the bar?
   - Because the drinks were on the house.

Why don't Jedi ever get lost?
   - Because they always follow the Force.

What did Obi-Wan Kenobi say at the rodeo?
   - "Use the horse, Luke!"

Why was Darth Vader bad at sports?
   - He always choked in the final minutes.

How does Darth Vader like his toast?
   - On the dark side.

What is the internal temperature of a Tauntaun?
   - Luke-warm.

Why did the Ewok get a promotion?
   - He was always a little go-getter.

What do you call a pirate droid?
    - Argh-2-D2.

How do Tusken Raiders play hide and seek?
    - They always find you by sand-sational means.

Why did Padmé Amidala go to art school?
    - She wanted to learn how to draw Anakin.

What do you call a Sith who won't fight?
    - A Sithy.

Why was the Millennium Falcon always calm?
    - Because it never lost its cool.

How did the Wookiee win at chess?
    - He made the right mooooooooves.

What do you call a Sith with a good sense of fashion?
    - Darth Glamor.

Why did the Jedi visit the dairy farm?
    - To find the farm's balance of Moo.

How does a Stormtrooper keep his breath fresh?
    - With a mint Imperial.

Why was Luke Skywalker always calm?
    - He mastered the art of Jedi Zen.

What’s Darth Vader’s favorite dessert?
    - Obi-Wan Cannoli.

What did Han Solo say to the waiter?
    - "I'll have the soup, but hold the Hoth."

Why don’t droids ever get tired?
    - They can always recharge.

What do you get if you cross Yoda with a sheep?
    - A wooly force to be reckoned with.

Why did Lando Calrissian get kicked out of the casino?
    - He was caught Han cheating.

How do you unlock secrets in the Star Wars universe?
    - With a key-bacca!