Sunday, September 17, 2023


Dear Activists, Friends, and Family,

I have been avoiding this issue for some time, as I haven't known what to think about it.  But now here is a report by Clayton Morris on Redacted that appears to be genuine.  If you find it so, please share and contact your U.S. representative.

This is a U.S. CONCENTRATION camp hiding in broad daylight | Redacted with Clayton Morris
 16:42 minutes

From Redacted:  The US is the largest trafficker of children in the world. Children that are illegally kidnapped and brought across the US Mexico border are then sold off to wealthy Americans… used as sex slaves and worse… if you can imagine anything worse… it’s happening and the corporate media is too scared to touch the story.

And if you want an inspirational story, a documentary about child slavery in India and one man's attempt to eradicate it, one that will likely not leave your eyes dry, here is that story:

The Price of Free
Video 1:27:00

Fran Shure