Why Isn't Communism as Hated as Nazism?

The dating site OkCupid gives centrists a white clenched fist, liberals a black clenched fist, and conservatives get nothing. This kind of mainstream acceptance of a symbol that is associated with more death than the Nazi salute is not OK.
And of course, the Nazi's, communists, David, Hogg, and OkCupid all have their love for taking guns away in common.
Dating Site OKCupid Ad: “Flush” Gun Owners, Conservatives BY FOGHORN |JAN 31, 2018
OKCupid is a “free” dating site. The company’s running a new ad campaign going up on billboards across the country. The ads are a play on “DTF.” Instead of the “F” standing for “fornicate” OKCupid adds a different “F” at the end. In Austin, Texas, for example, the “F” stands for . . ..
“Fall head over heels.” Note to millenials: that’s OFWG-speak for falling in love.
This one, “DTFilter out the far right,” seems to be way more political than the others. The message: browsers can eliminate guns and disregard conservatives, now being branded as the “far right.”
I guess this means that OKCupid doesn’t want gun owners or conservatives on their site. [ED: judging from the responses to my OKC profile, copy that.]

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