Wednesday, June 5, 2024

I wish this wasn't happening...

GOP Sends Hunter, James Biden Criminal Referrals to DOJ

House Republicans have referred Hunter and James Biden to the Justice Department for criminal prosecution, accusing the pair of making false statements to Congress during the impeachment inquiry into Joe Biden
Just The News

It looks bad for our country and whether these two or guilty or not, in the future innocent people will be prosecuted now that the political lawfare genie is out of the bottle. What comes around goes around and going too far obviously was going to backfire. Joe Biden should pardon Trump and then if Trump wins and these two are convicted Trump should return the favor.  

Nobody is above the law, but our leaders should not be prosecuted for minor things or Trumped up charges, for the good of the country. Lying us into war, carrying out false flags, violating the constitution to violate the rights of citizens, etc., is worthy of investigation, but even then the truth and reconciliation route of South Africa is probably best, so the integrity of our institutions (whatever is left of it) remain in tact, as well as internationally respected and so not only sociopaths rise to power due to people fearing lawfare.