Jordan Maxwell - Remembering Jordan Maxwell And What He Meant To Me - TruthSeekah

Such an honor to have the late great Jordan Maxwell be able to write the foreword to my book Spirit Realm. His legacy will live on forever through all of the lives that he impacted and also the lives that they / we continue to impact. SEEK TRUTH.



Rest In Peace Jordan Maxwell---Tribute

Jordan Maxwell - Remembering Jordan Maxwell And What He Meant To Me - TruthSeekah



Fran Shure's comments for the Pentagon Presentations held on March 19, 2022---Adam Fitzgerald: The 9/11 Pentacon Conference: The Truth Movement Curse

Fran Shure's comments for the Pentagon Presentations held on March 19, 2022---Adam Fitzgerald: The 9/11 Pentacon Conference: The Truth Movement Curse


Fran Shure is retired from being a psychological therapist specializing in early trauma. She is one of the co-founders of Colorado 9/11 Truth and currently on the governing board of that group.

Barbara Honegger has contributed much to the movement, which I appreciate, as well as appreciate her as a strong woman.  But her Pentagon analysis is extremely weak due to the fact that she relies on assertions of witnesses as "evidence." Where are recorded interviews with these witnesses? Where is any hard evidence for what she claims?  Where is any real analysis of the damage? I have yet to see any of this. I haven't even seen the affidavits she claims to have, and not sure these would be worth much anyway.  Her testimony would never stand up in court, and in fact did not in the April Gallop case.

Thierry Meyssan exposes American imperialism, which I applaud.  However, his analysis of what happened at the Pentagon is extremely flawed. Why?  From his 2002 books, he showed ONLY the Jason Ingersoll photo of the 16' opening to "prove" that a missile struck the Pentagon, thus leading the Movement astray with the idea that no plane hit the Pentagon. However, Ingersoll had taken several photos that day, including photos that showed a much broader opening on the first floor. These were not later photos AFTER the roof collapsed, as he claimed in the presentation. M. Meyssan should have known that from the early days of the Movement, these other photos were just as available as the one he chose to publish.

Xander Arena brought in a breath of fresh air with his demeanor and his grappling with the data of the plane crossing the Pentagon lawn.  This is what truth seeking is about.

The 9/11 Truth Movement has taught me much about how to discern a high standard of evidence vs. a low standard. Hearsay and witness testimony need to be a pointers to where to look for hard physical evidence or corroborating analyses. This presentation was head and shoulders above the rest for their analyses of the physical evidence. This is what would stand up in court.

Adam Fitzgerald: The 9/11 Pentacon Conference: The Truth Movement Curse



Constructive Criticism and Real Debunking


Who is a stooge or a shill isn't known for certain or the important red pill. The truth is self evident that someone was not acting in a way that a true truther seeker will, but instead how one would behave if hired to be a truth kill, switch, ain't that a bitch.


I came across this video only to realize the poster was our old buddy Scott Creighton!

I commented...


Hi Scott. JM Talboo here. Can I still get that 9/11 dust back, sir? Or did you test it or sniff it or something? :-P  The WTC Dust Saga of Deceit and Betrayal, Which Proves 9/11 Truthers Aren't Just Chasing Our Tails... Now Let's Tell Some Jokes Because at Least There is Still Laughter in Hell! "Quick" Recap: Scotty boy was certain the nanothermite proponents were covering up the use of conventional explosives being used on 9/11. He said he only needed just a wee tiny bit of dust to conduct such tests, like literally just a few grains he said would do, if memory serves. So, at my request Chemical Engineer Mark Basile provided a handful of full vials/test tubes of WTC dust. More than enough in any case, even if my memory has been deflated. The amount of dust provided was more than demanded so snidely by Cretin. Scott then moved the goalposts and said he couldn't verify the dust was legit, even though WTC dust is very unique with a distinct chemistry fingerprint Mark and his equally highly credentialed peers were certain this dust was more legit than MC Hammer. If I'm lying throw me in the slammer! If corny is a crime I'm the spotlight hogging ham, sir!  

Mark also provided a typed up letter noting the sources from which he obtained this coveted material. But Scott said he would return the material if despite all this he still somehow illogically decided it was more likely from a dustbuster and just didn't cut the mustard. So, after no testing was reported to have taken place by Scotty, I requested the dust returned, and then I asked again, and again, and again....... But Scott's silence screamed "you can't touch this, there will be no dust encrusted justice."  

Basile ended up being a douche regarding this topic as well by not conducting further nanothermite and conventional explosives testing that good people (including myself to the tune of hundreds of dollars) donated to him so he would not have to pay out of pocket. That said, Basile claims that he was fired from his job for his 9/11 dust research affiliations and he blames a fundraising partner for raising his employers eyebrows when all that was required was a little more patience. The truthfulness of this is debatable, but it's not beyond the realm of possibilities. Even so, more than enough time has passed to correct this wayward path. By all means try to contact Basile and tell him that you are fucking mad! But at least Basile published a preliminary progress report and released videos to us of his testing WTC primer paint vs the alleged nanothermite chips and distinct and affirmative differences were evident. And again, he also provided the dust samples to a heavy handed critic of his, Scott. In the game of put up or shut up, Mark put up in this regard. As did I. And I did all that I could to get everyone to act right and follow through. I was accused of being disinfo like Mark and all his colleagues by the likes of Scott and others I like to dislike, but I alone kept all my promises and attempted to leave no stone unturned in my pursuit of the truth, wherever it might lead, even if that meant 9/11 truth being partly debunked. Now that the dust has settled, I can only say the demo proponent's case is still much stronger than the duh-bunk-turd anthesis, but it's not 100% verifiably conclusive. It is, however, conclusive that the government investigations were inexcusably and beyond suspiciously horribly conducted. AND I can definitely say that the controlled demolition issue is jam packed with characters acting SUS AF, which indicates somebody or somebodies are actually disinfo ops and thus we can know by inference that there is a demo job that is being covered up via infiltration and slow walking of needed information. This is akin to other government stifling of progress towards truth through harassment and intimidation that has been an inside baseball known truth for a long time, which validates our efforts indirectly but demonstratively. And it worked. It's too late for any forensic tests to reliably (or likely ever) help further our understanding. Nitrates have dissipated except in any sealed samples that probably exist in government hands that refused to do any forensic tests for things that their circular logic righteously proclaimed do not exist, never mind this MO is the epitome of being unscientific. And nanothermite is very likely in a stale like state, or in other words is inactive/inert, or simply not reactive and testable as needed anymore. Kuddos to you disnfo foes whoever you are! But there is still divine justice and you can trust in this.  

UPDATE: Great Scott! He replies and immediately attacks me without cause and denies knowledge of my repeated and often public attempts to have him send me back the dust as promised. But best of all, claims this site is dedicated to attacking him, while playing the censorship victim card with me, one of big brother's favorite little punching bags. :) :) :) Here's our public exchange...


Holy shit. Been a decade or so since I heard from you.

First, as I told you way back when, cant do tests on samples unless you can provide certified chain of custody documents on the samples. They are useless without them. Which you never provided.

Second... Like I said before, a decade ago, you want them, I will return them to you, unopened, exactly as you sent them to me. Still have them. Send me your email via link below and I will do that this week.

third... for the record... Mr. Talboo here ran a website dedicated to attacking my work back in the day. Its still up now. Mine got shut down by WordPress. Draw your own conclusions. Still have those 'samples' you sent me. Want them back? Send me address.


You're a funny guy. Still making your accusations about me just as you did from day one. My site was dedicated to you!?!? HA! Two posts out of nearly 5,000. That's some crazy dedication right there. I've been censored more than my fair share there guy. At least 7 YT channels taken down. SpookyWeather blog that I contribute to removed. Blog posts taken down on the 9/11 site more and more often as of late. Letters from lawyers forcing me to remove Sandy Hook material. Countless Tik Tok channels and videos removed. Booted from Twitter. Shadow banned and prevented from sharing a handful of my sites on Facebook, including my podcast, even in private messages. Perhaps my legal and medical disclaimers help? Perhaps you were garnering more negative attention, as your site was vastly more popular than any of mine I'm fairly certain. I never wrote for Infowars like you, only one post republished by them and now memory holed. Blogger has faired a bit better in general than Wordpress from what I understand. I could go on, but there's no point. Here's where you can send the samples back to: JM Talboo 51 Romain Rd, Pulaski, PA 16143 Thanks! PS I suppose your email was broke the numerous times I already made this request of you. Left a handful of public comments on your WP site as well. In any event, you have the address. Upon receiving them I will make it publicly known that you finally kept your word. My email is the same just in case: PSS I did provide documentation to you and the main source has never been in question to anybody I know but you. NM the unique chemical signature of WTC dust. Take care. Peace! ... As you my dear readers can plainly see, I'm not hiding in the shadows or being unfair with Scott. I'm just fed up with broken promises and am finally dishing out the same treatment he has always given me and a great many other truth advocates, including many at and the Journal of 9/11 Studies. I was fair in my initial criticisms of him, especially given his extremely cantankerous nature. I then very nicely allowed him to retort and was a good sport about it, making updates to my posts to reflect his replies and even my warming up to his position. Most importantly, I listened to him while Gregg Roberts and Jim Hoffman of warned me that he was almost certainly a paid disinfo agent provocateur. Despite this, I gave him the benefit of the doubt and in a huge show of faith and unearned resect procured him the evidence he purportedly was so desperate for. My reward was again being called a disinformation artist via a phone conversation, at which point I performed some not so loving and peaceful acapella hip hop for him as any good shill is known to do. Most government ops master the art of passionate rapping skills as the ultimate ruse, so I've heard. lol The final kick in the nuts of a reward from him was suddenly ghosting me the moment I requested the material results of my good graces be returned to me. And now here we are. The main difference between us, is that I'm being straight up with you all and him, while he is at the very least, being a diluted, narcissistic, paranoid, absent minded fool. OR perhaps he's a lying, backstabbing, divisive, incendiary, government made finely molded tool. Sharp as a marble with the tricks he tries to pull. But that determination I'll leave entirely up to you, real truthers, who are no fools!   JM Talboo - Activist, Researcher, Blogger, Paranormal Investigator, Podcaster, Documentary Film Maker, Musician, More...

HOW CATS & A REAL PLAUGE CREATED THE MODERN WORLD? --- I'm not saying it was aliens, but it wasn't my beloved felines!

HOW CATS & A REAL PLAUGE CREATED THE MODERN WORLD? A biased pigeon man makes his case...

dhgodzilla1 comments:

That would be RATS not Cats that caused the Plague. Remove Cats from the Scenario & it would have been much worse. Yes Feral Cats are a big problem in large cities but Rats & Mice would be there regardless (& would have been more of them without Cats eating them) Agreed!  But even that scenario might be misguided... THE BLACK DEATH - DID PLAGUE REALLY CAUSE THE BLACK DEATH?  
In recent years, scholars have reassessed the causes of the Black Death, questioning how it spread through medieval Europe with such astonishing speed and virulence. Here, investigate additional factors that may have contributed to the devastation, such as other diseases, bacteria, and other possible forms of transmission.

i am very interested in the so-called Black Plague because many history books like to connect this plague with the Spanish Flu (which was a vaccine induced "plague") and the current sham of Covid -19! i would love to know more about this plague to see if it was a real plague like they say or self-induced thru some type of nefarious means ?? just asking for now because i don't trust the so-called authorities of history and their underlining agenda (which is usually depopulation). Anyway the video is nice to listen to for general history.

Harvested Black mold strategically dumped into wells.

I don't care who you blame, go with the fleas as they were the likely the direct issue, or go with ancient alien theories if you need a bigger culprit, but still wish to avoid as much controversy as HUMANLY possible. Time traveling Donald Trump is also a viable option.

Putin and Biden may have something to do with it too. The corporate TV news is my source on that one!

But I'll be damned if I blame my fellow man when I have the option of devious alien plans!

Ancient Aliens – Aliens, Plagues and Epidemics: Scientists are continually challenged by unidentified strains of bacteria with mysterious origins. --- Could some of our most crippling plagues and epidemics be traced to the darkest voids of space–or even extraterrestrial intervention? During the Black Death of the Middle Ages, people reported bronze flying ships emitting a strange mist. As recently as 2011, NASA scientist Richard Hoover published evidence of life in meteorites. Is it possible that ancient aliens–as small as microbes–have shaped human history?

The plague can be easily treated with antibiotics, thus a widespread epidemic is highly unlikely in developed countries. Ancient Alien Theory Ancient alien theorists propose that aliens were the cause of many of the pandemics Earth has faced in the past - their agenda perhaps being to exterminate the human race.,agenda%20perhaps%20being%20to%20exterminate%20the%20human%20race.

But whatever you do, just leave my flea free cats alone!


Proud of you, Skeletor! Not you, Kevin Smith and Chelsea Handler, you both still suck!

When does Life begin? Some say it's around 35 years old and some say they don't know, Chelsea Handler won't date white men anymore, Kevin Smith is an SJW bore, and KMBP is gonna bring back " The Woodchipper "!

Saturday, March 26, 2022

"Debunker" Memes Are Mean to the Truthers :( Push It Real Good! :) :-P


This meme ignores minutia about "free fall acceleration" and momentary, but significant and begrudgingly officially admitted momentarily observed free fall speed. But all this noise is quietted by the FACT, which has been demonstrated on this site, that all 3 WTC buildings that purpordely fell in a total "progressive collapse" on 9/11, fell in time intervals completely consistent with controlled demolition. This fact is still unprecedented until this very day for a gravity driven event. 

Collapse Rates of the WTC Consistent With Controlled Demolition

Debunking Joseph Nobles: Freefall Speed

Debunking the Debunkers' Free Fall Fallacies


SOME TRUTH ABOUT 9-11---Mossad involved in 9-11---KEYWORD: INVOLVED---NOT Solely Responsible

KEYWORD: INVOLVED---NOT Solely Responsible
Many people subconsciously make the mistake of only seeing the issues concerning 9/11 in black and white, as opposed to shades of gray. This is known as the black-or-white fallacy. In this case, the false dilemma is: 9/11 was either carried out by Al-Qaeda or it was "an inside job."
Just because the evidence suggests that rogue elements of the US government and intelligence apparatus, as well as other international intelligence agencies, were involved, doesn't mean bin Laden and Al-Qaeda hijackers weren't involved.

Dogma isn't your friend, but this movie is! DOGMA (MOVIE)

Dogma. Jay and Silent Bob. George Carlin. Comedy. Movie. Full Length. Comedy. Buddy Jesus. Matt Damon. Ben Affleck. Chris Rock.


Did the Celts or Druids Perform Human Sacrifice? And Does This Make Halloween Evil if So? Halloween evil? No. More on that in a sec, but first we must dig into the nuance surrounding the first question... Sacrifices? The answer is yes, but voluntary and punitive would seem to be the two ways in which it operated. Their enemies also certainly exaggerated their rituals. So no, my dear dogmatic (watch the movie Dogma) Christians, Halloween isn't based on an evil satanic type of sacrifice where innocent virgins were thrown into a fire!

Plans for 2022: How we can take down the music industry


Who is "we" you might ask? Well, this ain't BLM, my friends. All God's children are welcome in this new industry then? YES! Biden: "Including me?" C'mon man!!!





As Jordan Maxwell said, trust truth seekers, but not those who say they've found it. Jordan famously was featured in the atheistic film Zeitgeist, but make no mistake, he was a deeply spiritual man. In the following program he is featured with the host and his friend Jonny Enoch. Many of the ideas from Zeitgeist are explored and verified in the show, but the deeply spiritual underpinnings are where "Mystery Teachings Special" and the work of Maxwell diverge from Zeitgeist. RIP

I highly recommend this series (watch for free with a one week trial), but especially these two episodes outlined below. The first of which I posted below mentions Maxwell and how he and Enoch would always say an Egyptian prayer about the divinity and spiritual mystery of the sun when visiting a theosophical library together. There is a reason Tibetan Buddhist monks engage in safe sun gazing techniques. I myself had a deeply spiritual and paranormal experience while doing so. There are also good reasons why sun worship has been so prevalent throughout history, beyond the good reasons once outlined by the comic genius George Carlin. The belief that the sun acts as a portal for higher intelligences and is responsible for aspects of their angelic descriptions is covered in episode 9 (again listed first below) as well as many more reasons why sun worship and astrotheology have their hidden hand in so many religious texts. The esoteric side of things oft omitted from canonical texts that many times speaks to divinity on earth even more so than the dogmatic material of the masses is also brilliantly covered and much more...

Mysteries of Solar Symbolism
Mystery Teachings Special with Jonny Enoch
S1:Ep928 mins

The very fabric of our modern civilization is encoded with countless examples of solar worship. The sun played a vital role in almost every major religion and sacred tradition throughout human history, tying epochs and beliefs of the past to the present.

Noting the sun's alignment with different ancient structures and temples, esoteric researcher Jonny Enoch explains how humanity remains tied to these ancient traditions through words such as “hours” and “amen” which relate back to Horus and Amun-Ra. Stretching across time from ancient Egypt and the origins of humanity, to mystery schools of the Renaissance and later eras, solar traditions and clues left behind connect many civilizations and beliefs.

Instructor/Host: Jonny Enoch
Video Language: English

Cyclical Experiences of Souls
Mystery Teachings Special with Jonny Enoch
S1:Ep325 mins

Could new scientific studies and empirical data prove the reality of our past lives? Esoteric researcher Jonny Enoch connects real world experiences, history, science, and the religions of the world to explore the mysteries of reincarnation, past lives, and the wheel of samsara. From child prodigies to epigenetics, Enoch cites studies finding that the phenomenon of individuals remembering past lives is far more widespread than originally thought. Thousands around the globe have remembered specific memories of their past lives, and even the details of their deaths. Learn more about the secrets of our souls through first-hand accounts of the beyond.

Instructor/Host: Jonny Enoch
Video Language: English

Flat Earth Theory Author Eric Dubay Avoids Answering My Questions But I Have an Answer for Him about Dinosaur Sex

My inquiry was to this man and concerned the Netflix documentary where flat earthers apparently debunked themselves with experiments. Check out this page first for background info if you are unaware...

Debunking Eric Dubay's 200 Flat Earth Proofs, Debunking Flat Earth Without Citing NASA, Debunking Scriptural Case for Flat Earth, & More...

First off, I want to note that the laser experiment of which I speak apparently had mixed results. I find this interesting because there were people with different biases present while the experiments were conducted, which very well may indicate a consciousness element (as I've proposed) being a factor in the results...

It's notable that the conscious intent/bias of the experimenter/observer was the explanation given for mixed results concerning the attempted replication of Dr. Masaru Emoto's Water Molecule Experiments...

Of course this all depends on how the would be simulation works. Something like a gyroscope test would be next to impossible for an individual consciousness to affect when up against the consensus reality of a globe earth.

It's also possible that I'm way too far gone down the rabbit hole! On that note, I also wish to quickly note that Dubay doesn't believe in Dinosaurs (he thinks they are hoaxes) and uses the Stegosaurus and what would be its apparent inability to have sex as a piece of evidence. This is one I have an answer for! Cover the children's eyes!

OK, now to my question for Eric and his answer that despite lengthy words typed and resource he provided with much info within, still amounted to an omission or avoidance of a direct answer. This is a (potential?) tactic I'm familiar with thanks to NIST and their TNRAT 9/11 reports. As Kevin Ryan stated, this means They'll Never Read All This Shit! Eric was very quick (nearly instantaneous) to provide the reply he did. It's now been quite some time since my reply with nothing more from him. 

Again, the (possible?) tactic of attacking your opposition as disinfo as to avoid a direct/focused conversation is something I've encountered via 9/11 research. I have no idea if Eric is sincere in his endeavors, I'm just noting what happened and the possibilities, which includes him being just flat out wrong (pun not intended but accepted), a duper of dupes as to smear truthers, too financially invested to admit or accept being wrong about anything. OR him having been attacked so often by ad hom loving "skeptics" and (possibly) real disinfo agents as he alleges, that he lashes out and vents at these people when he ought to not and instead just remain calm and answer questions directly without presuppositions. OR him being "onto something" potentially bigger than he thinks as alluded (illuded?) to in the Illuminati card game! 

Remember the Illuminati card game and how well it predicted things? Obviously these are their cards to play!

Red Pill Philosophy (who I am generally more supportive of than Eric although I enjoy watching them both) provided a more direct reply about the Neflix film's experiments in the below video. As I continue to research I will update this page with any more such responses I find. Red Pill Philosophy's response is the first link below and is rather long and rambling. He brings up there being unknown factors at play regarding the laser test such as refraction and gradient. He also states, I would assume correctly, that one test cannot possibly prove the entire case when so many other types of tests have been conducted and I would add have yet to be conducted. I wonder, do any flat earthers believe the flat earth rotates???

"Behind The Curve" Documentary: Flat Earth KILLER!?!?

Debunked: FLAT Earth Laser Test!%3F!%3F

The reptilians David Jacobs speaks of here ARE NOT the same beings David Icke is on about...

Editor's Note: The reptilians Jacobs speaks of here ARE NOT the same beings David Icke is on about...


Dissing America on the World Stage

Dissing America on the World Stage

Biden Repeats Charlottesville ‘Very Fine People Hoax’ at NATO Summit

Joe Biden repeated the infamous “very fine people hoax” on Thursday evening in Brussels, Belgium, falsely claiming that his predecessor praised neo-Nazis who rioted in Charlottesville, Virginia, in 2017.


Justice Delayed

President Trump Sues Hillary Clinton and Host of Others in RICO Suit Over Russia Collusion Hoax

President Trump filed a federal RICO suit in Miami, Florida Thursday against Hillary Clinton and others over the Russia collusion hoax orchestrated by the Clinton campaign in 2016 to undermine Trump’s candidacy and derail his presidency.
Gateway Pundit

Thursday, March 24, 2022

Frontline Doctor: Millions Will Get AIDS From COVID Vax By The Fall

Dr. Elizabeth Eads, a 25-year Florida physician of osteopathic medicine, told USA Watchdog’s Greg Hunter on Tuesday that the tripled vaxed are exhibiting signs of AIDS and that she and her colleagues are struggling to figure out how to treat them, as hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, and other methods like anti-parasitics are having no positive effect.
Frontline Doctor: Millions Will Get AIDS From COVID Vax By The Fall

Wednesday, March 23, 2022