Monday, December 7, 2020

A Dominion machine was found to apparently be vote-weighting in a small GA county. The amount directly correlates to Biden's margins State-wide. Also, witnesses in Michigan describe the harassment they received by disgusting activist "election-workers". - GEORGIA COUNTY PROVES DOMINION MACHINES CHANGED VOTES TO BIDEN CLIP - COL. WALDRON EXPLAINS HOW DOMINION FRAUD MACHINES WORK, Tells Michigan Lawmakers Truckloads of Ballots for Joe Biden Were Inserted into the 2020 Election


A Dominion machine was found to apparently be vote-weighting in a small GA county. The amount directly correlates to Biden's margins State-wide. Also, witnesses in Michigan describe the harassment they received by disgusting activist "election-workers". - GEORGIA COUNTY PROVES DOMINION MACHINES CHANGED VOTES TO BIDEN CLIP - COL. WALDRON EXPLAINS HOW DOMINION FRAUD MACHINES WORK, Tells Michigan Lawmakers Truckloads of Ballots for Joe Biden Were Inserted into the 2020 Election