Saturday, February 2, 2019

US Childhood Vaccination Schedules Are Completely Out of Control and Dangerous!

Up, up and away!

This pretty much describes the CDC Childhood Immunization Schedule since 1950.

On February 1, 2016, the insanity continued as the CDC hiked the childhood immunization schedule even further by adding another 3 vaccinations and lowering the age for the first HPV jab (Gardasil) to 9 years old. The total is now an outrageous 74 doses (53 injections) by age 17, an increase of 24X since 1950.

Have our children become pin cushions of profit for the drug companies? Here’s the breakdown. You decide.
  • In 1950, there were 3 childhood vaccines typically given when a child entered school.
  • In 1983, there were 10 recommended vaccines by the age of 6 years old (24 doses, 7 injections, 4 oral doses for polio).
  • In 2010, the CDC vax schedule totaled 68 doses with more than half given by the time a child was only a year and a half old.
  • In 2016, the schedule has increased to 74 doses by age 17 with 53 injections and 3 oral doses of rotavirus.

These rapid increases in the vaccine schedule mean that a 6 month old baby born today would receive over 2.5 times the number of vaccines as the maximum permitted for a 6 year old back in the 1980’s.  And, by the time that same baby was 12 years old, he/she would have received over 7X the number of vaccines as a child born 30 years ago.

Predictably, children today are suffering from autoimmune disorders, behavioral problems, and physical disabilities at a rate growing in lockstep with the skyrocketing number of shots.
One in every two children suffers from a chronic problem today and the situation is only growing worse with each passing year.


TV news anchor announces over 90 out of 124 cases of measles in NY “epidemic” are vaccinated

[Posted at the SpookyWeather blog, February 3rd, 2019.]
