Monday, April 30, 2018

Joe Rogan & Eddie Bravo Argue Over Nuclear Bomb Conspiracy

Joe Rogan & Eddie Bravo Argue Over Nuclear Bomb Conspiracy

Editor's Note:

I'm not saying nuclear bombs don't exist, but Rogan is wrong in saying nothing else could make a mushroom cloud as was seen in the film he showed. At the time of the first nuke tests, there was also a test conducted to simulate a nuclear bomb using large amounts of stacked high-explosives. A very convincing facsimile was created. They also spread nuclear material throughout the explosives to simulate fallout. Thus, it's also not hard to believe the claim that models were used in newsreels to simulate nuclear blasts.

The mother of all bombs (MOAB) and father of all bombs (FOAB) also create mushroom clouds.

The mushroom cloud from a MOAB detonated in a United States Air Force test.


Debunking Eric Dubay's 200 Flat Earth Proofs, Debunking Flat Earth Without Citing NASA, Debunking Scriptural Case for Flat Earth, & More...

Debunking Joe Rogan on Alien Abduction:

Hey Joe Rogan, Debunk This!:

Friday, April 27, 2018

Trump Ends Korean War - Trump’s Korea Strategy Hits The Jackpot! North And South Korea To Officially End The War - The Korean War Will Probably End, Largely Thanks to Donald Trump - President Trump hails Korean breakthrough - Rivera: Korean War developments have a 'vibe of history' - Korean summit is another accomplishment for Trump: Rep. Collins

"Normal" diplomacy failed for 65 years:

Korean summit produces agreement to pursue peace treaty and denuclearization; Kevin Corke reports from the White House. Dutchman in paradise 8 minutes ago @ 10:00 Eastern today Fox is showing videos of the Korean leaders while CNN has a Democrat panel talking about Trump/Russia collusion. CNN is invested so heavily in the destruction of the president. They are all in. It could hopefully finish them off. Don Williams10 minutes ago Trump put the Fear of God it Rocket man. Unlike Obama he didn't play childish games with Plastic Reset Buttons. North and South Korea agree to end war. Fox News correspondent-at-large takes on the news of the day.

Billythebassist 2 hours ago
Wow... end of the Korean war.

Diane Almsted 2 hours ago
-I pray the north Korean citizens will start to have a better life.

Jerry Rowden 2 hours ago
I think Trump gets the credit, peace through strength. Trump 2020

Mr M 1 hour ago
Not only is he making America great again he's making the planet great again. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

Jeff Kelly 2 hours ago
so many people are nay-saying this and are saying this is just a trick. i dont know, i'm going to keep positive thoughts with the move. i hope NKorea sticks to the agreement and plays nicely.

Kathleen Firth 1 hour ago
Jeff Kelly not at all "a trick" unless you nicname Trump "Trick"

renegadebiker24 29 minutes ago
Kathleen Firth WOW, WHAT a misinformed, and dumbed down, mind controlled liberal response!! If it is a trick, then who do you think they are trying to trick besides the U.S.??? Do you not realize what this peace agreement means between the 2 Koreas??? Do you not study history??? Do you not realize what this means??? The 2 Koreas have technically been at war for most of 6 decades, and it was the first proxy war between the U.S. and what was then the Soviet Union, and was part of the Cold War. Stop blaming Trump for the failures of previous presidential administrations that more appeased North Korea, than to ever bring an end to the conflict!!!! You are too brainwashed by decades upon decades of appeasement. However, for this to be a truly historical event, North Korea must not play a shell game with the Nukes that it has, much like Russia and Syria have played with the chemical weapons, and there must be inspections that will make sure that North Korea is following proper disposal and denuclearization procedures that are part of this peace agreement, otherwise, it might get hot again there. You do realize that there are other major players in that area that are concerned about it as well, and among those are not just the U.S., but, Japan, Russia, South Korea, and not to mention the other country that was instrumental in it as well, and that country is....China. WAKE UP!!! Trump did more to get to this point, by putting diplomatic and economic pressure on China, then any other president, including that worthless piece of s**t Obama could ever do, in my opinion :-)

Trump Ends Korean War - Trump’s Korea Strategy Hits The Jackpot! North And South Korea To Officially End The War - The Korean War Will Probably End, Largely Thanks to Donald Trump - President Trump hails Korean breakthrough - Rivera: Korean War developments have a 'vibe of history' - Korean summit is another accomplishment for Trump: Rep. Collins

Trump Has Deep State Terrified – Kevin Shipp - New World Order Freaking Out About Trump – Alex Newman - Deep State Has Every Intention To Remove Trump By Any Means Necessary | Kevin Shipp And Alex Jones

The very people that have been attacking Donald Trump are now feeling the Trump counter attack.  Former top CIA officer Kevin Shipp says, “They are terrified, they are terrified right now.  They did not expect Trump to do what he is doing now.  The reason they tried to get him even before he was elected is they knew he was uncontrollable, and they knew if he got in there, they would not be able to manipulate him, and that is exactly what’s happening.  There are some people, and there is no doubt about it, that are running scared right now. . . . Donald Trump is questioning the Deep State and the shadow government.  He’s rocking that place left and right.  The news media is terrified of that.  Their editors are telling them to attack him just like they are attacking him from the inside.  It’s just dirty pool because they want him taken out.”

In closing, Shipp says, “Trump is making tremendous progress despite tremendous resistance.  They have already done a character assassination on him, and I think they could go further than that. . . . Trump is making progress, and he has them running scared.”

Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with Kevin Shipp, former CIA officer and author of the popular book “From the Company of Shadows.”

The target of the globalists is America, and the number one target is “America First” Donald Trump. Award winning journalist Alex Newman, who is a patriot, says, “This has come through loud and clear, and they have made clear America, as we patriots understand it with “self-evident truth” and our Founders said we were “all created equal” and “we were endowed by our creator with certain inalienable rights,” is not going to fly with their little vision of a New World Order. They need to eliminate that idea, and they make very clear they are coming after that. What we see in their actions and what we see in their words is they are trying to break down this idea of America. . . . It’s very clear their vision for the New World Order is totalitarian to the core. . . .They really can’t stand this whole agenda articulated by President Trump. We are going to put America first. We are going to stop globalism. We are going to get out of these so-called trade deals that undermine our sovereignty. You can tell they are freaking out about this, and it came through in the speeches at the World Government Summit most recently.

Trump Has Deep State Terrified – Kevin Shipp - New World Order Freaking Out About Trump – Alex Newman - Deep State Has Every Intention To Remove Trump By Any Means Necessary | Kevin Shipp And Alex Jones

Jerome Corsi: Killing the Deep State: The Fight to Save President Trump—Jesse Lee Peterson interview - Jerome Corsi, Charles Ortel, and Jason Goodman discuss KILLING THE DEEP STATE

Jerome Corsi: Killing the Deep State: The Fight to Save President Trump—Jesse Lee Peterson interview - Jerome Corsi, Charles Ortel, and Jason Goodman discuss KILLING THE DEEP STATE

Thursday, April 26, 2018

VIDEO: Jim Acosta Claims Trump Supporters Will Hurt Journalists As Possible False Flag Primer - MSM Wants To Make Criticizing The Media A Hate Crime - Prepare For A Major False Flag And Media Cover Up

VIDEO: Jim Acosta Claims Trump Supporters Will Hurt Journalists As Possible False Flag Primer - MSM Wants To Make Criticizing The Media A Hate Crime - Prepare For A Major False Flag And Media Cover Up

Trump Keeps His Promise To Release JFK Assassination Documents

Trump Keeps His Promise To Release JFK Assassination Documents


JFK Files: Foreknowledge Warning to Media, 2nd Shooter Evidence, CIA Plan to Bomb US Cities:

More JFK Files Revelations: CIA Employed 40 Journalists, KGB In Possession of Data Indicating LBJ Killed JFK - LBJ Admin Official: 'We Can Convince the Public Oswald is the Real Assassin' - FBI Informant: J.D Tippit was the REAL Assassin:

JFK Files: Jack Ruby Prior-Knowledge of JFK Assassination - Classified CIA document, which documented the existence of an article implicating the CIA in the Murder of JFK. - JFK Files: Allen Dulles requests advance copy of a book about who murdered JFK:

JFK FILES SHOCKER: Hitler Escaped Germany, Lived 10+ Years - Hitler fled to South America? New CIA doc sheds light - Adolph Hitler faked his suicide and lived out his days in Argenina, according to the FBI:

Martin Luther King Jr in the JFK files - Uncle Hotep chimes in:

It is NOT a Mystery in a Conspiracy Scenario as to Who Killed JFK, We Know Exactly Who Did It:

Truth Teller's Radio Episode 10 - JFK Document Dump - Release of JFK Assassination Files:

Debunking 'JFK: The Smoking Gun' - A Response to Questions about the Film: 

Proof of JFK Assassination Plot Without Debating a Magic Bullet:

Trump to Release the JFK Files over CIA Objections - Donald Trump Releasing JFK Files: Libs Already Crying 😂 - Trump Will Release Final JFK Assassination Docs - First Look At The Trump JFK Files:

CIA Urges Trump To Delay Release Of 3,000 Never-Before-Seen Documents On JFK Assassination:

The CIA Commits Over 100,000 Serious Crimes Each Year:

Bill Hicks on JFK: Two Critical lessons for the Citizens of the USA:

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

5 Points To Counter The NRA DEBUNKED - Penn & Teller Helps Gun Control Supporters Understand The 2nd Amendment

5 Points To Counter The NRA DEBUNKED - Penn & Teller Helps Gun Control Supporters Understand The 2nd Amendment


Debunking Gun Control Advocate Statistical Analysis - DAVID HOGG: The Unfiltered, Unpopular Truth! | Louder With Crowder:

Debunking Penn and Teller's Bullshit! 9-11 episode:

PharmaWhores: The Showtime Sting of Penn & Teller:

Joe Rogan - Why Obese People Can't Lose Weight - Joe Rogan - Caloric Restriction, Longevity, Fasting, Rapamycin | "My favorite drug..."

Joe Rogan - Why Obese People Can't Lose Weight - Joe Rogan - Caloric Restriction, Longevity, Fasting, Rapamycin | "My favorite drug..."

SJW OUTRAGE: ‘The Simpsons’ Apologize for ‘Racist’ Apu… | Louder With Crowder - Debate: Should The Simpsons Character Apu Be Banned?

Joshua Howard 1 hour ago
growing up as an indian, i got called terrorist, people asked me where the nearest dunkin donuts is, and 20 years later im the most right leaning conservative in my social group.

Aaron George 49 minutes ago

I am a 16 year old Indian and I live in one of the whitest areas of suburb minnesota. Literally 80% white. Easily one of the farthest right kids here also. I give 0 fucks when people make jokes about Indians or Asians or whatever. If it’s funny it’s funny. People need to lighten the fuck up. There is a difference between racism and making a Asian dick size joke. D

SJW OUTRAGE: ‘The Simpsons’ Apologize for ‘Racist’ Apu… | Louder With Crowder - Debate: Should The Simpsons Character Apu Be Banned?

How to do Child CPR - First Aid Training - St John Ambulance - How to Give Baby CPR - First Aid Training - St John Ambulance

Editor's Note: Of course in the USA you would call 911 and not the numbers stated in these videos.

Find out how to perform CPR on a child:  If a child is unresponsive and not breathing, you will need to do CPR. In this video, a St John Ambulance trainer shows the steps & demonstrates how to do CPR on a child, and explains what to do if you're helping the casualty alone, or with a helper.
Learn more ways to help people with St John Ambulance first aid training courses:

Learn more about pediatric first aid & baby CPR: If a baby is unresponsive and not breathing, giving a baby CPR can help keep them alive until an ambulance arrives. In this video a St John Ambulance trainer shows you how to give CPR to a baby. Related:
How to Perform CPR video:
How to do Child CPR - First Aid Training - St John Ambulance - How to Give Baby CPR - First Aid Training - St John Ambulance

How to Perform CPR video

This training video shows you how to perform CPR on an adult. [Child CPR] Learn what lifesaving measures you can do to save someone's life with CPR. Dr. Williams show proper hand placement, compression ratio, and safety measures.

Joel Rodriguez
If the person has a pulse do I need to give chest compressions or only breathing ventilation??
If a pulse is present but no respiration, give 1 rescue breath every 5 seconds and recheck pulse every 2 minutes. If there is no pulse, start the CPR cycle of 30 compressions, 2 breathts.


How to do Child CPR - First Aid Training - St John Ambulance - How to Give Baby CPR - First Aid Training - St John Ambulance:

How to Perform CPR video

Jewish conservative commentator Milo Yiannopoulos driven out of bar by mob - VIDEO: Milo Leaves Bar As Mob Chants, "Nazi Scum, Get Out!" - The Young Turks Call Milo Alt Right, Praise Those Harassing Him

Conservative commentator Milo Yiannopoulos was driven out by a crowd associated with the Democratic Socialists of America, who gathered to chant, 'Nazi scum, get out.' #Tucker

Alex Jones presents cell phone video footage of a leftist mob harassing Milo Yiannopoulos while he peacefully stands at a bar, and when Milo leaves, the mob of fascists cheer in victory.

At what point will "journalists" be held accountable for using labels that are patently false?

Jewish conservative commentator Milo Yiannopoulos driven out of bar by mob - VIDEO: Milo Leaves Bar As Mob Chants, "Nazi Scum, Get Out!" - The Young Turks Call Milo Alt Right, Praise Those Harassing Him


USA Today Recognizes the Folly of the Dem Strategy But Provides an Equally Dumb Alternative - Dead Broke DNC Gambles With Bogus Lawsuit

If you run against border control, lowered taxes, and decent diplomacy, you lose:

Taking on a status of sore loser never before seen in American politics. The Democrats have filed a lawsuit alleging that the Trump campaign and Russia colluded to interfere in the 2016 Presidential election. Superseding Robert Mueller's nothing burger investigation. Although this lawsuit has Hillary Clinton revenge written all over it Chief Potty mouth and chair of the Democratic National Committee Tom Perez acted as if he was unaware of former Democratic Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton's influence. Heading into the midterm elections. Perez also downplayed the amount of money it would take to win a lawsuit or whether it was filed in order to gamble for potential winnings to fund the candidates. The Week reported back in January that the DNC is dead broke " The Democratic Party is carrying more than $6 million in debt, according to year-end filings — and has just $6.5 million in the bank. Do the math, and the party is working with just over $400,000 overall. Meanwhile, the Republicans are swimming in pools of money. The Republican National Committee had raised $132 million by the end of 2017 — about twice as much as the DNC — and entered 2018 with almost $40 million to spare, with not a penny of debt."

USA Today Recognizes the Folly of the Dem Strategy But Provides an Equally Dumb Alternative - Dead Broke DNC Gambles With Bogus Lawsuit

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

The Purge: Election Year - BLACK LIVES MATTER Call to Arms to Kill Cops - The Purge: Election Year Propaganda Election Day Review - Alex Jones covers The First Purge, a new film coming out July 4 which pushes racial division in America

The Purge: Election Year - BLACK LIVES MATTER Call to Arms to Kill Cops - The Purge: Election Year Propaganda Election Day Review - Alex Jones covers The First Purge, a new film coming out July 4 which pushes racial division in America

Islamic Truck Attack Kills 9 In Toronto - BAN ALL TRUCKS! BAN ALL TRUCKS! - Trucks Don't Kill People, People Kill People

Islamic Truck Attack Kills 9 In Toronto - BAN ALL TRUCKS! BAN ALL TRUCKS! - Trucks Don't Kill People, People Kill People

MEDIA HOAX: #NationalSchoolWalkout That Never Was… | Louder With Crowder

Steven Crowder and NotGayJared expose the media hoax that was #NationalSchoolWalkout day. Was it a legitimate grassroots movement, led by the fearless David Hogg or was it all a sham? We got to the bottom of it…

MEDIA HOAX: #NationalSchoolWalkout That Never Was… | Louder With Crowder

Free Speech: Count Dankula Sentenced - Count Dankula Fined but Free, Pays 800 Pounds for Worldwide Notoriety

Dankula is the kind of innocuous freedom lover who gets harassed and defamed by the corporate media daily:

Free Speech: Count Dankula Sentenced - Count Dankula Fined but Free, Pays 800 Pounds for Worldwide Notoriety

Saturday, April 21, 2018

TWITTER BLOWING UP! Qanon working with Wikileaks? Trump, DNC lawsuit, Pizzagate, Allison Mack

TWITTER BLOWING UP! Qanon working with Wikileaks? Trump, DNC lawsuit, Pizzagate, Allison Mack


Allison Mack Charged with $ex Trafficking - #NewQ! #QAnon #GreatAwakening #DNCLawsuit #BHO Oh my! #AllisonMack #NXIVM #Hollyweird Sweats Bullets - Q-ANON UPDATE ALLISON MACK SINGING LIKE A CANARY - An Open Secret | Gabe Hoffman and Stefan Molyneux:

Allison Mack Charged with $ex Trafficking - #NewQ! #QAnon #GreatAwakening #DNCLawsuit #BHO Oh my! #AllisonMack #NXIVM #Hollyweird Sweats Bullets - Q-ANON UPDATE ALLISON MACK SINGING LIKE A CANARY - An Open Secret | Gabe Hoffman and Stefan Molyneux

Allison Mack Charged with $ex Trafficking - #NewQ! #QAnon #GreatAwakening #DNCLawsuit #BHO Oh my! #AllisonMack #NXIVM #Hollyweird Sweats Bullets - Q-ANON UPDATE ALLISON MACK SINGING LIKE A CANARY - An Open Secret | Gabe Hoffman and Stefan Molyneux

Government Releases Secret File on EM Mind Control, Torture and Psycho-Electronic Weapons by Mistake - Government releases FOIA record on EMF Mind Control by mistake - Remote Mind Control Docs Released via FOIA Request, WA Fusion Center - Government Accidentally Leaks Electronic Mind Control Doc AKA Targeted Individuals

Oops. My bad. Journalist Curtis Waltman filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request with Washington State Fusion Center (a Department of Homeland Security surveillance unit) to obtain information about #Antifa and 'white supremacist groups,' he got a little more than the information he was looking for. Double oops!  He also 'accidentally' received a mysterious file on "psycho-electric weapons" with the label “EM effects on human” The file included methods of "remote mind control." How cool is that, Sparky!

Washington State Fusion Center accidentally releases records on remote mind control

Government Releases Secret File on EM Mind Control, Torture and Psycho-Electronic Weapons by Mistake - Government releases FOIA record on EMF Mind Control by mistake - Remote Mind Control Docs Released via FOIA Request, WA Fusion Center - Government Accidentally Leaks Electronic Mind Control Doc AKA Targeted Individuals

Friday, April 20, 2018

TourCast 40: The NFL is Fixed, Rigged & All About Money.

TourCast 40: The NFL is Fixed, Rigged & All About Money.

Topics podcast, experts, expert, audio show, talk show, radio show, sports show, sports news, sports, nfl, super bowl 50, super bowl betting, nfl fixed, rigged, nfl fake, entertainment, pop culture, retire, denver broncos, carolina panthers, calvin johnson, justin tuck, charles woodson, peyton manning, johnny manziel, cleveland browns, hall of fame, prop bets, preview, predictions, nfl news, urban dictionary, word of the week, angry, texts, tourcast, betting, gambling, vegas, groundhog day

Gage, Shane, Jon, Ant and Ethan are in the studio this week to fully preview Super Bowl 50! The guys make their picks as well as go over some popular Prop Bets for the big game! Oh and talk about how the NFL is 'fixed'. Also on this episode: sports & NFL news, the Urban Dictionary Word of the Week, and the worst things to find in your bathroom! BONUS: at the end of the episode, hear Gage get angry about how Shane texts (Warning: loud audio). Enjoy!

WTF Ernie Hudson! 'I'm Not Saying It Was Racism, but It Was Racism' (Paraphrasing) It Wasn't Racism You Rich AF Crybaby!

EXCLUSIVE: What happened to Ernie Hudson? Forgotten fourth Ghostbuster reveals franchise was 'most painful' part of his career... but he'd love to make another

Hudson, who played Winston Zeddemore, one of four spirit-exterminators who fearlessly take on evil ghosts and ghouls infiltrating Manhattan, said the movie was the 'most painful' of his career after studio bosses cut him out of publicity posters and chopped his character’s role...

'You know Ghostbusters was a lot of fun. The guys were a lot of fun to work with and we laughed a lot,' he said.
'But for me personally the movie was probably the most fun and one of the most painful movies I’ve ever done.
'For me it was a real adjustment because the studio kept making decisions that did not include me. So it was hard for me psychologically to stay positive.
'It’s only been in the last 15 years that I’ve actually started to relax and embrace the whole Ghostbuster idea because basically when the movie came out – I wasn’t on the poster, I wasn’t in the trailer...

'My character was dropped half way through the movie and then didn’t come in until half way through.
'You want to stay positive and you want to show up for work and do your best job but it was hard.  
'But then in the second movie they did the exact same thing - they took the character completely out of the first half of the movie. And I’m going: "Why?" That of course has never really been answered.'
His omission from publicity materials has even led some fans to speculate whether - as the only black Ghostbuster – race was an issue in the studio’s decision.
But the actor remains philosophical and believes there could be any number of reasons why he was 'left out'.
'When you’re a black guy you can blame everything on racism,' he said.
'But I don’t go there. I think there are a lot of reason why things happen and race is often the least likely reason.
'When fans come up to me and suggest that race is an issue in the movie I always say at least they included me in the film - they didn’t have to do that.
'But then again I don’t know why - there’s so many things about this business that I don’t know why.

Read more:
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Question Ernie, are you a comic genius? No? Hmm...

Ernie Hudson Net Worth: $15 Million

Oh the pain! Make it stop! Make it stop!

Let's hear about his struggle a bit more, I'll make a few internal comments in red, and then we'll get the last part of this puzzle put together.

Ernie Hudson on being the squeezed Ghostbuster: ‘If I blame racism there’s nothing I can learn from it’

I love Ghostbusters but I hate the way they squeezed out your character.
You know, I never bring it up unless someone else does and since you have … I tell people Ghostbusters was the most fun I had, but it was also the most difficult for reasons that I, to this day, do not understand. In the script that I read for the audition, Winston is in the film all the way through the movie. But they changed it just before we shot, so I had to wrap my head around that. I think the studio thought they could sell the guys as they were from Saturday Night Live, and so they wanted to include Winston marginally. But then when we came back five years later for the sequel, they did the same thing! That I didn’t understand. But once you become really angry, it’s all over, so I just kept working and stayed positive.

Did you become a comic genius by the time the second film was being made? No? Hmm...

So you think it was the studio who cut your character down and not Ramis and Aykroyd, who wrote the script?
You know, nobody tells you. I blame the studio because in my mind it’s easier for me to say “some exec” rather than the guy sitting next to me. I don’t think it came from the guys; the guys are great, but what do I know? But what I have come to appreciate over the 30 years is how amazingly loyal the fans are. No matter where I go, fans quote lines from Winston (3). I went to buy a car the other day and the mechanic had a tattoo of Winston’s face on his leg. So that I really appreciate.
Some fans think maybe the studio was being racist when they cut you out, and some think the part was originally written for Eddie Murphy.

Some fans are hypocritical 
leftist SJW crybaby bitches... perpetually offended... always inventing racism where none exists... and pawns in an agenda that seeks to foment racial division.

If I go to the racial side of it and blame that, it takes all my power away, because if I blame racism there’s nothing I can learn from it, and the message to my sons becomes really blurred. I’m telling my boys, you can step out and grow and be and do – and then all of a sudden I’m saying, I’m being shut down because I’m black. So what I have to do is say, maybe there are other reasons. But yeah, had I been as big a star as Eddie Murphy, I don’t think the part would have been cut.

No, if Eddie Murphy, a comic genius, were in the role he would not have had his part cut. Isn't he black? Hmm...
Is it true they turned you down to voice the Winston character in the cartoon of Ghostbusters (4)?
Yeah, that’s a little weird. They called me up and I said, “Yeah, I wanna do it” because the cartoon could have made a big difference in my life, so they brought me in and the director [of the cartoon] started telling me what “Ernie Hudson in the movie” did and explaining what Ernie Hudson did. It was the weirdest thing! Then I called my agent and they said they thought I was going to be doing something and I’d be too busy or some excuse like that. But I’m telling you, I’d have loved to have done the cartoon and it bothered me that somebody else did Winston, but, once again, Ghostbusters has been a learning and growing experience for me.

The voice actors for Winston in America were both black, so... Less money? Better job/fit for some reason? Not racism certainly. 
You sound so zen about all this, Ernie. I’d be spitting feathers.
You know, I have sons, and in this environment black men can be very marginalised and bad things happen and the attitude I take on about my life, they pick up, and I didn’t want them to go out there like that. So I say, listen man, there are a lot of hard things and you gotta keep going. I can’t make that speech if I’m not living it. So I just say, I’ve studied and trained and I’m ready to work, and you hope that someone out there will let me work and someone always has. So maybe that’s the lesson I needed to learn in this life.

The original concept for Winston was younger and hipper. The crew thought of a young black comedian like Eddie Murphy for the role. At one point, Gregory Hines was talked to, but the directors later decided that the crew needed a "straight man," and decided casting a fourth comedian to the film would put too much comedic light in the film. [13]

And there you have it, that's why Ernie wasn't as big of a character as the others. He wasn't a comic genius, he was the straight man. Plain and simple.


JM Talboo Reviews Ghostbusters - Official Endorsers of Hillary Clinton for President 2016 - A Good Film Gone Bad by Aggressive Agenda-Driven Promotion:


Haunted Locations 14: Indiana

Editor's Note: I've investigated the Hannah House many times, it is indeed very much haunted. My report on the place can be found here:

Haunted Locations 14: Indiana

Cardi B Talks Illuminati "If Something Happens To Me They Did It" - Is Cardi B Really this $tupid? And Why is she Famous? - Cardi B says she took a Blood Oath to this Group - What hand-sign is Cardi B throwing up on the Tonight Show? - Is part of Cardi B's success due to her being light skin? Uncle Hotep chimes in on the colorism

A sampling of comments:

ONE800ent 2 months ago
(6) years. (6) years. To ummm (6) years. (666) "FACTS"....IM WOKE Y'ALL WAKE UP

great uchiha 2 months ago (edited)
All the ignorant fans on her Instagram comments smh. She is basically crying out for help. And they do not even know it because they are so poisoned by her music and what the government is feeding them off perception.

Yehosheba Israel 2 months ago (edited)
You once said out your own mouth that the music industry want you to turn your back on The most high God for fame. You know now what you up against you also one of them. I see in your picture's videos hands signs throwing up the 6👹, the one eye🤔 offset is your handler . Get ready to pay a high price . You not fooling us trying to act like you woke when you just another puppet, sex kitten, you about to be soulless.

Rah Rah 13 2 months ago (edited)
Bitch starts off by saying "6 years 6 years 6 years" Revelation 13:15 75-89 is the cas number for the chemical being put in our food and water that causes brain effects. Thats why shes talking about the gov trying to kill us and then goes on saying the food isn't organic.. Her family is just an decoy to manipulate you simple minded people listening and please the leaders. This bitch is as dumb as a box of rocks but still is able to lie to the brainwashed sheep. LISTEN TO WHAT THE BITCH DOESN'T SAY. WAKE UP AMERICA.

Bruce David 2 months ago (edited)
Right, like the government is worried about her... She's about as big as an ant to them... I could see the government gunnin' for someone like Diddy, Jay-Z, Dr Dre etc etc... But Cardi B???

My Reply:

Perhaps it's not just about the government, or Illuminati,  being worried about her. There is also the idea out there about these celebs being used as occult blood sacrifices. But they could be worried her not doing her job of dumbing down the masses anymore and instead becoming a conscious rapper. That's the last thing they would want.

Cardi B Talks Illuminati "If Something Happens To Me They Did It" - Is Cardi B Really this $tupid? And Why is she Famous? - Cardi B says she took a Blood Oath to this Group - What hand-sign is Cardi B throwing up on the Tonight Show? - Is part of Cardi B's success due to her being light skin? Uncle Hotep chimes in on the colorism


Truth Exposing Racist Black Panther Movie & Controllers of Hollywood/Music Industry That Got My YouTube Channel "Suspended" AKA Censored - The Left’s War To Censor Patriots Goes Into High Gear! Help Us Fight It!: