Friday, October 22, 2021

Did you know space is fake according to some of your fellow human Earthlings.

"Fake! Space doesn't exist!"

Hmm... 🧐 🤔

This statement was directed to me from a person regarding a "Secret Mars space colony caught on camera!" video I posted. Let me explain what I posted and why fake space/flat earth theory advocates are wasting their time (even on the off chance they are correct) and are likely dupes...

Or is that what they want you to think? The illuminati card game said "flat earthers are on to something, but what?" if memory serves. Simulation theory allows both to be subjectively true and seemingly contradictory information to exist with no real contradiction. Be careful to not sacrifice the much easier to demonstrate credibility of your other issues of concern in this life for such an idea. I'm wise enough to entertain to some degree just about anything, but my passion is spent very wisely indeed. These other causes you likely have will seem equally nonsensical to the average Joe with something as counterintuitive (to most) as space being fake. Absent real action, like say crowd funding a trip to space for flat earthers/fake spacers, my concerns are more down to earth and only a person's willingness to do a cursory look at the info away from me having a very good chance of swaying their opinion. In any event, it certainly is a fake Mars colony in the video, this I'm 💯 certain of as it was a prop at the county fair. It wasn't meant in any way to be serious or be a thinly veiled SSP disclosure statement. Just a cute and silly kids project that I filmed and put a tongue in cheek title on.

Watch "Secret Mars space colony caught on camera!" on YouTube 

Back on Earth...