Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Media Unites to Rally for Press Freedom: Taking the Campaign to Front Pages and Airwaves | ABC News Australia

The nation's media companies have redacted their front pages to highlight the constraints on media organisations under strict national security legislation.

National mastheads, including The Australian and the Financial Review, ran special covers on Monday morning arguing the media is subject to a regime of intense government secrecy and the threat of criminal charges for journalists doing their job.

The nation's broadcasters began running campaigns on air during their Sunday prime time line-ups, depicting redacted Freedom of Information requests and arguing the media cannot fulfil its duty in keeping the public informed if its work is being hampered.

The Right To Know coalition, of which the ABC is a member, is behind the campaign, calling for the decriminalisation of public interest journalism, and greater protection for the media and whistleblowers.

It follows the Australian Federal Police (AFP) raiding the Canberra home of News Corp political journalist Annika Smethurst and the ABC's Sydney headquarters earlier this year.

Finally the Australian media are concerned about cover ups and corruption when a number of their journalists face jail time for investigating and publishing restricted material. While this media activism is a good first step I don't have any sympathy for their situation.

For more than a decade have I personally emailed them on the deliberate nature of the Iraq War Lies (see link below) and on the truth about 911 (a major theme of this blog) - subjects in which evidence to prove these points is readily available in the public domain, and yet they failed to act. Now they are reaping what they have sown in protecting the corrupt political establishment.

The unpunished political leaders (criminals) were never called to account by mainstream journalists - only very very rarely, which has let the rot set in. What happened over the last 18 years or more were efforts to censor heretic truth telling journalists such as seen with Donahue's sacking after he questioned the narrative behind the 2003 Iraq War.

So rather than standing behind persecuted fellow truth tellers (in the past) the mainstream media journalists as a whole aided and abetted war criminals. They facilitated MASS MURDER.

It's taken a long while for these people to wake up to the consequences of their actions, allowing secrecy Laws and the whole War on Terror to continue unchecked. Only when some of them in Australia have followed up on relatively minor stories, and now find themselves facing jail time for exposing this low level corruption, do they realise there is a problem.

So while I support this push back against censorship it is largely a bed of their own making.

Related Info:

The Iraq War Lies

Note: This is the sort of material on the Iraq War Lies that I had sent to mainstream journalists for many years. This post is from 2010. Mainstream journalists did next to nothing to keep our troops out of this completely unnecessary conflict that has now killed millions in Iraq, Syria and elsewhere.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather blog, October 22nd, 2019.]