Thursday, October 31, 2019

Flatwoods Monster - Debunking the Debunkers



Tulsi Gabbard Needs To Be Stopped... She's Telling People The Truth About US Wars

Tulsi Gabbard Needs To Be Stopped... She's Telling People The Truth About US Wars



Michael Flynn Case Unravels. US-UK Deep State Entrapment Plan Exposed

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris discuss how the FBI entrapped Michael Flynn with manipulated evidence and edited FBI 302 forms, as revealed in court documents submitted by Flynn's attorney Sidney Powell.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather blog, November 1st, 2019.]

Magic path current challenge: doubt and concern

Notice when you feel hesitation, doubt, concern or feeling of expectation of any event. Is it worth wasting your energy on it?

"In order to become a man of knowledge one must be a warrior, not a whimpering child. One must strive without giving up, without a complaint, without flinching, until one sees, only to realize then that nothing matters." 

C.Castaneda "A Separate Reality"

Type:  losing self-importance

Difficulty: low

A course in miracles day 40

Lesson 40
I am blessed as a Son of God.
1 Today we will begin to assert some of the happy things to which you are entitled, being what you are. No long practice periods are required today, but very frequent short ones are necessary. Once every ten minutes would be highly desirable, and you are urged to attempt this schedule and to adhere to it whenever possible. If you forget, try again. If there are long interruptions, try again. Whenever you remember, try again.

2 You need not close your eyes for the exercise periods, although you will probably find it more helpful if you do. However, you may be in a number of situations during the day when closing your eyes would not be appropriate. Do not miss a practice period because of this. You can practice quite well under almost any circumstance, if you really want to.

3 Today's exercises take little time and no effort. Repeat today's idea, and then add several of the attributes which you associate with being a Son of God, applying them to yourself. One practice period might, for example, consist of the following:

4 I am blessed as a Son of God.
I am happy, peaceful, loving, and contented.

5 Another might be something as follows:

6 I am blessed as a Son of God.
I am calm, quiet, assured, and confident.

7 If only a brief period is available, merely telling yourself that you are blessed as a Son of God will do.

THE FACTS: "Transgender" Child Caught in Legal Battle | Louder with Crowder

THE FACTS: "Transgender" Child Caught in Legal Battle | Louder with Crowder

Doomer VS Honkler

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Happy Samhain AKA Halloween!


Michelle Obama says some dumb racist s***/ Congresswoman Pervert steps down/ John Witherspoon dies.

Michelle Obama says some dumb racist s***/ Congresswoman Pervert steps down/ John Witherspoon dies.

Exclusive: Vaxxed 2 Producers Release Devastating Information To The World

Exclusive: Vaxxed 2 Producers Release Devastating Information To The World

AOC gets trolled by the green new meal deal

AOC gets trolled by the green new meal deal

Dem Star Impeachment Witness Vindman Confirms Trump Did Nothing Wrong

Dem Star Impeachment Witness Vindman Confirms Trump Did Nothing Wrong
The only news that matters coming out of Alexander Vindman’s Tuesday impeachment testimony is that he once again proved President Trump has done absolutely nothing impeachable, or even close to it.

Epstein Body Bore Telltale Signs of Homicide, Medical Examiner Claims

Epstein Body Bore Telltale Signs of Homicide, Medical Examiner Claims The body of disgraced money man and sex offender Jeffrey Epstein, who was found dead in his Manhattan federal prison cell in August, bore telltale signs of homicide despite an official ruling that he killed himself, a pioneering forensic pathologist revealed to “Fox & Friends”

Was his description too harsh?

Was his description too harsh?

Trans Activist Confronts Parents For Protecting Kids From Pedophiles

Trans Activist Confronts Parents For Protecting Kids From Pedophiles

Did this Happen in the Home of Magna Carta? Julian Assange Injustice System Update

Did this Happen in the Home of Magna Carta? Julian Assange Injustice System Update

Climate Doublethink At The New York Times (Tony Heller)

Doublethink means the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one’s mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather blog, October 31st, 2019.]

Debunking Potholer54 and Global Warming/Climate Change Propaganda:

Halloween Decoration Compilation

Halloween Decoration Compilation

American hero challenging Connor Sham for his key congressional seat in the keystone state

Next: Trump Judicial Nominee Breaks Down in Tears on Capitol Hill After Being Called a Bigot
An American Hero Just Announced He's Running for a Key Congressional Seat
Katie Pavlich  |  @KatiePavlich  | October 30, 2019
An American Hero Just Announced He's Running for a Key Congressional Seat 
American hero and U.S. Army veteran Sean Parnell announced Wednesday morning on Fox and Friends he will challenge Democrat Congressman Conor Lamb, also a veteran, for Pennsylvania's 17th congressional seat. 

From Parnell's newly launched campaign website: 

Army Ranger, combat infantryman with the elite 10th Mountain Division, and veteran of 485 days of fierce fighting along the Afghan-Pakistan border, Captain Sean Parnell’s unique leadership skills welded his platoon into one of the most fierce and effective American fighting units in modern military history. Repeatedly outnumbered and outgunned by a foe whose avowed purpose was to overrun his platoon, Sean’s “Outlaws” battled furiously in the most rugged terrain on the planet—the towering Hindu Kush Mountains. Eighty-five percent of his platoon received Purple Hearts for wounds incurred in battle, but his men gave far more than they received. Outlaw Platoon killed over 350 enemy fighters in some of the biggest firefights of the Afghan War. His platoon remains one of the most decorated Army units since 9-11.

Sean was wounded in action on June 10, 2006 when his platoon was nearly overrun, for the first time, by a force that outnumbered them almost ten to one. Refusing to leave his men as they battled the enemy at point-blank range, Sean was knocked unconscious and wounded two more times during the firefight. Each time, he returned to his feet to lead his men again. His selfless example prompted one of his Soldiers to remark later, “Sean Parnell saved us all.”

After the June 10, 2006 battle, Sean continued to suffer from untreated head and neurological wounds. For weeks after, cerebral-spinal fluid leaked from his ears and nose while he continued to patrol with his men. His dedication to his men came at great personal cost: when he returned home following the 06 deployment, his wounds forced him from the army and he was medically discharged.

Sean retired a highly decorated Captain, and was awarded two Bronze Stars, one for Valor, and the Purple Heart.

The match up is sure to be one of the most watched as Republicans attempt to take back the House of Representatives in 2020.

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Magic path current challenge: stop identifying the smell

Take a couple of nice-smelling objects (fruits, vegetables) and smell them, trying not to associate the smell with the object.

Don Juan taught me that the limit of man's capability of perceiving is called the band of man, meaning that there is a boundary that marks human capabilities as dictated by the human organism. These boundaries are not merely the traditional boundaries of orderly thought, but the boundaries of the totality of resources locked within the human organism. Don Juan believed that these resources are never used, but are kept in situ by preconceived ideas about human limitations, limitations that have nothing to do with actual human potential. 
Don Juan stated, as categorically as he was able to, that since perceiving energy as it flows in the universe is not arbitrary or idiosyncratic, seers witness formulations of energy that happen by themselves and are not molded by human interference. Thus, the perception of such formulations is, in itself and by itself, the key that releases the locked-in human potential that ordinarily has never entered into play. In order to elicit the perception of those energetic formulations, the totality of human capabilities to perceive has to be engaged. 

C. Castaneda "Magical Passes"

Type: stopping the internal dialogue, not doing

Difficulty: low

A course in miracles day 39

Lesson 39
My holiness is my salvation.
1 If guilt is hell, what is its opposite? Like the text for which this workbook was written, the ideas which are used for the exercises are very simple, very clear, and totally unambiguous. We are not concerned with intellectual feats nor logical toys. We are dealing only in the very obvious, which has been overlooked in the clouds of complexity in which you think you think.

2 If guilt is hell, what is its opposite? This is not difficult, surely. The hesitation you may feel in answering is not due to the ambiguity of the question. But do you believe that guilt is hell? If you did, you would see at once how direct and simple the text is, and you would not need a workbook at all. No one needs practice to gain what is already his.

3 We have already said that your holiness is the salvation of the world. What about your own salvation? You cannot give what you do not have. A savior must be saved. How else can he teach salvation? Today's exercises will apply to you alone, recognizing that your salvation is crucial to the salvation of the world. As you apply the exercises to your own world, the whole world stands to benefit.

4 Your holiness is the answer to every question that was ever asked, is being asked now, or will be asked in the future. Your holiness means the end of guilt and therefore the end of hell. Your holiness is the salvation of the world and your own. How could you to whom your holiness belongs be excluded from it? God does not know unholiness. Can it be He does not know His Son?

5 A full five minutes are urged for the four longer practice periods for today. Longer and more frequent practice sessions are encouraged. If you want to exceed the minimum requirements, more rather than longer sessions are recommended, although both are encouraged.

6 Begin the practice periods as usual by repeating today's idea to yourself. Then with closed eyes search out your unloving thoughts in whatever form they appear—uneasiness, depression, anger, fear, worry, attack, insecurity, and so on. Whatever form they take, they are unloving and therefore fearful. And so it is from them that you need to be saved.

7 Specific situations, events, or personalities you associate with unloving thoughts of any kind are suitable subjects for today's exercises. It is imperative for your own salvation that you see them differently. And it is your blessing on them that will save you and give you vision.

8 Slowly, without conscious selection and without undue emphasis on any one in particular, search your mind for every thought that stands between you and your salvation. Apply the idea for today to each one of them in this way:

9 My unloving thoughts about ___ are keeping me in hell. My holiness is my salvation.

10 You may find these sessions easier if you intersperse the applications with several short periods during which you merely repeat today's idea to yourself slowly a few times. You may also find it helpful to include a few short intervals in which you just relax and do not seem to be thinking of anything. Sustained concentration is very difficult at first. It will become much easier as your mind becomes more disciplined and less distractible.

11 Meanwhile, you should feel free to introduce variety into your practice periods in whatever form appeals to you. Do not, however, change the idea itself in varying the method of applying it. However you elect to use it, the idea should be stated so that its meaning remains that your holiness is your salvation.

12 End each practice period by repeating the idea in its original form once more, and adding:

13 If guilt is hell, what is its opposite?

14 In the shorter applications, which should be made some three or four times an hour and more if possible, you may ask yourself this question, repeat today's idea, or preferably both. If temptations arise, a particularly helpful form of the idea is:

15 My holiness is my salvation from this.

A course in miracles day 38

Lesson 38
There is nothing my holiness cannot do.
1 Your holiness reverses all the laws of the world. It is beyond every restriction of time, space, distance, and limits of any kind. Your holiness is totally unlimited in its power because it establishes you as a Son of God, at one with the Mind of his Creator. Through your holiness, the power of God is made manifest. Through your holiness the power of God is made available. And there is nothing the power of God cannot do.

2 Your holiness, then, can remove all pain, can end all sorrow, and can solve all problems. It can do so in connection with yourself and with anyone else. It is equal in its power to help anyone because it is equal in its power to save anyone. If you are holy, so is everything God created. You are holy because all things He created are holy. And all things He created are holy because you are.

3 In today's exercises, we will apply the power of your holiness to all problems, difficulties, or suffering in any form that you happen to think of in yourself or someone else. We will make no distinctions because there are no distinctions.

4 In the four longer practice periods, each preferably to last a full five minutes, repeat the idea for today, close your eyes, and then search your mind for any sense of loss or unhappiness of any kind as you see it. Try to make as little distinction as possible between a situation that is difficult for you and one that is difficult for someone else. Identify the situation specifically and also the name of the person concerned. Use this form in applying the idea for today:

5 In the situation involving ______ in which I see myself, there is nothing that my holiness cannot do. In the situation involving ______ in which _____ sees himself, there is nothing my holiness cannot do.

6 From time to time you may want to vary this procedure and add some relevant thoughts of your own. You might like, for example, to include thoughts such as:

7 There is nothing my holiness cannot do because the power of God lies in it.

8 Introduce whatever variations appeal to you, but keep the exercises focused on the theme "There is nothing my holiness cannot do." The purpose of today's exercises is to begin to instill in you a sense that you have dominion over all things because of what you are.

9 In the frequent shorter applications, apply the idea in its original form unless a specific problem concerning you or someone else arises or comes to mind. In that event, use the more specific form of application.

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"DR PIZZA" ARRESTED BY FEDS...PIZZAGATE WAS ALWAYS REAL!! - Leftist tech journalist "Dr Pizza" was arrested by the FBI. Sick stuff in the court filings related to his charges.


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Former Democrat calls CNN analyst liar at political event

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Ryan fled after being called out at Politicon
Kelen McBreen | - OCTOBER 28, 2019 8 Comments 
Video: #WalkAway Founder Calls CNN's April Ryan A Liar To Her Face
During a panel titled “Being Black Under Trump” at Sunday’s Politicon, #WalkAway founder Brandon Straka confronted CNN political analyst April Ryan, calling her “the biggest liar in the room.”

“I want to talk to April Ryan, the biggest liar in this room,” Straka said, directing his question to the CNN analyst.

Ryan responded with anger, saying, “Speaking of lies, let me tell you something, my middle name is ‘truth.'”

“You don’t want this,” she added before walking off the stage.

“You’re the one walking away sweetheart,” Straka quickly retorted before demanding Ryan come back to answer his question.

However, Ryan ironically walked away from the confrontation while Straka explained how CNN lying about President Trump led him to start the #WalkAway movement, a group created to give a voice to Democrats who left the party in the Trump era.

By the way, our Everything Must Go Emergency Sale is now live! Get 70% off Survival Shield X-3 and an additional 50% off other products with free shipping and double Patriot Points!

Watch Straka discuss the #WalkAway movement on The Alex Jones Show:


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Washington Post praises ISIS leader

Trump News

Washington Post proves why Trump calls media “enemies of the state” — paper praises ISIS leader killed by U.S. special forces
10/28/2019 / By JD Heyes

The Democrat Party activists who pretend to be journalists have so much hatred for President Donald Trump and his supporters they have done all they could to undermine and depose him since before he even took office. 

Their behavior has led the president to characterize members of the mainstream media as “enemies of the people.” Naturally, that ticks them off but the characterization couldn’t be more accurate — and the latest organization to prove it is the Washington Post.

On Sunday, the president announced that U.S. Special Forces operators, acting on intelligence, infiltrated a compound in northern Syria where ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was hiding with several of his men.

As our forces cut through his men and cornered him in a one-way corridor, al-Baghdadi blew himself up with a suicide vest he was wearing.

Naturally, the president took the opportunity to not only praise our forces, but take a major swipe at our terrorist enemies. And that was just too much ‘Merica for the anti-American Leftists at the Post.

An obituary by the Post read like a lionization of al-Baghdadi, who led a terrorist organization that slaughtered thousands of people and beheaded every Christian ‘infidel’ they could get their hands on.

Buck Sexton
 Democracy Dies in- wait a second has the Post lost its damn mind?

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11:14 AM - Oct 27, 2019
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“Austere?” “Religious scholar?” “Dies at 48?” Unbelievable.

Needless to say, the temperate treatment of a murderous terrorist thug outraged Americans inside and outside of the Beltway.

Sebastian Gorka DrG
 “Religious scholar?”

This is how the treasonous @washingtonpost describes a mass murderer who had Americans beheaded and our Muslim allies burnt alive. 

Yes you are THE ENEMY of the American People and all that is sacred.

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12:16 PM - Oct 27, 2019
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Oh yes, we forgot: These animals would soak people in gasoline, lock them in cages, and light the fuel, all for their viewing pleasure.

The Post also claimed that al-Baghdadi “maintained a canny pragmatism as leader,” and, “Acquaintances would remember him as a shy, nearsighted youth who liked soccer.”

Elliott Schwartz
 The obit also waits until the 34th graf to inform readers he was a serial rapist of hostage sex slaves. …

Elizabeth Harrington
WaPo's actual obit for a terrorist monster:

"austere religious scholar w/ wire-frame glasses"

"Mr. Baghdadi maintained a canny pragmatism"

"Acquaintances would remember him as a shy, nearsighted youth who liked soccer but preferred to spend his free time at the local mosque"

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11:33 AM - Oct 27, 2019
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The biggest enemies to our republic are from within
And what fawning obituary of a terrorist animal would be complete without burying the worst behavior — like being a serial rapist and keeper of sex slaves? (Related: ISIS terrorists urged to start poisoning grocery food across America with deadly cyanide.)

Guess al-Baghdadi lost his “shyness,” huh?

How “pragmatic” to have several sex slaves instead of just one.

Of course, it wasn’t just the Washington Post that idolized this terrorist. Foreign Left-wing media, like the Times of London, did the same thing. As Zero Hedge reports, that paper described al-Baghdadi this way: “A promising young footballer and a student of the Koran who became a terrorist, mass murderer and the world’s most-wanted man.”

‘Student of the Koran.” That’s a cowardly way of hiding the fact that al-Baghdadi was an Islamic extremist who oversaw the murder of tens of thousands of people just because they did not share his religious views.

The disgustingly positive treatment of al-Baghdadi led to several mocking tweets.

Jason Howerton
 Adolf Hitler, passionate community planner and dynamic public speaker, dies at 56.#WaPoDeathNotices

11:46 AM - Oct 27, 2019
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Jason Howerton
 · Oct 27, 2019
 Adolf Hitler, passionate community planner and dynamic public speaker, dies at 56.#WaPoDeathNotices

Jason Howerton
Mao Zedong, who saved 20-45 million of his own people from having to suffer through the struggle of existence, dies at 82.#WaPoDeathNotices

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12:00 PM - Oct 27, 2019
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Jason Howerton
 · Oct 27, 2019
 Adolf Hitler, passionate community planner and dynamic public speaker, dies at 56.#WaPoDeathNotices

Global entrepreneur and self-made billionaire, Pablo Escobar, dead at age 44.

2:06 PM - Oct 27, 2019
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Jason Howerton
 · Oct 27, 2019
 Adolf Hitler, passionate community planner and dynamic public speaker, dies at 56.#WaPoDeathNotices

Hugh Fowler
Jeffrey Epstein, philanthropist, socialite, child lover, unexpectedly and far too soon.

1:19 PM - Oct 27, 2019
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In addition to the mainstream media, it’s become obvious that former President Obama and the sycophants who enabled all of his corruption are just as seditious as the media that protected them.

During an interview Sunday on CNN, network contributor James Clapper, a serial liar and former director of national intelligence, actually suggested that killing al-Baghdadi was going to put the rest of us more at risk because it would ‘inspire’ remaining ISIS fighters, or something stupid like that.

“What is going to be interesting is to the extent to which this negatively affects ISIS or does it galvanize ISIS, the remnants of ISIS, which still survives as an ideology and has franchises in other places besides Syria,” he said. 


The biggest enemies to our republic are coming from within. And many of them use their First Amendment right to undermine and destroy the very country that protects more than half the world from authoritarianism and tyranny. 

Sources include:

Tagged Under: Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, anti-America, beheading, enemy of the state, fake news, ISIS, Journalism, left cult, Left-wing, lies, mainstream media, murder, news cartels, outrage, President Trump, propaganda, sex slaves, Special Forces, terrorist, treason, Washington Post, WashPost


Washington Post proves why Trump calls media “enemies of the state” — paper praises ISIS leader killed by U.S. special forces
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With Democrats brewing a volatile hell-broth for America that could unleash colossal turmoil, Americans better get prepared quickly for the coming fallout
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Republicans say ‘smoking gun’ impeachment testimony is actually ‘fourth-hand’ hearsay
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New website builds target list of Trump donors so that Antifa Leftists know who to terrorize and exactly where they live
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Sicko RINO Mitt Romney creates phony “Pierre Delecto” Twitter account so he can bash Trump and praise himself
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Two New Potential Corruption Scandals Emerge to Threaten Joe, Hunter Biden

Two New Potential Corruption Scandals Emerge to Threaten Joe, Hunter Biden



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Magic path current challenge: imagine being tall

Imagine that all of sudden you became tall. Straighten out and feel stronger and more confident. Will your attitude to the others change?

"The self-confidence of the warrior is not the self-confidence of the average man. The average man seeks certainty in the eyes of the onlooker and calls that self-confidence. The warrior seeks impeccability in his own eyes and calls that humbleness. The average man is hooked to his fellow men, while the warrior is hooked only to himself. Perhaps you are chasing rainbows. You're after the self-confidence of the average man, when you should be after the humbleness of a warrior. The difference between the two is remarkable. Self-confidence entails knowing something for sure; humbleness entails being impeccable in one's actions and feelings."

C.Castaneda "Tales of Power"

Type:  losing self-importance, not doing

Difficulty: low

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Sunday, October 27, 2019

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CNN Fails To Disclose Key Facts About Andrew McCabe In Interview About DOJ Criminal Investigation

CNN Fails To Disclose Key Facts About Andrew McCabe In Interview About DOJ Criminal Investigation: Neither Jim Sciutto nor McCabe disclosed during the interview that McCabe is under investigation for making false statements to the FBI and Justice Department

Image used with permission of Getty Images / Pete Marovich

CNN Fails To Disclose Key Facts About Andrew McCabe In Interview About DOJ Criminal Investigation

CNN Fails To Disclose Key Facts About Andrew McCabe In Interview About DOJ Criminal Investigation: Neither Jim Sciutto nor McCabe disclosed during the interview that McCabe is under investigation for making false statements to the FBI and Justice Department

Image used with permission of Getty Images / Pete Marovich

A course in miracles day 37

Lesson 37
My holiness blesses the world.
1 This idea contains the first glimmerings of your true function in the world or why you are here. Your purpose is to see the world through your own holiness. Thus are you and the world blessed together. No one loses; nothing is taken away from anyone; everyone gains through your holy vision. It signifies the end of sacrifice because it offers everyone his full due. And he is entitled to everything because it is his birthright as a Son of God.

2 There is no other way in which the idea of sacrifice can be removed from the world's thinking. Any other way of seeing will inevitably demand payment of someone or something. As a result, the perceiver will lose. Nor will he have any idea why he is losing. Yet is his wholeness restored to his awareness through your vision. Your holiness blesses him by asking nothing of him. Those who see themselves as whole make no demands.

3 Your holiness is the salvation of the world. It lets you teach the world that it is one with you, not by preaching to it, not by telling it anything, but merely by your quiet recognition that in your holiness are all things blessed, along with you.

4 Today's four longer exercise periods, each to involve three to five minutes of practice, begin with the repetition of the idea for today followed by a minute or so of looking about you as you apply the idea to whatever you see:

5 My holiness blesses this chair.
My holiness blesses that window.
My holiness blesses this body.

6 Then close your eyes and apply the idea to any person who occurs to you, using his name and saying:

7 My holiness blesses you, [name].

8 You may continue the practice period with your eyes closed; you may open your eyes again and apply the idea for today to your outer world if you so desire; you may alternate between applying it to what you see around you and to those who are in your thoughts; or you may use any combination of these two phases of application which you prefer. The practice period should conclude with a repetition of the idea made with your eyes closed and another following immediately with your eyes open.

9 The shorter exercises consist of repeating the idea as often as you can. It is particularly helpful to apply it silently to anyone you meet, using his name as you do so. It is essential to use the idea if anyone seems to cause an adverse reaction in you. Offer him the blessing of your holiness immediately that you may learn to keep it in your own awareness.

Trump says ISIS leader al-Baghdadi died ‘whimpering and crying and screaming all the way’


President Trump confirmed in an address to the nation Sunday that a “whimpering and crying and screaming” Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, who as leader of the Islamic State unleashed a rein of jihadist terror around the globe, died during a US special forces raid in Syria.
“Last night the US brought the world’s No. 1 terrorist leader to justice,” Trump said from the White House Diplomatic Reception Room. “Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is dead.”
“He was the founder and leader of ISIS. The most ruthless and violent terror organization anywhere in the world. The United States has been searching for Baghdadi for many years.
Capturing or killing Baghdadi has been the top national security priority of my administration,” Trump said.
Trump said the special forces executed a “daring” nighttime raid and “accomplished their mission in grand style.”
“He died after running into a dead end tunnel, whimpering, crying and screaming all the way,” the president said.
Al-Baghdadi, who had a $25 million bounty on his head, was targeted in a raid carried out in Idlib province in northwestern Syria not far from the Turkish border, the president said.

More from the NY Post


Hammerfall! Justice Dept. Announces Criminal Investigation Of Deep State Coup Attempt - FULL SHOW

The planets are aligning: expect explosive developments in the next seven days, plus special surprise guest joins Alex live! The Justice Dept. probe into the origins of the Russiagate fiasco is now an official criminal investigation, multiple outlets are reporting. The department has turned the administrative review of Russiagate, including the surveillance of Trump campaign officials, into a full-blown criminal inquiry, which gives the prosecutor in charge of the probe, John H. Durham, the power to file criminal charges.

Hammerfall! Justice Dept. Announces Criminal Investigation Of Deep State Coup Attempt - FULL SHOW

Former NBA star Dennis Rodman reacts to Lebron James' comments on China, NBA controversy. #FoxNews

Dennis Rodman goes one-on-one with Tucker Carlson


Dennis Rodman gets emotional after Trump-Kim summit

Judge Judy Says Fathers Are Not Second Class Citizens! Tommy Sotomayor Talks Live!

Judge Judy Says Fathers Are Not Second Class Citizens! Tommy Sotomayor Talks Live!

‘The Dumbest Generation’ has gotten even dumber 10 years later


Unsurprisingly, average SAT scores dipped for 2019’s high school graduates, according to results in September. Many observers were quick to note, however, that nationwide, more students are taking the college admission exam because of publicly funded testing during the school day, which may explain the decline.
Not so fast, unfortunately. A growing body of research shows that IQs and intellectual abilities have steadily been decreasing among people born after 1975. Ten years after the publishing of “The Dumbest Generation: How the Digital Age Stupefies Young Americans and Jeopardizes Our Future,” a best-seller by then-Emory professor Mark Bauerlein, evidence suggests we are only getting stupider. Bauerlein discussed with me where America stands on the one-decade anniversary of his book.
Bauerlein’s book begins with a review of American students’ embarrassing knowledge deficits, skewering academia’s over-emphasis on what it calls “critical thinking,” its misguided promotion of screen time in school, and its short-sighted undermining of the role of older, experienced mentors.
Citing a number of objective studies — the National Assessment of Educational Progress, the National Survey of Student Engagement, the Kaiser Family Foundation Program for the Study of Entertainment Media and Health, the American Time Use Survey, Bureau of Labor Statistics, and the Survey of Public Participation in the Arts from the National Endowment for the Arts — Bauerlein highlights the disparagingly dismal knowledge of our American students. The poor results span many disciplines: history, civics, math, science, technology, and fine arts.

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SJW Writer Loses Her MIND Over Ewan McGregor's Secret!

SJW Writer Loses Her MIND Over Ewan McGregor's Secret!


MARK HAMILL is a D0UCHE. #FandomMenace

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Randy Cramer – Project Moonshadow, Super Soldiers, Mars Colony, & Alien Wars

A compilation of radio shows with Randy Cramer, [who claims to be a] US Marine Special Section Super Soldier, discussing how he was created for Project Moonshadow, visited Lunar Operations Command on the Moon, combated aliens as a soldier for the Mars Defense Force, and became an officer for the Radiant Guardian Fleet.

Randy Cramer – Project Moonshadow, Super Soldiers, Mars Colony, & Alien Wars

#ProtectJamesYounger! Nick Rips Silent Liberal Media | The Nick Di Paolo Show

#ProtectJamesYounger! Nick Rips Silent Liberal Media | The Nick Di Paolo Show

White Liberal Gets Schooled by Black Trump Supporter!

White Liberal Gets Schooled by Black Trump Supporter!

YOU'RE FAKE NEWS: President Trump RIPS "Fake Witch Hunt" and "Do Nothing" Democrats

YOU'RE FAKE NEWS: President Trump RIPS "Fake Witch Hunt" and "Do Nothing" Democrats

Impeachment marches on

Impeachment marches on

Former Inmates Share Powerful Stories of 'The First Step Act' with President Trump

Former Inmates Share Powerful Stories of 'The First Step Act' with President Trump

How Is This Okay??

How Is This Okay??


‘Yeezy’ has been challenging the thought police for more than a decade – but now he’s reached a new level!

Kanye West warned that he was about to go “Alex Jones Level” during a powerful interview where he was explaining his faith in Jesus and how he only fears God.
The world-renowned rapper reminded his interviewer that he has been “canceled” before there ever was such a thing as “cancel culture” when he was asked if he was afraid of losing his audience.
“I told you, I’m only afraid of God! I’m only afraid of my daddy, God,” said Kanye on BigBoyTV Friday. “God is telling you that you can have your own thoughts, bro. I’ve been canceled before there was ‘cancel culture.’”
“Who told you that my career would be over? The same people that are telling you that you can’t have a right to say who you would vote for, those people would be soon to take Jesus out [of] the school, those people would be soon to remove Jesus, period, from America, which is the Bible Belt! Those people would be soon – man, come on man, I ain’t finna go Alex Jones level on y’all man, come on man, what y’all want?”
The full interview can be seen on BigBoyTV below:

Chinese Government Responds To Shaquille O’Neil’s Free Speech Statement
The Chinese government has issued a strong condemnation of Shaq’s comments on free speech while praising Lebron James’ boot-licking.

A course in miracles day 36

Lesson 36
My holiness envelops everything I see.
1 Today's idea extends the idea for yesterday from the perceiver to the perceived. You are holy because your mind is part of God's. And because you are holy, your sight must be holy as well. "Sinless" means without sin. You cannot be without sin a little. You are sinless or not. If your mind is part of God's, you must be sinless or a part of His Mind would be sinful. Your sight is related to His holiness, not to your ego and therefore not to your body.

2 Four three- to five-minute practice periods are required for today. Try to distribute them fairly evenly, and make the shorter applications frequently to protect your protection throughout the day. The longer practice periods should take this form:

3 First, close your eyes and repeat the idea for today several times slowly. Then open your eyes and look quite slowly about you, applying the idea specifically to whatever you note in your casual survey. Say, for example:

4 My holiness envelops that rug.
My holiness envelops that wall.
My holiness envelops these fingers.
My holiness envelops that chair.
My holiness envelops that body.
My holiness envelops this pen.

5 Several times during these practice periods, close your eyes and repeat the idea to yourself. Then open your eyes and continue as before.

6 For the shorter exercise periods, close your eyes and repeat the idea; look about you as you repeat it again; and conclude with one more repetition with your eyes closed. All applications should, of course, be made quite slowly, as effortlessly and unhurriedly as possible.

Senate resolution to condemn House impeachment inquiry hits 50 cosponsors

Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., speaks about a resolution he says he will introduce condemning the Democratic-controlled House for pursuing a “closed door, illegitimate impeachment inquiry,” during a news conference at the Capitol in Washington,Thursday, Oct. 24, 2019. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)
OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 8:35 AM PT — Saturday, October 26, 2019
All but three Senate Republicans have now signed Lindsey Graham’s resolution to condemn the House’s impeachment inquiry. The Senate Judiciary Committee chairman sent out an updated list of the resolutions 50 cosponsors Friday.

Lindsey Graham
45.Scott (FL)


2:04 PM - Oct 25, 2019
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1,924 people are talking about this
The three names missing from that list include Mitt Romney of Utah, Susan Collins of Maine and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska. Romney has said he is waiting for the House to hold a full vote on impeachment and Murkowski claimed she hasn’t read the resolution yet. Collins has declined to comment.Senate Foreign Relations Committee member Sen. Mitt Romney, R-Utah, questions witness James Jeffrey special representative for Syria Engagement and special envoy to the Global Coalition to Defeat Islamic State during a committee hearing on assessing the impact of Turkey’s offensive in northeast Syria, on Capitol Hill in Washington, Tuesday, Oct. 22, 2019. (AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta)The Senate Judiciary Committee chairman introduced the resolution Thursday to rebuke House Democrats for conducting their impeachment inquiry in secrecy. He has called the process “at its core, un-American.”“What’s going on is a run around the impeachment process, creating a secret proceeding behind closed doors that fundamentally…denies due process,” stated Graham. “When you’re talking about removing the president of the United States, seems to me you’d want to have a process that is consistent with who we are as Americans.”The resolution called for open-door proceedings and aims to provide the president with “fundamental constitutional protections.” Graham pointed out that the right to “due process” was given to former Presidents Clinton and Nixon, but not to President Trump.“I would say if we pulled this, you’d be beating us alive,” stated the senator. “If we had Rudy Giuliani’s opening statement and he said ‘I did nothing wrong,’ I doubt if you would accept that.”Graham has said there’s “a right way and a wrong way” to go about impeachment, but emphasized House Democrats have chosen the “dangerous way to do it.”It remains unclear when the nonbinding resolution will be taken up for a vote.Related: Rep. Gaetz, House GOP Attempt To Storm Into Impeachment Proceedings

Magic path current challenge: procrastinating

Today you will be alone with your procrastination. Notice your desire to postpone everything as well as your judgements about this action. Can you define the reason causing procrastination?

...It is very easy in the path of knowledge to get lost in the intricacies and morbidity. He said that seersare up against great enemies that can destroy their purpose, muddle their arms, and make them weak; enemies created by the warriors' path itself together with the sense of indolence, laziness and self-importance that are the integral parts of the daily world.

C.Castaneda "The Fire From Within"

Type: saving energy, losing self-importance

Difficulty: low

Stop framing by blaming racism

Stop framing by blaming racism

Friday, October 25, 2019

Rush Limbaugh Show Full VIDEO – Oct 25, 2019 - McCabe Peddles Debunked Papadopoulos Story on CNN - Democrats Have Lost Their Monopoly on the News Cycle

RUSH: I want to get to the McCabe sound bite from CNN. This is crucial. Now, for many of you who’ve been regular listeners it’s gonna be old hat, but that’s what I mean. It’s gonna take some time today to revisit all this because this is what’s been brought back to life now with the announcement that there is a criminal investigation of the investigation.
tThe beginning of that investigation is still something that we don’t know, folks. We don’t know actually when it began. We have a pretty good idea. We know why it was begun. It was begun to stop Trump from being elected, and then it changed into a coup to prevent him from being inaugurated. There was a three-month period — well, a two-month period, December, January, that they were in full speed motion trying to undermine his election. They didn’t have ever much of a chance, but one of the objectives was to prevent him from being inaugurated.
Well, they failed. And after he’s inaugurated, then they’re full-fledged into getting him thrown out of office, 25th Amendment, emoluments clause, unfit, Russian conspiracy, you name it. They weren’t gonna wait for the 2020 election. They went after the Electoral College; they went after a number of things.
Now, the beginnings of this, we don’t literally know the moment or how. But they are lying about what they claim began it. And when Andrew McCabe was on CNN today to revisit this, I was stunned. I was really shocked that he told this story, because it has been debunked. It has been thoroughly exposed as a lie. It has been shown to be entirely manufactured to at least half of the people of this country.
Now, I have to admit that the people watching CNN hearing McCabe tell this story today, more than likely the three to four hundred thousand people watching don’t know the truth. So here’s McCabe explaining what happened, and I’m going to explain the lie to you afterwards.
He’s talking with Jim Sciutto, who is an activist participant in all this, not just a media guy. And he said to McCabe, the fired former deputy FBI director, “Is it possible, Andy, that there are legitimate questions about how the investigation began?” So all of a sudden the attorney general’s got a criminal investigation going on. So CNN, they’ve lost control of the news cycle. “Is it possible, Andy?” Now, granted it’s a setup question and he’s prepared to hit it, but, “Is it possible, Andy, that laws are broken? Is it possible, Andy, that there are legitimate questions about this?”
MCCABE: We all knew that the Russians had been attacking our cyber infrastructure since as early as the fall of 2014. We knew that they had focused those attacks on the DNC. We knew that they had stolen the DNC emails. We knew that they weaponized that material during the convention against Hillary Clinton.
And then we found out that before that weaponization was made public, an individual associated with the campaign, George Papadopoulos, who none of us knew anything about prior to that point, told a foreign diplomat before it was public knowledge that the Russians had reached out to the campaign and offered that assistance.
That is incredibly serious to the organization, the FBI, that has as part of its mission constantly investigating the Russians and their efforts to undermine our democracy. So when that information came to our attention, we made the obvious and rational decision to investigate whether or not anyone affiliated with the campaign was working in concert with the Russians.
RUSH: All of that is a lie. And I’m being charitable. All of this is a lie. Now, let’s start with the Papadopoulos stuff here. “We had stolen the DNC emails.” The Russians didn’t steal any DNC emails. This is a combination of Hillary emails and Podesta emails. We don’t know that the Russians hacked the DNC server. We don’t even have the server. It’s in Ukraine. CrowdStrike is the only source for that. The FBI never examined it. They don’t know who got those emails.
Podesta’s emails were the result of Podesta falling for a phishing attack. The Russians had nothing to do with it. But this Papadopoulos story is entirely made up. And McCabe knows it. And the fact that they are continuing to tell this story is quite interesting to me. Papadopoulos was a junior foreign policy adviser in the Trump campaign. He had not been there very long. Trump had never even met him.
He had been hired – and this is not to put down Papadopoulos — he had been hired because Trump’s early stage campaign didn’t have any foreign policy people on it. The media, “Well, who is your foreign policy adviser?” So they ran around and they hired a bunch of people to fill positions.
Stefan Halper, who is a major player in this, a major FBI spy, Cambridge, U.K., calls Papadopoulos and offers him some money and a plane ticket to come present a talk on energy to some group in London. Papadopoulos shows up. I’m giving you the CliffsNotes version. Papadopoulos shows up. He’s introduced to two people. He’s introduced to Halper. He’s introduced to a guy named Joseph Mifsud.
Both of them tell Papadopoulos, they ask him, they tell him, “Are you aware the Russians have a bunch of Hillary Clinton emails?” Papadopoulos didn’t know it. Nobody in the Trump campaign knew it. Nobody to this day knows whether the Russians had any Hillary Clinton emails. But they put the thought in Papadopoulos’ head.
Then they schedule a meeting with him and the former Australian ambassador, Alexander Downer, at a bar in London. Before Papadopoulos goes to the bar to meet Downer, Halper reminds him, remember those emails, George, remember Russia’s got a bunch of Hillary Clinton emails. So Papadopoulos tells Downer. Downer, who already knew the plan, then called the FBI, who set up the entire thing. Downer calls the FBI, “Hey, I got a Trump guy here telling me that they know the Russians have a bunch of Hillary emails.”
It was a gigantic setup. Papadopoulos knew nothing until the FBI agents told him. Then they set up a meeting where he would tell the ambassador. This is the CliffsNotes version. And I’m telling you it’s an outright lie that the FBI didn’t know anything about it. We heard this, we panicked, we thought we better investigate. None of this is true. They planted that idea in Papadopoulos’ head, and then when he started telling people about it, they acted like they had no knowledge of it. I’m out of time. But this investigation is filled with similar type occurrences.
RUSH: Yeah. And what the Mueller investigators tried to do to Papadopoulos and his fiancée, you probably won’t believe that, either.
I had to hurry through this Papadopoulos thing. I want to go back to this because it really is key. Because what we are learning, I think, you know, people say, “Rush, why today, why the opening of an official criminal investigation?”
Well, there’s a bunch of possible reasons. Barr and Durham have been traveling. They just got back from Italy. Italy is an epicenter of this. I’ll have the details for you in a second. But one of the figures I mentioned, Joseph Mifsud, he’s disappeared. Nobody can find him. They may, however, have gotten hold of a couple his BlackBerry’s.
Now, the Mueller people have tried to pass Mifsud off as a Russian agent in his involvements with Papadopoulos. He’s not a Russian agent. He’s an FBI agent as is Stefan Halper, as was Alexander Downer. These people are all… call ’em agents or spies or embeds of the FBI.
Now, let me review the Papadopoulos thing because, folks, this story, if I can make this understandable, is how they did almost everything in this investigation. It’s how they lied to the FISA judge or court to get warrants to spy. I think — I’m getting ahead of myself — to answer the question, why now? I think that the Horowitz IG investigation — remember, the inspector general cannot charge anything. All he can do is make recommendations. All he can do is ferret out misconduct and report it.
I think Barr and Durham know what’s in that report. I think they see criminal behavior in the IG report. Remember, the IG report’s about FISA and how the system was abused to get warrants to spy on the Trump campaign. I think they went to Italy. I think they’ve uncovered a lot about Mifsud. The Papadopoulos story — and again, I’m gonna stick to the CliffsNotes version of this. It’s much more intricate and detailed, but I just don’t have the time to get this in and everything else I want to try to impart today.
I don’t mean to be insulting Papadopoulos with any of this. I don’t mean to be leaving things out on purpose. I just want to get to the nub of it. Papadopoulos was a new hire. He did not have power or prominence in the Trump campaign. He was a foreign policy adviser. It was early on. He had not been there long enough to be a principal. It’s key! The way the FBI and Stefan Halper looked at it, they thought they had a guy they could manipulate and mold. They thought they could dazzle this guy, young, new to the presidential campaign, they thought they could run a trick on him and make him feel really important, make him feel special, in this way they could manipulate him.
So Halper offers him some money and a plane ticket to come make a speech to some august group in London. He was an energy specialist, Papadopoulos was, and they asked him to come make a speech on the latest discoveries and activities he had engaged in in the energy sector. So he accepted it. When he gets to London, they wine and dine the guy. They set him up with a honeypot who had ties to Russia or could be made to look as though she did. And they plant a story with him.
They think he’s going to be impressed as hell to be meeting people from MI5, from Cambridge University. They think Papadopoulos’s head’s gonna swell. They think he’s gonna be just thinking he has arrived, he has hit the big time! And they think he’s the kind of guy, if they plant information, he’d love to go around bragging about it to try to impress people with his importance and status. I don’t mean to be insulting him here. This was the trick that was played on him.
So they get him to London. Stefan Halper, who has a home in Virginia, the guy is thick as thieves with the FBI. But he’s a Cambridge professor, maybe he’s dabbled a bit at Oxford as well. His best friend was the guy that ran MI6, Richard Dearlove. They were faculty members together. They’re thick as thieves with the FBI on this and other things.
So Papadopoulos is told by Halper and by Mifsud, M-i-f-s-u-d, he might pronounce it Mifsud, but we all say Joseph Mifsud. He was told, “George, you know the Russians have a bunch of Hillary Clinton emails?” He’s supposed to be impressed and dazzled, thinks he’s been let in on a big secret. They want him to tell — it’s like you plant gossip with somebody and you want them to spread the word by telling them not to say a word.
So they tell Papadopoulos about all these Hillary Clinton emails the Russians have. He doesn’t know they’re working with the FBI. He doesn’t know any of this. They’re just people that invited him to come make a speech and paid him to do it. They’re taking him to dinner, they’re wining and dining, he thinks he’s important, he’s in the Trump campaign, he’s an energy expert.
Then they set him up some days later to have drinks, adult beverages at a bar in London with somebody named Alexander Downer, happens to be another FBI informant, an ambassador from Australia. Think establishment member, think elitist, think member of the Washington elites. Diplomatic core, State Department.
So they go have drinks, and before he goes, Halper reminds him, “Remember, George, remember those e-mails the Russians have, remember that, right?” I’m paraphrasing. The point is that they put the notion in his head again before he goes and meets. During the adult beverages at the bar in London he happens to mention to Downer along the lines of, “Hey, look what I know. You know, I’m in your league. I know things too, you know. I’m not just some junior guy who doesn’t know things.”
So he tells Downer. What does Downer do? Downer calls the FBI says, “Hey, I just met with this guy from the Trump campaign, and he’s going on and on and on about how the Trump campaign’s well aware that the Russians have the Hillary Clinton emails.” Now, Downer knows Halper, Downer know he’s part of the setup!
So Downer calls the FBI and reports as though they don’t know it, but this was the closing of the loop! Papadopoulos had just closed the loop by making the phone call that would allow the FBI to act like they had no knowledge of it. And now McCabe’s on CNN today saying this is when the investigation began. And it’s not! This was in the July-August time frame of 2016. This began in 2015.
Again, this is the CliffsNotes version of this. But it’s how they did the FISA warrant. What would happen is that somebody in the FBI would call somebody at the New York Times or Washington Post, give them a bit of information about Trump and Russia colluding and all that. The Times would run the story. And then when the FBI goes up, Comey and whoever, Rosenstein, to apply for the FISA warrant, guess what are the sources? The media. They say, “Look, Judge, even the media knows about this.” Well, the only way the media knew about it is because they told the media.
They ran these double loops throughout this investigation. They planted information in the minds of all kinds of people who then went and spread the information. Then the FBI supposedly heard about the information that they had planted, and they used it as supplemental evidence to support their premise. None of it was real. All of this has been orchestrated. And the route for this, for all of this stuff from the U.K., obviously went to John Brennan at the CIA, and then he gave it to the FBI.
They had plausible deniability set up. This whole thing is an intricately written and orchestrated play. And all of the actors are following the script unaware that there is a script. And as the actors, who don’t know they’re actors — they think they’re legitimate players — as they follow the script that they don’t know has been written, the FBI is then permitted to build a case based on the fruits of their investigation when there isn’t an investigation because there’s never been a crime.
There wasn’t any collusion or anything of the sort. Everything that’s in the Mueller report, everything that ends up being disseminated publicly was stuff that was made to happen, that was orchestrated by who? Obama, Brennan, Clapper, McCabe, Comey. They’re all in on this. The meeting at the White House on January 6th, it was set up in a meeting with Obama. Clapper and Comey and a couple others are gonna go meet with the president-elect on January 6th.
After the meeting is over Comey says, “Can I have a couple minutes with you, Mr. President?” “Sure.” Clapper and his other participants leave the room, and Comey, “Mr. President, I know you don’t want to meet with the intelligence community, but I want to try to convince you you need to. I want to show you something that’s out there that you need to know about, and you wouldn’t know this if you don’t meet with these people,” and he presented to him the golden showers story from the Steele dossier. This is where Trump supposedly had hired some prostitutes to urinate on a bed in Moscow that Obama and his wife had slept in.
Trump says, this is silly! I didn’t do that! This is nuts! Comey says, I know, but this is what you gotta know. So Comey leaves. And according to his own testimony he called Clapper. He said, “Mission accomplished.” Clapper called CNN. “Mission accomplished, the president knows. You can run with it.”
CNN runs with the story, the golden showers. It’s the first aspect of the Steele dossier that legitimately appears in the Drive-By Media. CNN got a Pulitzer for this story that was set up to happen in the Obama Oval Office! It was an orchestrated script again. They had to get the dossier in the news. They wanted it to appear in the news. The way you make news is tell the president about it.
So Comey tells Trump, meeting is over, Comey leaves, calls Clapper, “Mission accomplished,” Clapper calls CNN, who then hires him, by the way, as an ongoing analyst and expert. CNN’s off and running. Then BuzzFeed publishes the whole dossier even though none of it to this day’s ever been corroborated because it was nothing more than Hillary Clinton bought and paid for oppo research.
Look. You know all this because we’ve talked about it for two years. This is what is now going to surface in an official criminal investigation. This is the stuff that Comey and Obama and McCabe, all these people thought would forever be relegated to, quote, unquote, wacko conservative media. It would never go mainstream. But it has now, and it’s going to break out.
The Papadopoulos story as the reason for the investigation is McCabe’s biggest lie, and that’s saying something. And we haven’t touched yet on Strzok Smirk and Lisa Page. And I haven’t gotten to the story here about how Michael Flynn was totally set up by the same people, Stefan Halper and others in the FBI.
It is outrageous what has happened to Michael Flynn. When Mueller’s people, when it was time to interview Papadopoulos, they went to his fiancee, and they said, “You better drop this guy. He’s a toad. This guy’s deadweight. This guy’s going nowhere. This guy’s a bad actor, you need to get away from this guy fast.” What was the point of that? They want chaos in Papadopoulos’ life. They wanted a story that even his fiancee left him because she couldn’t stand to be around somebody that had something to do with collusion with the Russians.
They were doing everything they could to diminish the guy, to lie about him, and now here’s McCabe to this day even though this has been blown to smithereens, everybody that’s been paying any attention to this knows that McCabe was lying through his teeth today and yet there he is on CNN doing so.
This is why I say they are scurrying. This is why I say they’re trying to keep this and hold this together. This is why they’re afraid that they’re losing the monopoly of the news cycle.

RUSH: What do you mean, they’ve lost the monopoly of the news cycle? Folks, it’s all over the news that there is now a criminal investigation of the investigation into Trump! That’s all over the news cycle now. It’s everywhere. The New York Times, the Washington Post. And they’re doing CYA stuff on it.
What’s the first thing CNN did? They went and got one of the conspirators, they went and got Andy McCabe to come out, and Andy McCabe told the Papadopoulos lie. I’m telling you, this is gonna be warp speed now because they think they have lost the news cycle with this indictment talk. You know, indictments? That’s what a grand jury means. Criminal investigation, we’re not at that stage in this impeachment yet. This impeachment business stuff still an illusion. They’re still trying to create an illusion. This is real over here.
This is a criminal investigation of what happened to Donald Trump, not a criminal investigation of Donald Trump. This is a criminal investigation of Brennan, of Comey, of Clapper, of Stefan Halper, of MI5 and MI6. Many people in the FBI, James Baker at the FBI, the Ohrs.
Folks, I’m gonna tell you something else. We’re just getting warmed up. Next week — you know, I’ve cited the work of a man named Lee Smith to you throughout the past two and a half years as I have sought to tell you the truth about this investigation and about the FBI’s attempt to plant spies, embed spies in the Trump campaign. I got up and dug out the details of what actually happened with the Papadopoulos story. We’ve interviewed Papadopoulos for The Limbaugh Letter. He’s told his story on those pages.
And Lee Smith does some of the best work. And I’m gonna tell you who everybody really owes in all this is Devin Nunes. Devin Nunes, who ran the Schiff committee before Schiff ran it when the Democrats won election in 2016, Devin Nunes ran the intel committee. Devin Nunes is who uncovered 90% of this. It was Devin Nunes who fed what he had uncovered to media that was interested. If Devin Nunes had not uncovered what he’s uncovered about this, we wouldn’t know half or more of what we know.
Well, Lee Smith has a book that is going to hit next week. Now, I have, because I’m a powerful, influential member of the media, I have a copy. But there’s an embargo on it. But I’m just gonna tell you, I’ll give you one little hint. There’s gonna be some miniature bombshells about the Steele dossier in the Lee Smith book.
When this stuff pops — and I fully expect the mainstream media’s gonna ignore this, they’re gonna try to lump Lee Smith in with all these other people on the right that they think are cuckoo and cockeyed and so forth. But the bottom line of all this is they now, if they don’t realize it yet, they are still thinking about the possibility of losing the monopoly of the news cycle.
Impeachment, that dwarfed everything else, right? Impeachment talk, impeachment inquiry, whatever these fool witnesses were supposedly saying, whatever leaks that Schiff provided to the Times and the Washington Post, that was the news cycle. Not today. An official criminal investigation. They know what that means. It means grand jury. Grand jury’s the way you get indictments. That means indictments are coming. And we don’t have to wait for the indictments. You know, it can be leaked. We can play this game too.
Once indictments start getting leaked, then you’re gonna really see the rats surface and start scurrying for cover. I think when this all blew apart on them — and this is something I’ve said, I’m being repetitive, but I must say it — I think they thought that the final blow in getting Trump was gonna be this whistleblower reporting on the phone call that Trump had with the president of Ukraine. Do not doubt me on this. I think that was their slam dunk.
I think that was their 2019 October Surprise. Even though there’s not an election, this was to be it because they never thought or calculated Trump would ever release the transcript, so they would be able to say that Trump said anything. They put it in the words of the whistleblower, who has anonymity! So the whistleblower gets to say whatever he wants about what Trump said to the president.
And Schiff went out and gave it away by claiming that the whistleblower told him that Trump had demanded the president of Ukraine dig up dirt, make up dirt, said this eight or nine times. Trump releases the transcript and it blows the entire whistleblower plan sky-high. It just preempted it.
They never thought Trump would do it. They thought he would protect the presidency. They thought he would rely on separation of powers, executive privilege, and not endanger, by setting a precedent, that future precedents would reveal and release the contents of private phone calls. The problem is that Trump can’t sit by and let people lie about what was on the phone call. So he released the transcript. Blows the whistleblower out of the water every other whistleblower.
We don’t even hear about the whistleblower now. The Democrats are saying, “Well, we may not even need whistleblower.” That’s not what it is. The whistleblower is worthless. The whistleblower has been exposed as knowing nothing. The whistleblower admittedly secondhand, didn’t hear the phone call.
They were gonna lie through their teeth like McCabe is lying about Papadopoulos. Like Brennan and Clapper and Comey are lying about everything they’ve done here. They were gonna lie about what this whistleblower said. This was gonna be it. This was where they were gonna get Trump and his supporters split apart.
This was where they were going to show that Trump does collude with foreign governments. This was it. They may not have been able to prove it in Russia, they’re saying, but we’re gonna get him in Ukraine. We’re gonna prove that Trump was asking Ukraine to dig up dirt on Biden just like he did get help from Putin! This was gonna be the narrative. Schiff met with the whistleblower, we now know, spearheaded and shepherded the whistleblower through the process. Then it blows up when Trump reveals the transcript.
I thought they thought they’d have a slam dunk, a narrative with a direct, nonstop route to impeachment. Now that’s all blown. They’ve lost the magic of impeachment. The whistleblower’s gone away. Now there is a criminal investigation that has been officially set up with a grand jury. We have Barr and Durham back from Italy where they have returned with some BlackBerry’s that contain communications details of some of the principals here.
So this is what I mean by having lost the monopoly of the news cycle. You can boil it down by saying that this — this is kind of like when Barr admitted in testimony or acknowledged in testimony before another House committee that, yeah, I think the Trump campaign was spied on. Remember how that was a bombshell? Remember how they went nuts? Because that switched it. That took us from being on defense, moved this over to offense. This is what has happened today.
So that’s all I mean by losing the monopoly of the news cycle. They can’t hide or prevent this element of Barr’s investigation from now being part of the news cycle.