Sunday, April 30, 2023

Project Blue Beam Explained---Lizards Among Us---Internet Comment Etiquette with Erik the Best Debunker/Truther hybrid ever?

Project Blue Beam Explained---Lizards Among Us---Internet Comment Etiquette with Erik the Best Debunker/Truther hybrid ever?

Scroll down and watch the videos first, laugh your ass off, then come back and see my take. Also, my take on the two main topics he is addressing can be found in the related links at the bottom of this page. I don't have very concrete opinions on many conspiracy topics, but love thoroughly exploring them just in case these taboo subjects contain important hidden truth. 

So, I want to believe that Erik is like me and debunks debunkers and truthers and that he knows conspiracy theories are often true, but the fringe of the fringe is sketchy, but still deserves investigation. That said, he might just be making fun of people like me. If so, he is still definitely going to inadvertently expose corruption/conspiracies with his videos. He certainly scores some points with some of the jokes about conspiracy culture, but the focus on the fringe of the fringe is a strawman when it comes to this topic. I'm not afraid to talk about any subject, but that isn't necessarily an endorsement. Perhaps anything short of not horribly ridiculing a conspiracy topic is now viewed that way? In fact, I often debunk the same extreme fringe that he does.

Does he score a hilarious jab that even hit people like me in the gut? Yes! HAHA The parts about  ranting on a blog wildly about conspiracy theories made me laugh and have a mini existential crisis, but unlike his characterization I am not unwilling to budge on topics I have beliefs about if good contradicting evidence presents itself. Do I blog too late at night sometimes and get a little too silly with my "tongue in cheek, but a source material research book in hand and stacked on my desk" style of commentary? Depends on who you ask, but I'm sure I come off as nuts to a few or more folks out there.

That's OK though, I'm not nuts. I'm eccentric like a lot of creative people are, but I truly love myself and focus on happiness in my life. I enjoy creating my silly rants, believe I'm doing the right thing in exploring/exposing possible nefarious goings on, and honestly don't care if anybody else agrees or even reads. Hence, me loving possibly intentionally insulting comedic videos aimed at demeaning my ilk. I have fun even when ranting about horrifying topics. I fight off becoming fearful (demons are real and feed on fear the crazies say) about anything by using humor. Serious crap aside, I employ the tactics detailed in the "demons are real" link above. I also pray, meditate, watch comedy, and listen to positive music like the song Don't Worry Be Happy. I crack myself up and enjoy getting shit off my chest. BTW, you can't let this stuff overtake too much of your life, same goes for politics, or let it upset you or make you an unbearable fanatic to your family and friends. Some agreement here with my critics I will admit and I did so on the Mick West podcast too

"I will admit something you said is right/concede that point." --- Said no debunker ever


"Did this MFer just gloss over demons being real!?" YES! Dig in deeper HERE if you dare, but fair warning the rabbit hole is filled with quick sand.

Interestingly, Eric mentions family members not believing a person and thinking they are a crazy tin foil hat wearing nut job. This is exactly the argument used against RFK Jr., (who I am voting for in the primaries and perhaps in the main event BTW) in a recent abusive ABC news interview. So, isn't this just an argumentum ad populum logical fallacy, an appeal to consensus/authority/group think, wrapped up in the emotion (feelings aren't facts) of loving relationships of family members and friends being disrupted. I think so.

On that particular attack on, RFK, Jr., I had this to say...

Video: ABC News Admits It Censored RFK Jr. Interview For “False Claims About Covid-19 Vaccines”
He said something about vaccines that ABC News didn't like, but we are not allowed to hear what it is

Interestingly, ABC has censored this widely condemned hit piece interview. So, even though they berated him, he apparently still got out too much information that goes against the lies that their puppet masters force feed them and hate it being exposed. The interview already made it clear that: ABC, some of his family, and many Government institutions disagree with him on vaccines. So, why couldn't they just also slap a "fact check" on it online and GOD FORBID... LET THE PEOPLE DECIDE FOR THEMSELVES!

I'll tell ya why again. He did too good of a job articulating his points. Many groups are using tyrannical tactics to try and beat their political adversaries, as opposed to a civil debate. Nobody does this abhorrent, unamerican shit when they have superior arguments, as I've documented since 2008. They are either in bed with those groups and individuals under fire by the likes of RFK, Jr., or they are dupes, or just dumb. The last one cannot be fixed, absent a massive head injury that rewires them to be smart. The other possibilities are standing on a foundation of sand. Persistence and time will assist their structure to collapse under its own weight. 

ABC is just following the propagandist play book. The tactics employed by the establishment to obscure the facts on any particular issue include: censorship, fear of retaliation including, but not limited to getting "canceled," and human nature is exploited and used against the populace. Sick, sad, and certainly not on the funny side of this discussion for sure.

Check out these resources for more info...

Solomon Asch experimented with investigating the extent to which social pressure from a majority group could affect a person to conform.

The experiments revealed the degree to which a person's own opinions are influenced by those of a group. Asch found that people were willing to ignore reality and give an incorrect answer in order to conform to the rest of the group.

How the news changes the way we think and behave---The latest research suggests that the news can shape us in surprising ways – from our perception of risk to the content of our dreams, to our chances of having a heart attack.

Having this knowledge and juxtaposing it with 100% provable fake TV News lies, paints an extremely disturbing picture. Now it's time for a palate cleansing fun picture...

Erik's Alex Jones impersonation is great, before saying anything further about the real man, look at this material if you have never seen it...

Alex Jones in the News Again for Sandy Hook Lawsuits - What Exactly Did He Say FOR REAL NO SPIN - Jones Has Been Targeted for What He Gets Right Not Something He May Have Got Wrong:

Joe Rogan is right about Alex Jones being right about a lot and more than he knows...

Does he talk about having documents that are just Yahoo and Infowars articles. HAHA Yes, he does, but to be fair he also often speaks to major insiders and points to things like the white papers of the depopulation loving globalists that otherwise would be mainly circulated in their circles. Furthermore, Alex is self aware and is thus in on the joke and loves all the memes making fun of him

The meme is funny and has some truth to it, however, it is implied that Russia Today is purely propaganda. This makes me wonder what American news outlets the creator thinks are not government mouth pieces and/or purveyors of fake news? 

Furthermore, foreign news outlets including RT are much more likely and have often brought light upon corruption being exposed by Americans, but ran cover for in US fake TV news media. RT is just like any other major news source, they have a bias, but also do good reporting at times, Secondly, Infowars articles from other authors are backed up with their own sources and not all of those are other Infowars articles. Even those ones have other outside sources and often additional independent research that most likely proves that article's point. This is an argument I've heard before. "Your articles are just a sea of links to other links of yours and sources YouTube videos." What they are really saying, is that they don't have the time, or are too lazy, to look into the other linked sources fully, or to actually watch the videos and then research the claims made that are often documented in the video with further research materials potentially offered up in the description. I promise that is just a facsimile of a word salad, but isn't the real thing. ;) 

As civil engineer Jonathan Cole wrote to me in an email. (Read Cole's review of Among the Truthers here.)
I called into Jonathan Kay about two weeks ago on the radio. Naturally he cut me off. But I captured it on audio. One of his big problems about us “conspiracy theorists” (i.e. people who study the details and ask legitimate questions, using the laws of physics…you know, crazy guys like Isaac Newton), is that we are difficult to debate because we know these little things called “facts”. And the “Academics” are scared to debate, because the conspiracy theorist will bring up those scary points that the academics will not know how to answer.
Moron this particular nuance of researching conspiracies...

Debunking Jonathan Kay, his book Among the Truthers, and Other 'Debunkers'


Almost one month after Kay's initial hitpiece he admitted that he knew nothing about the issue before writing it, stating, "I have never bothered schooling myself in the minutiae of 911-ology — the microscopic examination of photos and videos, the comparison of melting points and mechanical properties of this or that construction material, the second-by-second timetable of U.S. Air Force activity on the morning of Sept. 11, 2001."

However, he promised to change his ways noting that he was "going to slog through the 9/11 Commission Report — and maybe even some other texts besides."

Screw Loose Change Blog on Psychological Study of Truthers and Debunkers Online - Me on Minutia

Oh and, dead links are a common thing not just an RT thing.

Now, if you haven't already done so, enjoy the funniest material I've see in awhile. Also, a couple of my postings concerning Blue Beam schemes and Reptilian conquest fever dreams are below the vids. 

Absolute Very Best Evidence (NOT 100% Proof) for the Existence of Reptilian Humanoids and Shapeshifters


Call me conservative or liberal, Republican or Democrat I'm somewhere in the middle, but y'all don't know what to do with that

I only ever voted for a Republican president twice with my Trump votes. I also voted for Gore, Kerry, Obama twice, all Democrats. Yet, not that long ago I went with calling myself Conservative once in awhile, even though I've long shunned being pigeonholed with labels and believe wearing one often shuts down logical thinking and conversations/debates.

I was also a past promoter of not voting as a vote of no confidence.

I'm torn on that subject a little, but I get it and don't be surprised if I ever give such ideas a platform again in the future. I will say this though, if both presidential choices suck, just don't vote or go third party. The logic on not casting a ballot is that it gives no credence to a broken system and that if voter turnout becomes insanely low that the system would fall under its own weight. Mass mail in ballots, rife with fraud BTW, put a serious damper on that now I would think. 

While voting third party is essentially the same type of thinking reversed, in that it seeks to boost third party legitimacy and will in turn grow the influence of said party. I hope these explanations on voting or not didn't come off as being as clear as mud, lot's of moving parts to consider.

I actually considered myself independent through all my Democrat votes because I've never been a partisan and fully on board with party positions. Nowadays, a few things have happened of note when exploring my political journey, one is that the Dems used to be anti-war like myself. A great old school, anti-war, former Democrat, is comedian Jimmy Dore. From what I've see, he is another one who seeks to end the hyper partisan division, embrace broad political unity on specific issues, and to end the war machine, to name a few.

Another reason for my political evolution is the woke leftist (liberals are not leftists) fringe taking over the party. Lastly, I got older and more conservatives over time. 

BUT, when I deeply reconsidered things over the course of a few days, I first of all remembered just how blessed I am to be a part of the truly bipartisan 9/11 truth movement. The 9/11 truth cause is self-evidently historically meaningful, but the unity of the diverse political persuasions to fight for a common goal is more so and needs to be celebrated and replicated. In this video tribute I made for, Professor Graeme Macqueen, (who recently passed on) he echoes my sentiments, but adds that academics often look down on people with no higher education, but that the truth movement proves the common man is pretty smart and clever. Paraphrasing of course, go see the video to fact check my comprehension skills. When I look at our Idiocracy though, I wonder if that statement is more true when it comes to those that seek to join political/activist movements?

I then remembered all kinds of liberal positions I've had over the years that just aren't talked about anymore. Sometimes that is because we put the issue to bed by consensus or generally acceptance/tolerance of the majority of Americans. Many, if not almost all of my friends and family are Libs too and while I have always got along with these individuals, for the most part, the past few years has seen some drama and lost friends who were overtaken by partisanship and propaganda. However my hands aren't clean either, I am, let's just say... a very passionate person, but have taken it down a notch for awhile and now more than ever. I pick my battles wisely and use love and understanding to advance any points about things to those close to me. The 9/11 topic, interestingly, is one shared by most of those close to me. 

I contemplated all the division again and refuse to let it sneak into my personal life. Furthermore, I also refuse to be manipulated by the powers that be via divide and conquer strategies. At this point, my punk rock anarchist roots have been resurrected FFS! The whole system is actually so corrupt that I agree that a radical counter punching great reset of the system, by we the people, might be necessary. There FBI/CIA/The Man, I said it myself, I'm a radical, you can now quote mine and cherry pick me, or combine separate things to make a new meaning of my words. Yay! A few things that they will leave out regarding my rad skateboard, er, I mean, statement: I'm an 80's baby so being radical and totally tubular is just in my DNA. In addition, I'm a peaceful man who has decried violence by individuals against Gov institutions many times. 

The most important thing about all this is my overarching commitment to happiness that I'm cranking up to 11. I try to pray and meditate daily and watch comedy and it centers me. So yeah, I might be a bit center right or whatever, but I'm shunning their labels again and playing the game my way. We need a pro human political party!

YouTuber, Benny Johnson, recently showed a text communication he apparently had with, Tucker Carlson. He showed a photo of Tucker holding up a vicious New York Times newspaper hit piece about himself, yet he's got a shit eatin' grin on his face. Carlson, paraphrasing, said that they are miserable, I'm happy, I win!

That is some fire ass wisdom right there!

I could not again locate the specific video despite trying and normally I would drive myself nuts looking for it. Not worth all that. Here's his main page though:

Besides all that, it's about damn time people researched for themselves instead of always asking for an additional source. A newfound respect for those actually taking the time to do write ups might ensue. And another thing while we're at it, don't just scroll through a damn manipulated feed from big tech tyrants on social media anymore either. Keeping in touch with people is fine, I guess, although phone books and email addresses also work, but people are lazy. Instead, really contemplate what info you are looking for and find it, Use an alternative, unmanipulated or at least much less manipulate search engine such as: or

There are others I don't know anything about as well. In other words, realize that they mixed personal relationships with politics for a reason. To keep you in a digital ghetto where they manipulate what you can and cannot see. Your free mind might just disagree. Lastly, believe me I get it, I had a hard time  breaking my habit of using Chrome and just Googling everything. Now I search for the same thing 3 times by habit. 

The search engine manipulation effect is real and Google's response is debunked easily! Google is evil and must be stopped!

Song time!
"Call me conservative or liberal, Republican or DemocratI'm somewhere in the middle, but y'all don't know what to do with that" 
Hell Yeah!


They gon' try to call you names, label you with things 'til you're ashamed
You're a sexist or a racist, white supremacist or gayThey'll attack your reputation, claim that you're the one to blameAnd try to make you hate yourself for ways that you behaveThey're just names, embrace them, and they'll never cause you painThey're just words that another person thought up in they brainThey're just names, they do not define you, that's insaneAnd they'll just call you something different if you change
Call me racist, I don't make no BLM donationsI can stand with black folks without a branded corporationAll this systemic prejudice, if you live in this nationYou privileged, black or CaucasianCall me transphobic, but I support you and your policiesI just can't ignore the very basics of biologyAll I see is men and women tryna live in harmonyNot a hundred genders, that you wanna be
Call me snowflake 'cause I'm offended, I ain't stone-facedSocial justice warriors destroying us with woke waysMad because they voted for the POTUS with the most hateMan, I miss the old daysCall me loser, call me bigot, call me stupid, call me bitterCall me ugly, call me cracker, call me douche or call me triggeredYou can call me what you want 'cause at the end of the dayMan, they're just names
Go ahead and call us names, dawg, do your thingWe ain't tripping 'cause we heard it all beforeGive a damn, about the names, dawg, we feel no painYour words ain't gonna hurt us anymoreGo ahead and call us names, dawg, do your thingY'all are tripping, but I hope you find the LordGive a damn about the names, dawg, we feel no shameCall us anything you want, I'm getting bored
They gon' try to call you names, label you with things 'til you're ashamedRepeat it 'til you really start believing what they sayThey gon' stamp it on your forehead and scream it 'til you breakThey love to say they're woke, they're not awakeThey're just names, afraid of anyone who ain't the sameSo they classify your thoughts as controversial, not okayThen they cancel you 'til everything you have, all gets erasedThey tryna tell the world you're bad, they're just names
Call me conservative or liberal, Republican or DemocratI'm somewhere in the middle, but y'all don't know what to do with thatThe system got you so obsessed with classifying right or leftYou never call a person human, call 'em names insteadCall me sexist, men run the world 'cause they're aggressiveBut behind every man, there's a woman just as successfulWe will never be equal in every way, that ain't helpfulOur differences are why we're great together
Call me white devil, I know you think the system favors meMy privilege is residual, benefits from the slaverySubconscious prejudice embedded in the system made for meDon't mean I never struggled to survive, I guess we ain't agreeIgnorant and jaded, call me dumb, uneducatedCall me idiot or redneck or delusional or crazyCall me anything society has taught you to say'Cause at the end of the day, they're just names
Go ahead and call us names, dawg, do your thingWe ain't tripping 'cause we heard it all beforeGive a damn, about the names, dawg, we feel no painYour words ain't gonna hurt us anymoreGo ahead and call us names, dawg, do your thingY'all are tripping, but I hope you find the LordGive a damn about the names, dawg, we feel no shameCall us anything you want, I'm getting bored
Your sticks and your stones might break my bonesBut your words don't hurt, so give me your worstStupid, loser, ugly, poserMoron, liar, crazy, loner
Go ahead and call us names, dawg, do your thingWe ain't tripping 'cause we heard it all beforeGive a damn, about the names, dawg, we feel no painYour words ain't gonna hurt us anymoreGo ahead and call us names, dawg, do your thingY'all are tripping, but I hope you find the LordGive a damn about the names, dawg, we feel no shameCall us anything you want, I'm getting bored
Source: Musixmatch



The search engine manipulation effect is real and Google's response is debunked easily! Google is evil and must be stopped!


9/11 and the Scientific Method | Part 2: Temperature | Jonathan Cole, PE

9/11 and the Scientific Method | Part 2: Temperature | Jonathan Cole, PE



Cats Are Spiritual Guardians Of Humans

Cats Are Spiritual Guardians Of Humans

100% AGREE!

I was never a cat person but when my mom passed away in oct 29 2018 i somehow noticed this stray cat always coming to my porch rubbing against me and being somewhat of a healing to me like it knows my mom is gone and keeping me at peace i feed the cat daily. And when i walk to the car it walks me all the way there and watches me leave feels like its protecting me

I’m a medium as well and my cat just showed up one day and adopted me. Later come to find out he’s a very rare breed from ancient Egypt. He sleeps near me or on me most nights and even saved me from a near stroke, he crawled up to my face and was giving me cat cpr. Love & light xo 68 Eve The Medium 

You are so right!!! I was having psychic attacks and sleep paralysis, my cat came to me got on top and broke me lose from the attack. Anytime i am sad or emotional they will not let me out of their sight. Sometimes my cats come to me in my dreams too, if my cat is on my bed while i sleep they will be in my dreams sometime to! This cat i have was a stray, she just came to me one day out of the woods and she is the best cat i ever own, i call her my guardian angel because she came to me when i was in a really dark place and she saved me. 

I genuinely believe that cats are emissaries of Heaven. They are angels hiding in plain sight. 

My 2 cats saved me from a home intruder. I was home alone and a man broke into my house, I had no idea he was in my home until my cats started acting out to warn me, I turn around to and see the man standing in my kitchen, I locked myself in my bedroom and called the police and they actually caught and arrested him. 

My cat shows me who people really are. I was without him for almost two months and I never felt so empty. This was the first time in his seven years we were a part that long. He makes the house feel safe and I am home as long as he is there. I wasnt able to sleep last night because of a worry I couldn't shake. It was negative energy all around. My cat jumped onto the bed and everything melted away. He is my protector and I am his. Thank you for your video! It was very reassuring!! 

My cat 🐈 Luna 🌙 came into my life when I wasn’t even looking for a pet. My sister came to my home with her and told me she planned on taking it to the shelter. I absolutely fell in love with her and I never let her go. She has been with me for 7 months almost and she brought so much healing to my life as well as joy to my daughters. She’s a little blessing in white little fur. 💗 She’s also bilingual 😀 

My cat and I have a bond like No other...she is my protector in the spiritual realm as I am hers in the physical... And I always let her know how much I appreciate her and how grateful I am to have her in my life... cats are far more powerful than we could ever imagine 

There's a stubborn spirit following me around, even moving/dropping things in my room. A wild cat that I made friends with after a few tries followed me home, a male cat, he is in my room today and I can focus and feel totally safe. Wonderful pets/guardians. This video just popped up after I did a search like weeks ago. Great timing! Thanks

Thursday, April 27, 2023

How to Watch BitChute Free Speech Video Platform on Roku Connected TV?

How to Watch BitChute Free Speech Video Platform on Roku Connected TV?

Editor's Note: Stop being force fed content. Stop being an algorithm zombie. Stop only hanging out in big tech digital ghettos that try to manipulate what info you see. Stop being lazy! Get active! Support free speech!