Monday, January 31, 2022

Not Making Headlines...Japan’s Kowa Company Finds Ivermectin is Effective Against Omicron and Other COVID-19 VariantsKowa Company Ltd, a Japanese company specializing in trading and sales of medicines and medical equipment, announced on Monday that Ivermectin has an “antiviral effect” against Omicron and other COVID-19 variants as Phase III clinical trials continue

Not Making Headlines...

Japan’s Kowa Company Finds Ivermectin is Effective Against Omicron and Other COVID-19 Variants

Kowa Company Ltd, a Japanese company specializing in trading and sales of medicines and medical equipment, announced on Monday that Ivermectin has an “antiviral effect” against Omicron and other COVID-19 variants as Phase III clinical trials continue
Gateway Pundit

Supply Chain Update

Supply Chain Update

Pete Buttigieg Vows More Bike and Bus Lanes, Lower Speed Limits

Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg vowed Thursday to stem rising traffic fatalities by imposing a host of fresh restrictions on everyday drivers while boosting those who choose to walk or use bicycles.

BLM's Millions Unaccounted for After Leaders Quietly Jump Ship

BLM's Millions Unaccounted for After Leaders Quietly Jump Ship

No one appears to have been in charge at Black Lives Matter for months. The address it lists on tax forms is wrong, and the charity's two board members won't say who controls its $60 million bankroll, a Washington Examiner investigation has found.
 Washington Examiner



Sunday, January 23, 2022

Alien Abduction TRUTH---URGENT: Get the truth on Alien Abductions and what you can do to prepare and protect yourself--- 3:31 / 46:48 David M Jacobs The Secret Alien Agenda

URGENT: Get the truth on Alien Abductions and what you can do to prepare and protect yourself: SUMMARY OF THE UFO/ABDUCTION PHENOMENON 1. Humanity's destiny is to emerge into and to engage with a Greater Community of intelligent life in the Universe. 2. Contact with other forms of intelligent life represents the greatest threshold that humanity has ever faced. The results of this Contact will determine humanity's future for generations to come. This Contact is happening now. 3. Humanity is unprepared for Contact. Researchers are still unable to clearly see who is visiting our world and why. Governments are not revealing what they know, and most people are still in denial that this phenomenon is even occurring. 4. Because of this lack of preparation, humanity's true allies sent representatives to a location near Earth to observe the extraterrestrial presence and activities within our world. The Allies of Humanity Briefings represent their report. 5. The Briefings reveal that our world is undergoing an extraterrestrial Intervention by forces that, as demonstrated by their actions, are here to subvert human authority and to integrate into human societies for their own advantage. These forces represent non-military organizations that are here to seek human and biological resources. The Allies refer to these forces as the "Collectives." The Collectives do not value human freedom. 6. Because the Intervention is being carried out by small groups of intervening forces, it must rely primarily upon deception and persuasion to achieve its goals. The Allies Briefings describe in detail how this is being accomplished and what we must do to stop it. 7. This extraterrestrial Intervention is being focused in four arenas:: • It is influencing individuals in positions of power and authority to cooperate with the Intervention through the promise of greater wealth, power & technology • It is creating hidden establishments in the world from which the Intervention can exert its influence in the Mental Environment, seeking to make people everywhere open and compliant to its will through a "Pacification Program" • It is manipulating our religious values and impulses in order to gain human allegiance to their cause • It is taking people against their will, and often without their awareness, to support an interbreeding program designed to create a hybrid race and a new leadership who would be bonded to the "visitors." "Alien Abductions 2014" Alien Abduction 2014 Documentary Movie Film Trailer "How to stop" "Watch Online" UFO ET Disclosure "How to" "How to stop abductions" truth "help me" "what is the truth" "Brown Mountain" "North Carolina" Sighting "UFO Sightings 2014" "Matty Beckerman" "IFC Midnight"

Listen to Conspiracy Shelf 1: Sight Unseen by Budd Hopkins & Carol Rainey by Everything Under the Moon on Audible. READ THE ENTRE BOOK FOR FREE!

Listen to Conspiracy Shelf 1: Sight Unseen by Budd Hopkins & Carol Rainey by Everything Under the Moon on Audible.

  • Summary

  • So you've never been abducted by an alien? Are you sure? In this episode we discover abduction stories shared in Sight Unseen: UFOs, Invisibility and Transgenic Beings by Budd Hopkins and Carol Rainey. After this episode, you might be questioning some memories of your own... Support our podcasting endeavors and receive access to exclusive content on our Patreon! ( Get weekly updates and see what we're up to on instagram at @everythingunderthemoonpodcast Join our Facebook Fan Page and group to chat with us about episodes! @eutmpodcast Support this podcast

    Editor's Note: Indeed, this is a wonderful (like all of them) Budd Hopkins book. Not mentioned during the podcast, it covers people selectively being shown craft while others see nothing, and touches on rhw alien/connection a little bit with some fascinating material...

Trump knows more about UFOs than he gives the impression of - Linda Moulton Howe and Curt Jaimungal

TTR Episode 28: JM Talboo & Larry Pinkney Talk Black Panthers, Racism, Trump, Vomitstream Media, Censorship, Being Conspiracy Analysts NOT Theorists, 9/11 Truth, UFOs and More!

President Trump on UFOs: I'm not a believer but anything's possible:

Truth Teller's Radio Episode 13 - UFO Disclosure is Happening RIGHT NOW Under Trump:

Trump knows more about UFOs than he gives the impression of - Linda Moulton Howe and Curt Jaimungal

Biden’s UFO Narrative Looks Even Worse Now…

For years and years, we have asked the ever-taunting question, ‘Are we alone in the universe?’ And for years and years, our government has been quick to say yes, we are alone.

They tell us that logic and reason can explain any phenomena we may see and think about extraterrestrials. They insist that sights of flying lights or unexplainable sounds are nothing more than military ‘training exercises’ or some similar excuse.

Yet, the question still haunts us. Conspiracy theories still abound. And UFO sightings are still reported every year, all for the government to take note of and not comment on.

So why is it that now, when the world is as chaotic as it’s ever been, is the American government deciding to tell all it knows about the possibility of life somewhere other than on Earth?

As you might have heard, Democratic President Joe Biden’s Pentagon has announced that on June 1, it will release its official UFO report.

According to the Pentagon, UFO sightings have increased significantly in the last two years, particularly over several American military installations. These sightings, as of yet, remain unexplainable and supposedly legitimate. And so, in an attempt to be transparent with the people, the Department of Defense says it will release an account of these sightings and reports.

Naturally, this has only increased curiosity in the possibility that life elsewhere might exist.

But just as naturally, it has led many others to believe that these sightings prove that our government and military technology are embarrassingly behind that of our enemies.

Republican Senator Marco Rubio from Florida, a member of the Senate Intelligence Committee and has access to such reports, says he doesn’t know which method to go with. But in either case, the American government would be wise to figure it out and soon.

As he said in a recent 60 Minutes interview, “Anything that enters an airspace that’s not supposed to be there is a threat.” And considering, we have no idea what this threat is or where it is coming from should be terrifying to all Americans.

Still, the question remains, ‘Why now?’

Why not release its concerns or reports back in 2019 when a host of new and unexplainable sightings are said to have occurred? Better yet, why not release them at any point over the last 75 years since the supposed crash landing of a UFO in Roswell, New Mexico?

Well, to answer that, a tech website known as The Drive says this is a way for Biden’s administration to try to hide the fact that national security has been severely lacking in recent years.

For example, the website speaks of a South Dakota-based company known as Raven Aerostar specializing in “solving great challenges in Aerospace and Defense,” as their website says. Basically, what they do is develop and produce technology such as stratospheric balloons and airships, as well as top-of-the-line radar systems, communication devices, and drones.

One device, particularly one of the above-mentioned stratospheric balloons, could easily be perceived as a UFO by practically anyone seeing it for the first time. According to The Drive, these unmanned balloons can fly well above the typical altitudes of airplanes, missiles, and basically any other aerospace machine. And as such, they can enter and fly over contested airspace with minimal risk.

“Due to their high altitude, they can remain out of reach of many traditional anti-air countermeasures.”

But the American military is likely unaware of such technology even existing, let alone having something similar.

And that makes Tyler Rogoway, the editor-in-chief of The Drive’s ‘War Zone section, believe that much of the supposed sightings are likely “a very terrestrial adversary (who) is toying with us in our backyard using relatively simple technologies – drones and balloons – and making off with what could be the biggest intelligence haul of a generation.”

Rogoway says this is because, for the past few decades, the DoD “is still playing catch=up when it comes to the realities surrounding drone threat.” Basically, what he’s saying is that yes, the federal government has no idea what’s going on out there because they have been too worried about the threats they already know.

And now that it’s becoming apparent that America is far behind in spy tech, the administration is once again covering up their failures with conspiracies on extraterrestrial life.



Friday, January 21, 2022

Liberty is Dead, It's a Mate You'll Never Again Know, But Fate and You All Will Soon Come to Blows, Even Paul Hogan Knows and in His Grave He Rolls, Waiting for Aussie Friends to Visit Him at the End of their Coming Woes, In Short, Australia Fucking Blows and Everybody Knows!

Vaccine Tyranny

Austrian Parliament Votes Overwhelmingly to Introduce Mandatory Vaccination for All Adults

In a vote of 137 to just 33, the Austrian parliament has overwhelmingly voted to make vaccination against the Wuhan coronavirus mandatory for all residents over the age of 18.

We Conspiracy Types Were Right Again

Media Mum

CDC: Natural Immunity Acquired Through Previous Infection of COVID-19 Provides More Protection than Vaccines

A new report released on Wednesday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) revealed that unvaccinated people who recovered from COVID-19 were better protected than those who were vaccinated and not previously infected during the recent delta surge
Gateway Pundit

Thursday, January 20, 2022

This book except is being presented as a fair use promotion of the very important full work.

Let's Rap about Rap News Dude... Tom Macdonald Voted Best Artist of the Year Via the Bizzarro World, 1984 Style, Wild, Rules of Inversion and Ass Backwards Spin, on the Counter Culture, with Counter Top Like, Static, Lack of Spin, But Still a Movement, from a Spine that Bends, But Won't Break from Fake Wins, In the Rolling Stone Rag for Wiped Ass, Then Found In the Trash Bin

Watch "Rolling Stone Calls Tom Macdonald's Fake Woke Single The Worst Song Of 2021! #DylanTalkz" on YouTube 

"She got a little butt, so what?" Is the hook of a radio rap song and Tom is the worst  thing out there, huh? Yes, social commentary that isn't left of Moa is vapid and soulless compared to the championing again of the little butt women of Earth. The roots of rap are strictly partisan Democrat thus your song is bad and invalid. After all, blacks started rap and all blacks are Democrats as literally stated by Joe Biden, so, yeah. It's so fucking dumb it hurts. 🤕 Even if that tripe were literally 💯 true, it's art, and it can't be pigeonholed, but it can and always does evolve. Conservative and just anti-establishment, counter-narrative rappers, like Tom, are en vogue big time right now. It's the bees knees, ya hep cats and kittens, ya dig? Word! Even that was more with the times that this old print music rag acting all sus and such. 

The party politics dynamic vs ideology ebb and flow a bit, but the underlying "taking it to the man" rap root (not the only one) is digging as deep as ever. Conservatism or anything remotely adjacent is the new counter culture, the new Punk Rick, the new Hip Hop. And you can't have the hop if ya don't have the hip. And I repeat, Rolling Stone ain't hip to shit anymore! Yeet!

The Zeitgeist surrounds them, but they can't see the forrest through the trees. Forest Gump is not a smart man and even he can see that, Jenny! What they once hated, they've now become and it's made them tone deaf, blind, and dumb. 

You know, they so, fake woke, facts don't care about feelings. But they won't tell the rest of us what to believe in. Last place is well known to mean first place in this context and day and age. They say their spin doctor line and the truly awake say YAY! Fake Woke Honored by Rolling Stone as Best Song of the Year! It triggered the lockdown,  mandate, forced guinea pig/no bodily autonomy crowd the most!

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

No treasury of the mind in these mindless times...

A Shockingly High Percentage Of The U.S. Population Actually Wants An Authoritarian “Big Brother” Police State – End Of The American Dream
“Fifty-nine percent (59%) of Democratic voters would favor a government policy requiring that citizens remain confined to their homes at all times, except for emergencies, if they refuse to get a COVID-19 vaccine” 

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Ted Nugent Thinks Israel Was Behind 9/11! Is He Crazy? Is He Racist? Is He Right? No and No and They Didn't Act Alone. Let Me Explain with Deep Research Why I Answer Like So...


"Musician and conservative activist Ted Nugent liked and responded to a series of comments on his Facebook page that argued that the Israeli government was behind the 9/11 attacks. The full comment reads: “Israeli Mossad was responsible for the 9/11 attack, why are we still protecting the Zionists who also control our media… Podcasts are fine, but you should have a bigger forum!”

Comments with added further research materials:

Marginal Me 
So criticizing Israel makes someone anti-Semite? That's insane.

More Info:

As former Secretary of State Colin Powell once stated, “It is not anti-Semitic to criticize the policies of the state of Israel.” Presumably, criticizing illegal acts by Mossad or other Israeli services would also be acceptable.

Historical Context:

The Day Israel Attacked America | Special Series - Al Jazeera investigates the shocking truth behind a deadly Israeli attack on a US naval vessel.

The day Israel attacked America - On June 8, 1967, Israel conducted an aerial and sea attack on an unarmed US navy vessel, the USS Liberty, killing 34 Americans and injuring more than 170. The incident was covered up and buried to save US-Israeli relations.

Modern Context:

Trump: ‘Israel Literally Owned Congress’ 'And Rightfully So' WHOA

The dancing Israeli's is definitely some serious evidence

More Info:


Stef Benson
In his defense, Zionism isn't the same thing as Judaism. Theres plenty of anti-zionist Jews out there. Automatic support of Israel is an American thing, the rest of the world can separate Zionism or Israel from Judaism, same as we can separate Italy from Catholicism or India from Hinduism

bee bee
"The idea?" He "thinks", because he doesn't really know, about the so-called "art students", but I do!

More Info:



Zarif Sadiq
Israel is a country, why can we not question or criticize a country? I didn't hear the word Jew in one of those comments.

More Info:

brix smith 
9/11 gave the pretext for Oden Yinon plan, its undeniable and no amount of censorship changes that fact. 

In sum, it seems that an organized group of likely rogue individuals from Israel indeed played a role, but it's an major over simplification to in any way imply they were solely running the show. Many other elements are well documented at this blog (see the next three links below for example) with as much or more evidence pointing towards their complicity or direct involvement.

The plan of the perpetrators it seems, who all had competing and overlapping interests, was to spread the blood all around as to avert anyone pinning them down and nobody can rat the other out without also risking being exposed. 9/11 was inside and outside job. An everywhere job of sorts as "debunkers" had joked before at this notion. 

The separate camps of inside jobbers and the did it crowd, etc., all point at each other and miss the larger point and all end up being wrong. And that is the point of the strategy. 

The myriad of pertinent facts that most do not dig into totally after finding those that support their  preconceived narrative, miss out on the how easily elucidated this conclusion is. It's logic and critical thinking to try to get as close as a non-insider can get to truth, as opposed to having a dog in the fight. 

This is the true definition of a truther, its derogatory connotation aside, which many so-called truthers unfortunately gave fodder to through not being rigorous enough. But most honestly tried their best in the face of cunning disinformation campaigns. Duh-bunk-turds in large part have the establishment and comfortable status quo as their dog in the fight. Admittedly, as was the case with the Screw Loose Change blog, avoiding the pesky minutia was their MO. Willful ignorance and handwaving leading to omissions known and unknown, are the tactics of deluded liars by default whether they posses the ability to admit it to themselves or not. So, as I've said before, I rather be a truther than a liar. 

Many people subconsciously make the mistake of only seeing the issues concerning 9/11 in black and white, as opposed to shades of gray. This is known as the black-or-white fallacy. In this case, the false dilemma is: 9/11 was either carried out by Al-Qaeda or it was "an inside job."

Just because the evidence suggests that rogue elements of the US government and intelligence apparatus, as well as other international intelligence agencies, were involved, doesn't mean bin Laden and Al-Qaeda hijackers weren't involved. 

Fabled Enemies is an older, but higher production value film, that covers the Israeli related line of inquiry in some detail...

"Instead of the focus being on physical anomalies surrounding the attacks, it focuses on a vast intelligence network and how they were able to succeed almost 7 years ago."

Ted Nugent of joins The Alex Jones Show to break down how real Americans must question authority to safeguard from tyranny.

Friday, January 14, 2022

SCOTUS Blocks Biden Vax Mandate – White House to Continue Demanding Businesses Comply with It – Daily Stormer

SCOTUS Blocks Biden Vax Mandate – White House to Continue Demanding Businesses Comply with It – Daily Stormer

Ignore The Law! Biden Calls on Employers to Mandate Vaccines Despite Supreme Court Ruling

Ignore The Law!

Biden Calls on Employers to Mandate Vaccines Despite Supreme Court Ruling

Biden on Thursday appealed to states and companies to require people to get vaccinated against the coronavirus despite the Supreme Court blocking his vaccine-or-test mandate for large employers.
The Hill

Thursday, January 13, 2022



McCarthy Refuses to Comply with 'Illegitimate' Jan. 6 Select Committee's 'Abuse of Power'

Hours after Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-MS) sent a letter calling for House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy's "voluntary cooperation" with the January 6 select committee, McCarthy issued a statement making clear he will do no such thing


European Regulators Warn About Dangers of Frequent COVID Boosters Over Immune System Risks

European Regulators Warn About Dangers of Frequent COVID Boosters Over Immune System Risks

European Union regulators warned that frequent Covid-19 booster shots could adversely affect the immune system and may not be feasible.

Wednesday, January 12, 2022