Friday, May 31, 2019

Google assistant isn’t spying on you for the CIA, unless they ask...

Google assistant isn’t spying on you for the CIA, unless they ask...


The CIA Commits Over 100,000 Serious Crimes Each Year:

Channels Demonetized - An Open Call To ALL YouTube Content Creators

Channels Demonetized - An Open Call To ALL YouTube Content Creators

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Twitter Bans Conservative Nick Monroe For Pizzagate Coverage

Twitter Bans Conservative Nick Monroe For Pizzagate Coverage


JM Talboo & Natasha Republican Lifecoach - Fake News, Wiretapping Scandal, Pedogate

The Amish Are Taking Over America? Not Yet, But Here's What We Can Learn From Them

The Amish Are Taking Over America? Not Yet, But Here's What We Can Learn From Them

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

SJW BATWOMAN has been written as a VILLAIN not a HERO!!

SJW BATWOMAN has been written as a VILLAIN not a HERO!!


CW BATWOMAN: RACHEL MADDOW IN BLACK RUBBER. Holy hell, trailer reaction!! - Batwoman Trailer is INSUFFERABLE:

Monday, May 27, 2019

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Support for the The Far Left Krassenstein Brothers Banned from Twitter - Was Twitter Ban Of Krassenstein Brothers A Sign Of More Censorship Coming? - Alex Jones Speaks on Krassenstein Twitter Banning & Leftists Defend AOC's "Cauliflower Is Racist"

Support for the The Far Left Krassenstein Brothers Banned from Twitter - Was Twitter Ban Of Krassenstein Brothers A Sign Of More Censorship Coming? - Alex Jones Speaks on Krassenstein Twitter Banning & Leftists Defend AOC's "Cauliflower Is Racist"


Trump Administration creates tool for reporting social media censorship

TTR Episode 25: JM Talboo and Ray J Talk about Censorship and Pretty Much Every Other Taboo Topic We're Supposed to Shut Up About:

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Up close and personal with two spotted hyenas

Up close and personal with two spotted hyenas

A lion relaxing in the breeze at Keystone Safari

A lion relaxing in the breeze at Keystone Safari

Feeding Levi the son of giraffe April - Giraffe keeps bumping his head

Feeding Levi the son of giraffe April - Giraffe keeps bumping his head

Michael Avenatti Flies Too Close To Uranus - Have Fun 😂

Michael Avenatti Flies Too Close To Uranus - Have Fun 😂

Longhorn bull at Keystone Safari in Grove City, Pa

Longhorn bull at Keystone Safari in Grove City, Pa


“I said, I want to bring our troops back home — the place went crazy.”

President Trump, speaking about hostile foreign powers, Iran especially, told Fox News that if he can solve tensions economically, he prefers that to a military solution.
But he said he’s up against a military-industrial complex in Washington that wants to keep the wars going:
Well, I’m the one that talks about these wars that are 19 years (long), and people are just there. And don’t kid yourself, you do have a military industrial complex. They do like war.
You know, In Syria with the caliphate, so I wipe out 100% of the caliphate that doesn’t mean you’re not going to have these crazy people going around, blowing up stores and blowing up things, these are seriously ill people…But I wiped out 100 percent of the caliphate.
I said, I want to bring our troops back home — the place went crazy. They want to keep– you have people here in Washington, they never want to leave. I said, you know what I’ll do, I’ll leave a couple hundred soldiers behind, but if it was up to them they’d bring thousands of soldiers in.
Someday people will explain it, but you do have a group, and they call it the military-industrial complex.
They never want to leave, they always want to fight. No. I don’t want to fight, but you do have situations like Iran. You can’t let them have nuclear weapons. You just can’t let that happen.
President Trump made the remarks last week in an interview with Fox News’s Steve Hilton. The interview aired on Sunday night.
On Sunday evening, following reports that an Iranian-backed militia may have fired the rocket that landed near the U.S. Embassy in Iraq, Trump tweeted: “If Iran wants to fight, that will be the official end of Iran. Never threaten the United States again!”

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

DEBUNKED: Medicare for All MYTHS! | Louder With Crowder

DEBUNKED: Medicare for All MYTHS! | Louder With Crowder

Friday, May 17, 2019

Trump Administration creates tool for reporting social media censorship

Trump Administration creates tool for reporting social media censorship


TTR Episode 25: JM Talboo and Ray J Talk about Censorship and Pretty Much Every Other Taboo Topic We're Supposed to Shut Up About:

Monday, May 13, 2019

Who would win in a fight between batman and aquaman? Let’s find out...

Second match I played on the game. Was the strength of batman turned up vs aquaman being set on wuss? Maybe... but that’s how it would have been in real life! Search “Dave Chappelle Aquaman” to learn all you need to know on the subject.

Who would win in a fight between batman and aquaman? Let’s find out...

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Woman dies of rabies after bite from puppy she rescued


An animal lover died after being bitten by a puppy she rescued that was infected with rabies, according to reports.
Birgitte Kallestad passed away Monday — more than two months after taking in the dog she found roaming the streets of the Philippines, the family said in a statement reported by the Daily Mail.
“Our dear Birgitte loved animals,” her family said. “Our fear is that this will happen to others who have a warm heart like her.”
The 24-year-old Norwegian was on vacation with her pals and riding mopeds when they came across the pooch.
Kallestad scooped the stray up and placed it in her basket to take back to her resort.
The group bathed and played with the dog — unaware that it was carrying the deadly but treatable viral disease.
The family said everyone sustained minor bites and scratches and that Kallestad, who worked at a hospital in Norway, treated the tiny cuts she sustained.
But soon after returning home, she became sick and was hospitalized several times — as doctors scrambled to figure out what was wrong. She died eight days after being admitted into the hospital where she worked.

More from the NY Post

Green Acres alpaca farm in Greenville, PA

Green Acres alpaca farm in Greenville, PA

Jack Dempsey fish eggs and daddy fish guarding them

Jack Dempsey fish eggs and daddy fish guarding them

Demonstration on how to do vertical stripes when twining

Demonstration on how to do vertical stripes when twining

Walking tour of the grounds of Tara - A Country Inn located in Clark, Pennsylvania

Walking tour of the grounds of Tara - A Country Inn located in Clark, Pennsylvania

Lava lamps, electricity, glowing angels and skulls, oh my

Lava lamps, electricity, glowing angels and skulls, oh my

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

TTR Episode 25: JM Talboo and Ray J Talk about Censorship and Pretty Much Every Other Taboo Topic We're Supposed to Shut Up About

ShowNotes/More Info:

Everyone LOSES IT After Trump Retweets PJW and Southern - Retweeting Prompts the Question 'Was 9/11 an Inside Job, Pres Trump?' Here's an Answer - Tucker: Big tech has launched an attack on your rights:

TRUMP TWEETED ABOUT Paul Joseph Watson and Censorship - The Myth of Internet Giants Being Private Businesses:

Trump and Snoop Dogg Respond to Recent Tech Suppression Very Differently - Facebook Depersons Laura Loomer, Milo Yiannopoulos, Paul Joseph Watson - Major Escalation as PURGE of Conservatives Continues, Here's What You Can Do:

The CIA Commits Over 100,000 Serious Crimes Each Year:



The Communist Chinese and Tech Tyranny Collusion Threat:

Venezuelans Warn Against Socialism: I Say We Listen to Them:

How to Defeat the Censorship of the Democrat Big Tech Media Complex:

April 2019: The Sandy Hook Evidence That Alex Jones Has NEVER Backed Down From:

Alex Jones in the News Again for Sandy Hook Lawsuits - What Exactly Did He Say FOR REAL NO SPIN and Why is Free Speech Never Brought Up? - Jones Has Been Targeted for What He Gets Right Not Something He May Have Got Wrong:

Joe Rogan is right about Alex Jones being right about a lot and more than he knows...

The Truth About Slavery: Past, Present and Future:

Debunking White Privilege: The Economic Reality:

Debunking White Privilege (Political Reality):

The Democratic Party’s Two-Facedness of Race Relations - “I’ll have those n*ggers voting Democratic for the next 200 years.” ~ Lyndon B. Johnson to two governors on Air Force One:

The Truth about Franklin D. Roosevelt:

Trump is Right, NFL Players Should Quit Kneeling - More Whites Than Blacks Are Shot by Police and Adjusting for Population is a Moot Point When Considering Crime Statistics Showing Black Crime and Violence is Astronomically Out of Proportion - Police Violence against Black Men Is Rare And the media narrative to the contrary is damaging - Steve Mnuchin: Trump sees anthem protests as disrespecting the military, veterans and fallen heroes:

Black Pastor Exposes Democratic Sponsored Genocide:

Gun Control is a Snake Oil "Cure" for a Nonexistent Crisis:

Martin Luther King Jr in the JFK files - Uncle Hotep chimes in:

Hillary Clinton, Schumer, Pelosi, Obama, and Other Democrats All Agree with Trump’s Immigration Plan!:

Cory Booker Introduces Senate Bill on Slavery Reparations - Reparations Are Intrinsically Racist and Illogical in 2019:

How To Stop the Alt-Right - Stop What Created Them!

Who is Criticizing Black Lives Matter?:


Styxhexenhammer666 Explains Why the Alt-Right is Wrong about Ethno-Nationalism - Multiethnic Societies Can Flourish, but Multicultural Societies Will Collapse:

'Vee' Exposes How Alt-Right's Richard Spencer Would Engage in Violence Like ANTIFA If He Could:

Will Trump Drain His Own Administration of 'Swamp' Creatures? - Trump’s recognition of an Israeli Golan Heights (seized from Syria in 1967) draws little enthusiasm from those who live there - Rep. Ilhan Omar: Riding The Third Rail - With Guest Phil Giraldi (Liberty Report) - Palestine Hasn't Controlled That Disputed Region Since 1948, Let This One Go and Saudi Arabia Should Allow Them In:

Alex Jones Talks About Why He Supports Israel - Violent Clashes Mark Opening Of US Embassy In Israel:

JERUSALEM EMBASSY: Why Trump’s Right & Palestine Deserves NOTHING! | Louder With Crowder - Is Trump Right To Name Jerusalem The Capital Of Israel? - Anthony Brian Logan: Trump Moves US Embassy To Jerusalem From Tel Aviv, Many People Are Upset. Here's My Reaction - Israel's ambassador reacts to Trump's Jerusalem announcement:

Dear Palestinian People...

Jewish Researcher David Cole Visits Auschwitz - The Holodomor:

Food for thought from a friend of mine regarding the Holocaust...

The Dark Secret of America’s WWII German Death Camps - At the end of World War II, the U.S. opened camps of its own, where perhaps a million German prisoners died in secret...

The Jewish origins of multiculturalism in Sweden:

Here is a Jewish academic saying that pushing for policies like this are a direct result of the Holocaust and that white people should stop bringing it up.

Paul Gottfried: Why so many Jews are pushing for white genocide:

Jews will play a leading role in multicultural Europe says Jewish researcher Barbara Spectre:

Gnosticism and Buddhism in The Matrix - Annotated Edition:

Paranormal Feats of Buddhist Monks Lending Credence to the Rainbow Body Phenomenon - Periodically Updated Research Page:

TTR Episode 25: JM Talboo and Ray J Talk about Censorship and Pretty Much Every Other Taboo Topic We're Supposed to Shut Up About

Sunday, May 5, 2019

Everyone LOSES IT After Trump Retweets PJW and Southern - Retweeting Prompts the Question 'Was 9/11 an Inside Job, Pres Trump?' Here's an Answer - Tucker: Big tech has launched an attack on your rights

Everyone LOSES IT After Trump Retweets PJW and Southern - Retweeting Prompts the Question 'Was 9/11 an Inside Job, Pres Trump?' Here's an Answer - Tucker: Big tech has launched an attack on your rights


TRUMP TWEETED ABOUT Paul Joseph Watson and Censorship - The Myth of Internet Giants Being Private Businesses


Trump and Snoop Dogg Respond to Recent Tech Suppression Very Differently - Facebook Depersons Laura Loomer, Milo Yiannopoulos, Paul Joseph Watson - Major Escalation as PURGE of Conservatives Continues, Here's What You Can Do

Trump and Snoop Dogg Respond to Recent Tech Suppression Very Differently - Facebook Depersons Laura Loomer, Milo Yiannopoulos, Paul Joseph Watson - Major Escalation as PURGE of Conservatives Continues, Here's What You Can Do

Saturday, May 4, 2019

Trump and Snoop Dogg Respond to Recent Tech Suppression Very Differently - Facebook Depersons Laura Loomer, Milo Yiannopoulos, Paul Joseph Watson - Major Escalation as PURGE of Conservatives Continues, Here's What You Can Do

TRUMP TWEETED ABOUT Paul Joseph Watson and Censorship - The Myth of Internet Giants Being Private Businesses


Trump and Snoop Dogg Respond to Recent Tech Suppression Very Differently - Facebook Depersons Laura Loomer, Milo Yiannopoulos, Paul Joseph Watson - Major Escalation as PURGE of Conservatives Continues, Here's What You Can Do

Trump and Snoop Dogg Respond to Recent Tech Suppression Very Differently - Facebook Depersons Laura Loomer, Milo Yiannopoulos, Paul Joseph Watson - Major Escalation as PURGE of Conservatives Continues, Here's What You Can Do

#476 WHY BILL BARR IS A HERO... | Sen. Rand Paul Guests | Louder With Crowder

#476 WHY BILL BARR IS A HERO... | Sen. Rand Paul Guests | Louder With Crowder

Trump and Snoop Dogg Respond to Recent Tech Suppression Very Differently - Facebook Depersons Laura Loomer, Milo Yiannopoulos, Paul Joseph Watson - Major Escalation as PURGE of Conservatives Continues, Here's What You Can Do

Trump and Snoop Dogg Respond to Recent Tech Suppression Very Differently - Facebook Depersons Laura Loomer, Milo Yiannopoulos, Paul Joseph Watson - Major Escalation as PURGE of Conservatives Continues, Here's What You Can Do

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

THE VETO: Exposing CNN, Al Jazeera, Channel 4, Western Media Propaganda War in Syria

I met journalist and friend Rafiq Lutf and cameraman Abdul-Mun’aim Arnous in January 2018 and I was honoured when Rafiq asked me to work with him on his film project, The Veto. 

As Dr Shaaban said to me in August 2016, “Western propaganda is paid for in Syrian blood”. This is true. The horrifying bloodshed and loss of life in Syria could never have happened without the colonial media manufacturing consent for another illegal war against a Sovereign nation. 

The Veto tracks the evolution of the propaganda campaign waged by Western media against Syria. From Baba Amr in Homs 2011/2012 until the modern day “propaganda construct” – the NATO-member-state funded White Helmets.

It honours Russia and China’s vetoes that have consistently defended Syria’s sovereignty and territorial integrity in the UN. 

George Orwell said ““The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history.” Western media has been tasked with writing the history of the Syrian conflict to serve the aggressors in the US Coalition of terrorism. As Dr Shaaban also told me:

“The US alliance and its media are focusing on our history, material history, cultural history, identity, our army. Any power that keeps you as an entire state, or any statesman that represents strength or unity will be demonized and destroyed.” 

The Veto exposes the criminal intentions of Western media and it archives the progression of the propaganda war waged by the West against Syria. Syrians are writing the history of the Syrian conflict because Syria and her allies have courageously resisted the Imperialist machine. 

As Rafiq has said so eloquently “ we are the Veto” and we must use it against the Industrial Media Complex in the West. 

Syria’s history belongs to the Syrians and Syria’s final victory must ensure that Western media is never again given the power to destroy a nation, divide its people and promote international terrorism both military and economic.

If you have a spare hour this video shows raw satellite feeds from CNN and Al Jazeera people MAKING UP stories to portray the Syrian Army delibertely attacking civilians. In a massacre at Homs, near the end, it looks like the rebels were executing people and then dragging in the bodies pretending they were victims of a Government attack. The video also features details on the infamous "Dany from Syria" (CNN hack) who was caught making up reports and called for outside intervention/bombing. This outside intervention was derailed when the UK parliament voted against involvement which stopped the US from going it alone in Aug 2013. 

Note: In 2013, and for years and years afterwards, the media (CNN et al) portrayed what was happening as pro-Democracy people being killed when it was a Proxy War led by armed extremist groups funded and armed by "The West, Gulf Countries and Turkey" (I'm directly quoting a US Defence Intelligence Agency document). Almost everything the media has said about the nature of this war is a lie. They are complicit in mass murder. What's going on there is completely unnecessary. MSM foreign correspondents are scumbags and deserve zero respect. 

[Posted at the SpookyWeather blog, May 1st, 2019.]

For the first time, an #IndianArmy Moutaineering Expedition Team has sited Mysterious Footprints of mythical beast 'Yeti' measuring 32x15 inches

Hat tip to the Spooky Weather Blog for alerting me to this news...

Indian army's claim to have found footprints of yeti prompts ridicule

Previous scientific studies have concluded the origins of yeti stories, which have been told for centuries, are based on real animals.

The results of a DNA analysis of supposed yeti samples – including hair, fur and faeces – published in 2017, showed the samples were from Himalayan and Tibetan subspecies of brown bear and an Asian black bear.

In 2011, a “yeti finger” found in Nepal in the 1950s was revealed by a genetic expert to have been human bone...

Very cool! Stupid article though. It would be fair to mention this omitted item...

The following year his team returned to the Himilayas and recovered a hair sample that was DNA tested as being from a primate, but was excluded as being human." 
On April 21, 2008, Josh Gates traveled to Walt Disney World in Florida to meet with Joe Rohde, Executive Designer of Walt Disney Imagineering. Gates presented Rohde with a cast of the "Yeti" footprint. The cast will soon be placed on display at Expedition Everest, a Himalayan-themed, high-speed, coaster-like attraction where guests come face-to-face with a Yeti.[5]

This same geneticist also concluded North American Bigfoot is a human species as well, so that should also be worth a mention and Twitter hardly blew up with ridicule. The main person they quoted of three was asking a legitimate question, not mocking and the top rated reply answered him quite well. Mainstream media messes everything up!

© AFP/Getty Images A photo taken by the Indian army showing large mysterious footprints in the snow near the Makalu base camp in the Himalayas.