Thursday, May 31, 2018

"IM OFF THE PLANTATION BRO" Woke Black Man Questions Liberals and BLM w/ Candace Owens at Stanford - Candace Owens Powerful New Video - "I'm Off The Plantation"

"IM OFF THE PLANTATION BRO" Woke Black Man Questions Liberals and BLM w/ Candace Owens at Stanford - Candace Owens Powerful New Video - "I'm Off The Plantation"


Candace Owens Has A Past And So Do You:

CIA Terrorist Assassin Dies; Evil Institution Survives

"The CIA created & unleashed a Frankenstein”. But now Agent A15 has died. Who was he? What did he do? Who did he work with and what does it tell us about the CIA? Darrin McBreen joins David Knight to talk about Luis Posada Carilles, Orlando Bosch, Jorge Mas Canosa and Felix Rodriguez in their life long quest to overthrow Fidel Castro and their shady history of espionage in service of the CIA, Oliver North and The Bush Cartel. 

CIA Terrorist Assassin Dies; Evil Institution Survives


The CIA Commits Over 100,000 Serious Crimes Each Year:

JFK Files: Foreknowledge Warning to Media, 2nd Shooter Evidence, CIA Plan to Bomb US Cities:

More JFK Files Revelations: CIA Employed 40 Journalists, KGB In Possession of Data Indicating LBJ Killed JFK - LBJ Admin Official: 'We Can Convince the Public Oswald is the Real Assassin' - FBI Informant: J.D Tippit was the REAL Assassin:

JFK Files: Jack Ruby Prior-Knowledge of JFK Assassination - Classified CIA document, which documented the existence of an article implicating the CIA in the Murder of JFK. - JFK Files: Allen Dulles requests advance copy of a book about who murdered JFK:

JFK FILES SHOCKER: Hitler Escaped Germany, Lived 10+ Years - Hitler fled to South America? New CIA doc sheds light - Adolph Hitler faked his suicide and lived out his days in Argenina, according to the FBI:

Martin Luther King Jr in the JFK files - Uncle Hotep chimes in:

It is NOT a Mystery in a Conspiracy Scenario as to Who Killed JFK, We Know Exactly Who Did It:

Truth Teller's Radio Episode 10 - JFK Document Dump - Release of JFK Assassination Files:

Debunking 'JFK: The Smoking Gun' - A Response to Questions about the Film:

Proof of JFK Assassination Plot Without Debating a Magic Bullet:

Trump to Release the JFK Files over CIA Objections - Donald Trump Releasing JFK Files: Libs Already Crying 😂 - Trump Will Release Final JFK Assassination Docs - First Look At The Trump JFK Files:

CIA Urges Trump To Delay Release Of 3,000 Never-Before-Seen Documents On JFK Assassination:

Bill Hicks on JFK: Two Critical lessons for the Citizens of the USA:

STFU Up Tom Arnold! Roseanne Isn't Racist, Your Buddy Arnold Schwarzenegger Is. Pizzagate Hasn't Been Debunked and There's An Intellectual Case for Conspiracism

Response to recent Tom Arnold CNN interview...

Tom Arnold talks longtime friendship with Arnold Schwarzenegger:

Arnold with Kurt Waldheim
Two black bodybuilders have come forward claiming that California Schwarzenegger has a history of making racist comments. Schwarzenegger has allegedly said ."If you gave these blacks a country to run, they would run it down the tubes."
Arnold openly supported Kurt Waldheim, Former UN chief and a former Austrian politician who participated in Nazi atrocities during World War II. Schwarzenegger's name remained on Waldheim's campaign posters, even after allegations of Waldheim's war crimes were brought to light. Waldheim was even invited to Arnold's wedding.
His father was a member of the Austrian Nazi Party who volunteered for the infamous SA and became a ranking officer. In the early '90s, Spy Magazine printed his father's Nazi Party membership in their magazine.
After several public claims of racism were made against him that could effect his career and long-term political chances, Schwarzenegger donated substantial sums to the Simon Weisenthal Center in Los Angeles and commissioned an "audit" of his father's nazi past, essentially buying off potential criticism. He never distanced himself from Kurt Waldheim, however -- quite the opposite. He made a statement to friends , saying "My friends don't want me to mention Kurt's name, because of all the recent Nazi stuff and the U.N. controversy, but I love him and Maria does too, and so thank you, Kurt."
March 1992 Spy Magazine article mentions a story confirmed by "a businessman and longtime friend of Schwarzenegger's" -- that in the '70s Arnold "enjoyed playing and giving away records of Hitler's speeches."
Schwarzenegger reportedly said on-camera during the filming of "Pumping Iron" that he "admired" Hitler. The footage was not used in the final version of the movie.
He has also talked of dreaming of being a dictator - " I didn't think about money. I thought about the fame, about just being the greatest. I was dreaming about being some dictator of a country or some savior like Jesus . . ." 

Diamond and Silk: Roseanne Barr is not racist - Roseanne Removed from ABC and Hulu Following Controversial Tweet (Eichenwald Friendly Version)

Roseanne compared some random woman no one has heard of to a character from Planet of the Apes, and now her show is gone. People claimed this was racist, I think she was just calling this woman ugly.

"Roseanne" Cancelled by ABC After Roseanne Barr Calls George Soros Out (Styx)

Most of her critics have no clue who Valerie Jarrett is, and Soros is indeed a nazi collaborating sellout billionaire

Although the Roseanne comment was inappropriate it is true that Valerie Jarrett's face has some resemblance to the 1960s Planet of the Apes costumes, in which the chimpanzee faces were elongated (Dr Zira, Dr Cornelius) with relatively pale skin tones. Her comment seemed to have little to do with equating black people to apes (gorillas) as is most often the case when it comes to these kinds of insults. Also note that George W Bush's face (a white guy) has frequently been compared to that of a chimpanzee. Her comment seems to be about morphology rather than overt racism. This does not mean I condone the comment, only that one can see where it came from, and that the intention was likely not racially motivated.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather blog, May 31st, 2018.]

The Truth About Roseanne Being Canceled - The #Roseanne Media Martyrdom Explained: The SJW, Virtue Signaler, DS Shill & Suicidal ABC Network - Ann Coulter Responds to ABC's 'Roseanne' Cancellation

Robby B
Wanda Sykes called our President an orange orangutan and that's fine with these Hollywood execs but everyone is so shocked and then Roseanne gets fired immediately, it was swift and it was harsh. I don't condone either of their actions but if you condemn Roseanne then you must condemn them all for the exact same reason. Wanda Sykes, Bill Maher, (who said the N word on TV & called Trump an ape) and every one of the liberal loud mouths on The View all still have their jobs. If you fire one of them for this type of comment, then you have to fire them all.

The Truth About Roseanne Being Canceled - The #Roseanne Media Martyrdom Explained: The SJW, Virtue Signaler, DS Shill & Suicidal ABC Network - Ann Coulter Responds to ABC's 'Roseanne' Cancellation

Roseanne CANCELLED: Racism or Hit Job... | Louder With Crowder

In the wake of the ongoing Roseanne “racist” tweet debacle, Steven Crowder breaks down everything wrong with cultural censorship and the media’s attack on ideas.

WANDA SYKES CALLS TRUMP AN ‘APE’, GETS HIRED ON ROSEANNE’S SHOW - This ABC/ESPN Anchor Has Written Many Tweets Worse Than Roseanne - Jimmy Kimmel Refuses To Apologize For Blackface Routine

Pizzagate Hasn't Been Debunked

Pizzagate is covered in depth somewhere around the halfway point... JM Talboo & Natasha Republican Lifecoach - Fake News, Wiretapping Scandal, Pedogate:


My 70 Pizzagate reports:

BREAKING: Trey Gowdy, Child Trafficking Subcommittee Hearing:

Former Ohio Mayor Raped 4-Year-Old Girl – Blames Little Girl for His Crime:

Pizzagate, The Context - The David Icke Videocast Trailer:

Sunday View: "Why Won't Media Acknowledge That David Icke Outed Ted Heath Years Ago?":

David Icke identified Savile as a procurer of children for the Royal family years ago:

Jimmy Savile and Prince Charles' very close friendship with sex abuse bishop Peter Ball:

Are Politicians Being Blackmailed?:

Bill Clinton Flew With Sex Offender Jeffrey Epstein Multiple Times - An Insight into Blackmailing People in Positions of Power:

LLCOOLJ Tweet's PEDOGATE to 5mill Followers #PIZZAGATE:

WikiLeaks: Podesta Camp Openly Support Imprisoned Pedophile:

CBS News Ben Swann does a "Reality Check" on Pizzagate:


Is the Trump administration closing in on Pizzagate and John Podesta?:

According to this article Andrew Breitbart's Tweet is not related to any activities directly involving Podesta and hence the author makes it out to be no big deal, but it still does not paint Podesta in a good light concerning issues of human trafficking...

There's An Intellectual Case for Conspiracism

Debunking Myths on Conspiracy Theories: 

Responses to 'The truth is rushing out there: why conspiracy theories spread faster than ever':

How the CIA Invented and Weaponized the Term "Conspiracy Theory":

Quotes on Conspiracy Theories:

They REALLY oughta know better - Critiques of claims made by several prominent and semi-prominent 9/11 debunkers:

Peer-Reviewed 9/11 Truth:

Even The Mainstream is Calling Out Kathleen Kennedy Now - The Failure of Solo is the Fault of White Men - STAR WARS FANS WON’T SUPPORT GARBAGE MOVIES NO MATTER HOW INFREQUENTLY DISNEY MAKES THEM.

Even The Mainstream is Calling Out Kathleen Kennedy Now - The Failure of Solo is the Fault of White Men - STAR WARS FANS WON’T SUPPORT GARBAGE MOVIES NO MATTER HOW INFREQUENTLY DISNEY MAKES THEM.

No Fun Allowed - NOFX Did Nothing Wrong: Don't Buy Their Music If You Dislike Their Bad Joke

Stop the moralism:

No Fun Allowed - NOFX Did Nothing Wrong: Don't Buy Their Music If You Dislike Their Bad Joke

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

The Truth About Roseanne Being Canceled - The #Roseanne Media Martyrdom Explained: The SJW, Virtue Signaler, DS Shill & Suicidal ABC Network - Ann Coulter Responds to ABC's 'Roseanne' Cancellation

Robby B
Wanda Sykes called our President an orange orangutan and that's fine with these Hollywood execs but everyone is so shocked and then Roseanne gets fired immediately, it was swift and it was harsh. I don't condone either of their actions but if you condemn Roseanne then you must condemn them all for the exact same reason. Wanda Sykes, Bill Maher, (who said the N word on TV & called Trump an ape) and every one of the liberal loud mouths on The View all still have their jobs. If you fire one of them for this type of comment, then you have to fire them all.


"Although the Roseanne comment was inappropriate it is true that Valerie Jarrett's face has some resemblance to the 1960s Planet of the Apes costumes, in which the chimpanzee faces were elongated (Dr Zira, Dr Cornelius) with relatively pale skin tones. Her comment seemed to have little to do with equating black people to apes (gorillas) as is most often the case when it comes to these kinds of insults. Also note that George W Bush's face (a white guy) has frequently been compared to that of a chimpanzee. Her comment seems to be about morphology rather than overt racism. This does not mean I condone the comment, only that one can see where it came from, and that the intention was likely not racially motivated." [Posted at the SpookyWeather blog, May 31st, 2018.]

The Truth About Roseanne Being Canceled - The #Roseanne Media Martyrdom Explained: The SJW, Virtue Signaler, DS Shill & Suicidal ABC Network - Ann Coulter Responds to ABC's 'Roseanne' Cancellation

"Roseanne" Cancelled by ABC After Roseanne Barr Calls George Soros Out (Styx)

Most of her critics have no clue who Valerie Jarrett is, and Soros is indeed a nazi collaborating sellout billionaire

Although the Roseanne comment was inappropriate it is true that Valerie Jarrett's face has some resemblance to the 1960s Planet of the Apes costumes, in which the chimpanzee faces were elongated (Dr Zira, Dr Cornelius) with relatively pale skin tones. Her comment seemed to have little to do with equating black people to apes (gorillas) as is most often the case when it comes to these kinds of insults. Also note that George W Bush's face (a white guy) has frequently been compared to that of a chimpanzee. Her comment seems to be about morphology rather than overt racism. This does not mean I condone the comment, only that one can see where it came from, and that the intention was likely not racially motivated. 

[Posted at the SpookyWeather blog, May 31st, 2018.]

SOLO'S BOX OFFICE DISASTER: What the media won't acknowledge....

Story thanks to Trump is Right.

The clip here nails the real reasons the film flopped.

Essentially there was a huge boycott against the overt SJW politics injected into the franchise combined with poor storytelling. Many "mainstream" fans have become disinterested in going to see another substandard film. What they want is to go and see an ENJOYABLE film that does not punish them by insulting their intelligence and sensibilities.

While some people might appreciate the SJW messaging (while overlooking the abysmal storytelling) the vast majority of people were simply not going to buy into it.

Also, people who always saw the Star Wars films as comedy, and never took the franchise seriously, would not be too discerning when it came to the new films. The issue is that these people, which may include the "intellectually minded", are another small minority of the audience, and their views are not important when it comes to the general public's perspectives.

The bottom line is that Disney has lost many hundreds of millions of dollars by allowing inept and highly politicised individuals make the recent Star Wars films.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather blog, May 31st, 2018.]



Tuesday, May 29, 2018

SOLO'S BOX OFFICE DISASTER: What the media won't acknowledge.... - Star Wars Fatigue? (RANT + RESPONSE to Solo: a Star Wars Story #1 Excuse) - The Real Reason Solo : A Star Wars Story Failed is Very Simple - Attention Disney - Star Wars Fans Aren't Happy & You Only Have Yourselves To Blame - The Fans Hurt Solo. Begun This Boycott Has

John Catraki
The BOYCOTT is still on .. We won't see anything STAR WARS till changes are made ... Kathleen needs to go ....Johnson has to be FIRED ..and his trilogy thrown in the trash can ... Kazdan and son need to formally apologize to the Fans for all the pansexual well as Disney.... GIve Dave Filoni Kennedy's job ....cause he will DO IT right!!!! John thanks you nailed it !!!! I hope they're listening cause the same is going to happen with Episode 9 Chapter 11 The last Straw...There is no Fatigue WE ARE FEELING DISGUSTED with SOMETHING that we held so dear. SO ...SOLO ..we hit rock bottom in the Box-office ....and that is our first warning WE DEMAND CHANGE ......NOW!!!! Ps. BRING BACK LUKE !!!

SOLO'S BOX OFFICE DISASTER: What the media won't acknowledge.... - Star Wars Fatigue? (RANT + RESPONSE to Solo: a Star Wars Story #1 Excuse) - The Real Reason Solo : A Star Wars Story Failed is Very Simple - Attention Disney - Star Wars Fans Aren't Happy & You Only Have Yourselves To Blame - The Fans Hurt Solo. Begun This Boycott Has

Let's Report Sargon of Akkad to UK Police for Not Helping Tommy Robinson - New Statement From Tommy Robinson In Prison - Infowars Reporter Relays Message From Tommy Robinson In Prison LIVE - VIDEO: Geert Wilders Responds To Tommy Robinson's Arrest, "The Lights Of Freedom Are Going Out" - Infowars Goes To London To Report On Tommy Robinson

Let's Report Sargon of Akkad to UK Police for Not Helping Tommy Robinson - New Statement From Tommy Robinson In Prison - Infowars Reporter Relays Message From Tommy Robinson In Prison LIVE - VIDEO: Geert Wilders Responds To Tommy Robinson's Arrest, "The Lights Of Freedom Are Going Out" - Infowars Goes To London To Report On Tommy Robinson


Buzzfeed Attacks Free Speech Supporters and Tommy Robinson Advocates as "Right Wing" - Free Tommy Robinson Petition - Rebel Media FIGHTS UK gag order on Tommy Robinson news:

E Celeb Tommy Robinson Sentenced to 13 Months in Jail, Muh Free Speech:

Small Brain Cucks think Tommy Robinson Dindu Nuffin and USA =/= UK Law:

Kathleen Kennedy's Worst Nightmare Comes True - The Fans Strike Back! - Disney SJW Media In Denial Over Solo's Box Office Flop - SOYLO: AN EXCUSES STORY LIVECHAT! - SJW Star Wars - Solo Box Office Disaster! What Will The Fallout Be?

Kathleen Kennedy's Worst Nightmare Comes True - The Fans Strike Back! - Disney SJW Media In Denial Over Solo's Box Office Flop - SOYLO: AN EXCUSES STORY LIVECHAT! - SJW Star Wars - Solo Box Office Disaster! What Will The Fallout Be?

Hilarious Footage: Starbucks Sensitivity Training - Starbucks Projected to Lose $12 Million from Racial Bias Training Closures - Starbucks to educate its employees about racism - Starbucks to educate its employees about racism - Gutfeld on Starbucks' 'woke-uccino'

Hilarious Footage: Starbucks Sensitivity Training - Starbucks Projected to Lose $12 Million from Racial Bias Training Closures - Starbucks to educate its employees about racism - Starbucks to educate its employees about racism - Gutfeld on Starbucks' 'woke-uccino'


Two Black Men Arrested for Acting Entitled At Starbucks - Starbucks is an enabler! - Starbucks while Black or to cheap to buy a Grande coffee while waiting? - The Great Starbucks Faux Pas - Idiocracy at Starbucks - Starbucks Giving Black People Free Coffee for "Reparations"? - Ben Shapiro REACTS To Starbucks 'Racism' Allegations Scandal:

Trump supporter talks organizing Starbucks sit-in - Starbucks Calls Cops On "Trump Cup" Customer - ‘Joe the Plumber’ on Starbucks’ plan to hire refugees - Donald Trump Calls for Boycott of Starbucks Over Christmas Cups - 5 Darkest Starbucks Secrets - Is Starbucks Anti-Christian, Satanic, Illuminati?:

Buzzfeed Attacks Free Speech Supporters and Tommy Robinson Advocates as "Right Wing" - Free Tommy Robinson Petition - Rebel Media FIGHTS UK gag order on Tommy Robinson news

Robinson petition: Defamation loving goofballs that have also called me a "holocaust denier":

Buzzfeed Attacks Free Speech Supporters and Tommy Robinson Advocates as "Right Wing" - Free Tommy Robinson Petition - Rebel Media FIGHTS UK gag order on Tommy Robinson news


E Celeb Tommy Robinson Sentenced to 13 Months in Jail, Muh Free Speech:

Small Brain Cucks think Tommy Robinson Dindu Nuffin and USA =/= UK Law:

Monday, May 28, 2018


While we suspect that the "Qanon" phenomena is likely 4chan trolls engaging in a Live Action Role Play (LARP) version of the Delphic Oracle it is also clear that many are aware of its manipulative potential and will usurp it if they have not already.



QAnon Compromised: Intel Source Hijacked By The Deep State's Disinformation Campaign - QAnon Attacks Infowars / President Trump’s Developing Plan To Fire Mueller, Rosenstein, and Sessions:

David Seaman & Titus Frost Discuss the #QAnon Psyop - David Seaman Exposes #QAnon on Infowars:

David Seaman: The Unmasking of #QAnon - David Seaman: The #QAnon Cult - David Seaman: #QAnon is Wrong About Jeff Sessions:

David Seaman Attacks #QAnon for Going after Alex Jones - Warning! Q Anon Crew Malicious Malware Application & Ponzy Scheme Exposed:

FBI Statistics Say Reverse Racism is Real | And It's Just Called Racism

FBI Statistics Say Reverse Racism is Real | And It's Just Called Racism

Sunday, May 27, 2018

Minister Louis Farrakhan: 'Mr. Trump Is Destroying Every Enemy That Was an Enemy of Our Rise' - Louis Farrakhan Endorses Trump? | Mike Cernovich Periscope

President Donald Trump is getting new people interested in the Republican Party, like . . . are you ready? Louis Farrakhan. Part of the argument for Trump is that his unorthodox politics will bring into the Republican fold new people, e.g. white working class. Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan provided proof of this idea by speaking enthusiastically about Trump this week. Are you sitting down? Mr. Trump is destroying every enemy that was an enemy of our rise. Who is the enemy of our rise? Is it the Department of Justice where we get none? Is it Congress where you make a law that favors us and then you turn around and destroy it?

Minister Louis Farrakhan: 'Mr. Trump Is Destroying Every Enemy That Was an Enemy of Our Rise' - Louis Farrakhan Endorses Trump? | Mike Cernovich Periscope



‘Die-in’ staged because Publix donated to Florida GOP’s gubernatorial candidate

This one has Democrat deception written all over it — but the backlash is already brutal.
The largest and most popular supermarket chain in Florida is suspending its political contributions just as the Sunshine State’s governor’s race starts to heat up, thanks to some highly publicized anti-gun demonstrations by the poster boy for gun grabbers everywhere.
And the target just happens to be one of the GOP’s top contenders for the state’s top job.

Anyone who supports an NRA sellout is an NRA sellout. That is why I am calling on everyone to stop shopping at Publix until they pull their endorsement of Putnam publicly. Publix is supporting the inaction after pulse, strozier, Douglas, liberty city. Don’t support an NRA sellout

According to the Orlando Sentinel, Publix announced the suspension Friday, shortly before “die-in” protests took place at two of its Florida locations organized by David Hogg, the teenager who is riding February’s mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, to a mountain of undeserved personal publicity.

5 Points To Counter The NRA DEBUNKED - Penn & Teller Helps Gun Control Supporters Understand The 2nd Amendment:

Debunking Gun Control Advocate Statistical Analysis - DAVID HOGG: The Unfiltered, Unpopular Truth! | Louder With Crowder:

"Our Ancestors Tamed a continent" Donald Trump - The Truth About The Native American Genocide - The Myth of the Noble Savage

"Our Ancestors Tamed a continent" Donald Trump - The Truth About The Native American Genocide - The Myth of the Noble Savage

Star Wars Solo: Is L3-37 A Parody of Kathleen Kennedy? - Was STAR WARS’ L3-37 a PARODY of SJWs by LORD & MILLER?? A FAN THEORY REACTION!!

Star Wars Solo: Is L3-37 A Parody of Kathleen Kennedy? - Was STAR WARS’ L3-37 a PARODY of SJWs by LORD & MILLER?? A FAN THEORY REACTION!!

Richard Dolan Show May 14, 2018. Interview with Catherine Austin Fitts

This episode of the Richard Dolan Show aired on KGRA radio May 14, 2018. It is a two-hour interview with black budget expert Catherine Austin Fitts, former Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development from 1989-1993. Included in the discussion is the recent analysis by Catherine and Dr. Mark Skidmore that $21 trillion has been spent by the U.S. government without authorization -- and is essentially missing. As Catherine points out, this is enough effectively to cancel the entire debt of the United States, and it is almost certainly a low estimate. Much more is discussed in this fascinating interview, including the likelihood that at least a portion of that money is connected to a clandestine infrastructure related to the subject of UFOs

Fitts is an expert on Black Budget spending. 

[Posted at the SpookyWeather blog, May 26th, 2018.]


Underground bases, UFOs, and Mirrorworld #TheTinFoilisReal:
UFO Disclosure is Happening RIGHT NOW Under Trump:

Tom DeLonge's To the Stars Academy Posts Declassified UFO Videos - The Gov Just Released This UFO Video.. - Revealed: the Pentagon’s secret UFO-hunting program - Wake Up David Wilcock & Richard Dolan: Tom DeLonge WILL Bring Disclosure:

Globalist Beta Test UK's Own #PedoGate: Epicenter of Immigration Horrors & Press Freedoms Quashed - Free Tommy Robinson! Defend The Children!

And here's to you, Mr. Robinson. He's the canary in the coal mine of UK governmental perfidy. Government apparatchiks there are absolutely terrified of the actual and threatened violence of a significant number of their Muslim citizens. These citizens, for their part, are quite content to play the game by their own rules. I think Tom Wolfe summarized it best in his essay "Mau-mauing the flack catchers". But because Tommy Robinson has no organized violence behind him he can have the book thrown at him. Right now the government has the upper hand and I have strong doubts about any change occurring. Enoch Powell may not have been a prophet as much as a stater of the fact that the game was lost back in the sixties. The only question was what will the score be.

This is symbology and semiotics on a grand scale.

Globalist Beta Test UK's Own #PedoGate: Epicenter of Immigration Horrors & Press Freedoms Quashed - Free Tommy Robinson! Defend The Children!


Small Brain Cucks think Tommy Robinson Dindu Nuffin and USA =/= UK Law:

Sirhan Sirhan Didn't Kill RFK, Says RFK's Son - 50 Years After #RFK Was Assassinated RFK Jr. Finally Starts to Ask if Sirhan Sirhan Acted Alone

It never did really make sense:

Sirhan Sirhan Didn't Kill RFK, Says RFK's Son - 50 Years After #RFK Was Assassinated RFK Jr. Finally Starts to Ask if Sirhan Sirhan Acted Alone


Trump Keeps His Promise To Release JFK Assassination Documents: