Pawn Star Rick Harrison CPAC 2018.
Saturday, March 31, 2018
Fox News: UFO spotted by two pilots above Arizona
Fox News: UFO spotted by two pilots above Arizona
UFO Disclosure is Happening RIGHT NOW Under Trump:
Tom DeLonge's To the Stars Academy Posts Declassified UFO Videos - The Gov Just Released This UFO Video.. - Revealed: the Pentagon’s secret UFO-hunting program - Wake Up David Wilcock & Richard Dolan: Tom DeLonge WILL Bring Disclosure:
Roseanne Is a Patriot and Truth Warrior Who Speaks for You and Me and Deserves Your Support
There is an encore presentation of the first two episodes this Sunday night. New episodes air on Tuesday night.
Roseanne Is a Patriot and Truth Warrior Who Speaks for You and Me and Deserves Your Support=
Roseanne Reboot Triggers CNN - 'Roseanne' Reboot Is #DeepState's Worst Nightmare: Boffo Ratings Juggernaut, Trump Congratulates - Laura Ingraham: Hollywood discovers America:
Roseanne Is a Patriot and Truth Warrior Who Speaks for You and Me and Deserves Your Support=
Roseanne Reboot Triggers CNN - 'Roseanne' Reboot Is #DeepState's Worst Nightmare: Boffo Ratings Juggernaut, Trump Congratulates - Laura Ingraham: Hollywood discovers America:
Friday, March 30, 2018
Why Isn't Communism as Hated as Nazism? - The Truth about OkCupid & David Hogg's Clenched Fist Salute
Why Isn't Communism as Hated as Nazism?

The dating site OkCupid gives centrists a white clenched fist, liberals a black clenched fist, and conservatives get nothing. This kind of mainstream acceptance of a symbol that is associated with more death than the Nazi salute is not OK.
And of course, the Nazi's, communists, David, Hogg, and OkCupid all have their love for taking guns away in common.
Dating Site OKCupid Ad: “Flush” Gun Owners, Conservatives BY FOGHORN |JAN 31, 2018
OKCupid is a “free” dating site. The company’s running a new ad campaign going up on billboards across the country. The ads are a play on “DTF.” Instead of the “F” standing for “fornicate” OKCupid adds a different “F” at the end. In Austin, Texas, for example, the “F” stands for . . ..
“Fall head over heels.” Note to millenials: that’s OFWG-speak for falling in love.
This one, “DTFilter out the far right,” seems to be way more political than the others. The message: browsers can eliminate guns and disregard conservatives, now being branded as the “far right.”
I guess this means that OKCupid doesn’t want gun owners or conservatives on their site. [ED: judging from the responses to my OKC profile, copy that.]

Styx: Parkland Cult Calls for Talking Head Neocon Laura Ingraham Boycott: My Thoughts - The Second Amendment Itself is Common Sense Gun Reform - NYT John Paul Stevens Calls to Repeal the Second Amendment: Good Luck! - The USA Doesn't Have a Gun Problem it has an Inner City Gang and Suicide Problem:
Thursday, March 29, 2018
Monday, March 26, 2018
Editor's Note: Thanks for giving us activists ammunition for our efforts, asshole! Here's some inspirational music for those fighting to preserve our inalienable right to self preservation! Use the first amendment to defend the second!
A whole new meaning to ‘March For Our Lives’
Steve Watson | - MARCH 26, 2018

A candidate running for the office of Sheriff in North Carolina was caught on video advocating all manner of anti- Second Amendment policies, including a suggestion that it is ok to murder Americans to take their firearms.
Daryl Fisher, seen in the following footage, listed every gun control measure he could think of and admitted he was in favor of them.
Fisher then noted that many pro-gun Americans often repeat the phrase “I’ll give you my gun when you pry (or take) it from my cold, dead hands.”
“OK” Fisher said, implying that he is fine with law enforcement literally killing Americans to take their guns away.
The comment prompted laughter from Fisher’s supporters.
Suggests killing people to take their guns... Daryl Fisher candidate for sheriff in Buncombe County...
How ironic that the anti-gun protest was named the March For Our Lives, when people like this are advocating ending lives in order to push their political agenda.
Pro-gun Americans responded accordingly:
Liberals want to murder you to take your guns. …
This is why I've been calling for an amicable divorce of the nation. We have nothing in common anymore. Let's just go our separate ways before it gets ugly. …
Im a father of 2. Married 12 years. Worked the same job 19 years now, paid taxes my entire adult life. No criminal record. This man would be ok with killing me because i wont give up my 2a rights. Guys like this is why i own them to begin with
Guys like him are why our Founding Fathers wrote the 2nd Amendment!#2A #LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder
Suggests killing people to take their guns... Daryl Fisher candidate for sheriff in Buncombe County...
This dude has always been anti-second amendment. He is an embarrassment to all law enforcement. He is advocating for the death of citizens legally owning guns. He must be removed from office.
Suggests killing people to take their guns... Daryl Fisher candidate for sheriff in Buncombe County...
I don't know who you think is going to take civilian guns by force, but i cant think of a single cop or serviceman who would try. 2a STILL means the second they enter my home, i shoot to kill. No warning, no wounding. Double tap. My family means i feel no remorse, just recoil.
Same here. I hope that day never Ever comes. But I will Stand My Ground In or on My property or in presence of my family and friends. Tap, Tap.
'Interesting' how glib the self-righteous wannabe gun grabbers are about taking lives. The hypocrisy is well beyond nosebleed levels and continues to rise.
False accusations and half-truths are not respectful tactics. Watch the full set of videos on Facebook and then make an informed decision.
It’s right there in the video. You stated you are willing to kill lawful gun owners in order to confiscate their weapons. #fascist
If you Want to March For Your Lives, March to End Proxy Wars and Rescind Existing Gun Control - Interviewing Gun Control Protesters At March For Our Lives Protest - Cult Minions March Against Guns In Austin Texas - Liberals Want To Ban Guns That Dont Exist - March For Our Lives Organizers Order Protesters Not To Talk To Infowars - Infowars Reporter Harassed And Bullied At March For Our Lives:
Does the 2nd Amendment Apply to Every Citizen? Or is the National Guard the Militia?:
The Firearms Statistics That Gun Control Advocates Don’t Want to See:
Chicago murder rate far worse since strict gun control:
Report: Murder Rates Remain Same in Tough Gun Law States:
The 'Most Dangerous' City In America Also Has Some of the Nation's Strictest Gun Laws: